Show of th thet typewriter y rewriter pe writer the coming man will not write nearly so much as the man of this age said prof charles whiteford of philadelphia at the normandie Nor mandie mandic and a n d yet y e t it i t m must u s t n not 0 t be inferred c ed that L t t the h 0 a art r t 0 of f irr p penmanship e n m a n s is going 0 g to drop into early desuetude tho the cheaper typewriters become the less a chirography there will be professional men of any standing rarely do any iri writing ting now save perhaps to their own signatures in newspaper offices three fourths of the reportorial staff compose their stories on machine 1 and aal not a few of the more dignified editors have learned to play the keys handwriting will linger a great deal longer in the country and smaller towns trian than in the cities for the same reason that the candle and kerosene lamp linger longest in the former localities |