Show all the vowel in one word there are hot but six words in the english language which con contain tain all the vowels in regular order viz abstemious me arsenious nu au enious facetious and trag edious there is but buo ouo word which contains thorn in regular reverse order and that word is duci literal besides the above there hero are 1 19 EUK bug lish words which contain all the vowels jn irregular order twelve of these begin with the letter a 7 with b 23 13 with c 16 with d 11 14 1 1 with 0 c 4 with witha f 7 with g I 1 with b 0 6 with i 1 3 2 with j 2 with a 2 with n 2 with 0 13 with p 1 with q 6 5 with r 9 with B s 2 with t 16 15 with n u and 6 with v st louis republic |