Show BETTER THAN REFINED GOLD Is bodily comfort this unspeakable boon Is ie denied dented to many unfortunates lor for whose all I 1 ments Ho stomach bitters bitter Is it promptly helpful remedy the dyspeptic the rheumatic I 1 the nervous troubled with bill kusue s or chills and leter fever should lose lone no time in aTai lins themselves yes ol of this comprehensive and genial medicine it promotes appetite aud and nightly slumber eier mr baiger when to lea a woman in the prime efel well mrs badger when blies M 5 11 jm daman ach ob anywhere irom XI to bo 1 AGENTS bast cement on earth new discovery everybody wants it mends china glass takes place of mucilage in home and office sample loc address interstate mag mfg co box the callea or gram from US roum of prof W if who makes a specialty specia lt of f epilepsy epil esy hat has wit without out F t dou doubt 1 treated dand and cured S moro more cases than tiny living ph physician Y 6 I 1 hia success g is astonishing on hing we have heard beard of 0 cases cae 0 of ao 20 years standing S cured by E him ha publishes publish ega a va v a lu I 1 ua a b le I 1 0 cur we work rk on this which disease he sends with a large bottle of his big absolute cure care tree free t to any ny sufferers sufferer who may send their P 0 6 and H express ap ress add address ress we advise any one a c cure u re in ad ress E H F D A cedar st new hew corb FOR P PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or jus ut at dont ont feel won well 1 I GI S 1 I 1 OVED ER PUS PILLS ak abath a ovo C or only aly ono one for a dose bold 01 d t by drug gUto at boz box samples 1 l free audres addron tho iho tOr 0 dr r sti Bosanko amedco med co Ilif iliffe fi vp L ay alb ALL ELSE f AIN I 1 post clough b arup astei 4 use in t inia sold by drui L phil A del arm va your friet friends ds death unexpected arioni pete NO indeed lie he had bad licen a for foe years boom t of ill health despondency and despair gives way to the stin sunshine sidne of hope happ liap pins incas and health upon taking hoods Sarsa because it gives renewed life and vitality to the blood and through that imparts berve astren R ath vigor and energy ega S to the aholo body read to g ra t this letter sa V a a p a r I 1 laa helped me ino wonderfully changed sickness to health gloom to sunshine no pen can describe what I 1 suffered I 1 was waa deathly sick had bad sick headaches every few days and those terrible ter tired despondent feelings ee lings with heart troubles so ea that I 1 could not go up and su I 1 R U down stairs without clasping my hand over tny my heart and resting in fact act it would almost take my breath away I 1 suffered so I 1 did not care to li live yet I 1 had to live I 1 for or there is no pleasure in life it if deprived of health tor for life becomes a burden hoods S sa parilla does tar far more than advertised after taking one bottle it la Is sufficient to recommend itself MRS J E SMITH beloit Beloi fc iowa hv H v 0 o 0 o d S sit S it K Is the one true purifier all druggists 1 prapai el ed only by C 1 I alood co lox low ell miss mass 1 all lr byer ills hillous 1 pilla ii h S URE SURE CURE FOR PILES kilna hiilis hii lii or dr BO SAN KZ KOS S PILE REMEDY stop W b CU 9 abow A cir w t irl aw drogow or w niall 11 VIL alla 1 BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY As mercury wilt will rarely purely destroy the sense ol of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces such articles should never be used except 0 on prescriptions prescription 9 from reu reputable table physicians as the damage they will do ia 8 ten lold fold to the good you can possibly Dos sibly derive from rom thern them halls catarrh arh cure manufactured by F J cheney A co toledo abenel 0 contains no mercury and is taken internally ter nally noting acting directly upon the blood and mu mucous cocq surfaces sur lacea ol of the bysom in buying halls catarrh cure he be sure you get the gerin fue it la 18 taken internally and made maae in toledo ohio by F J cheney co testimonials free fre fr e sold by druggists price bottle balti hal h family pills are the oest best FITS fita AU all yit fits stopped fret free by dr kalne IInes great nerve restorer Ko no fits aner nr the arst lays ly use oae marvelous onrea cares treatise and nd ZOU trial bottle free to fit cues send bead to dr kune kline 31 arch idt bt PhIl philadelphus adelphis pa p klaos cure for consumption is the on only cough medi ine used in my house D ff 0 albright Miff linburg pa dec 11 aj 19 tny TBT gramza tor for breakfast WHO CARRIES THE LARGEST line ol of cutlery sporting moods barber supplies and bazaar goo is I 1 why dont V YOU klow 7 7 THE HE WILL FINCK Y 7 they will supply you 14 with ith anything you want at lo 10 lowest west market prices send bend lor for general catalogue or catalogue Cata loRTie of goods gooda or barber Sup supplies plis UON market larket treet street yin kranci francieco Eco cal im A AJ ai ai J J A ab WH ollah alb cocoa the test of 15 years droves the of walter baker 9 0 cos cocoa and WALTER CO limited dorchester abass 6 aj ma A arv ff ay IT the very remarkable and certain L D J aa IWI AA W 11 relief given woman by MOORES REVEALED REMEDY has given it it tha the name of rt ava womans comans VV a friend E TA it is uniformly 1 success ful in relieving the backaches hZ daches JF 0 I 1 and weakness wea knese which burden and shorten a domans womans life thousands of women testify for it it will give health and strength and make life a pleasure for sale bale by all druggists OT FRANK DRUG CO rORT LAND agents SAW MACHINERY AT FIRST FLOUR Y COST MINING BY corresponding WITH wl MARINE THE TE willamette IRON WORKS H WAREHOUSE WARE HOUSE PORTLAND OREGON S second cond and stark abts AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO PORTLAND OR everything for the printer 0 0 save my childe child 1 OFFICE or is the cry of blackwells DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY many an N C to ALL dear you sir are entitled to receive 4 agonized mother FREE from your wholesale dealer deMer w whose if 0 ke WHITE STAR SOAP with nil all little one th the blackwells Black welTs genuine writhes cough in croup in iii such or whooping cases t 3 durham smoking dr ackers english remedy tobacco you buy one bar proves a blessing and REM 1 of soap free with each pound a godsend mrs ina M A W h I a 2 whether oz packages 16 0 oz 8 oz 4 oz or burke of E B st 0 dr we have notified every wholesale new york writes dealer in the united states ackers english remedy that at we will them with soap n 10 to give you FREE order Ordera a rood good cured my iny baby of bronchitis TOBACCOS n mi supply of OEN GENUINE NE DURHAM at and also gave instant relief ft 11 once and insist on setting getting your in of ahda soap one barof bar 0 soap FREE with a severe case croup each pound you buy soap IS I 1 I 1 gratefully recommend it offered for a limited time so 0 o order three sizes csc 1 11 AU Drut gUts today to day yours youra very truly ackva co laa 16 A is 18 st SY NY blackwells DURHAM 50 0 THING T G MRS WINSLOWS sa 5 TOBACCO COMPANY FOR HIIE Rj CHILDREN IN 0 f b b if 19 have you any difficulty in aap soap cut out this notice nolle and nd it with your order to your dealer N r 14 U no tsa 8 F K N 0 no 7 06 |