Show MAKES PEOPLE WELL most remarkable remedy in the world far r far superior to ordinary Ord inari Sar sapi rillas heroines Ner Her vines or bitters the true medicine for lost nervous strength without in an equal in purifying and enriching the blood great cures effected by paines celery compound what scientific research has accomplished proved by success where all else has failed there is one true specific tor for diseases arising from a debilitated nervous system system and that is the paines celery co compound m so generally prescribed by physicians it is the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research of 0 this country has produced professor edward E phelps M P D LL D of dartmouth college first prescribed what is now known the world over as paines celery compound t for aund a positive cure lor dyspepsia biliousness liver complaint n neuralgia eu ralgia r h e u in a cism t i am find and kidney troubles for the latter paino paines a celery compound d has succeeded a again ana again where everything els else has nin 8 tailed failed sufferers from neuralgia neuralgic headaches and rheumatism should sto stop short their morphine quinine and bueg such pain killing drugs no kb cure can be hoped coped for from these temporizers there ia is one way of getting etting rid forever of the causes uses of all t this tt is suffering buffering that is ia by ta taking king paines celery compound in this great modern remedy the real means to health is attended to sleep is ia made sound and refreshing the appetite improves a and nd the nerves stop complaining because they get the nutriment that nature nature requires this is the fundamental rational way that paines celery compound takes to bea be able bleto to cope successfully cess fully with diseases of the liver kidneys and stomach and to guarantee a complete return of sound sleep good digestion and a quiet well regulated nera otis system |