Show celebrate the alie fourth CIO clony ing nut below anlow cot co t at mckinnon bros zenith bremna was mis in randolph on anve dry asit bacon 3 1 ibs bs for 23 25 cents cash at spencer BIOS bins t I 1 lots of mosquitoes A t full line of dr ft W shores med ivines at mckinnon bros i ill II nry n ry of basa haa a son pon side sick with scarlet fever Neita oot oil 85 8 S cents per gallon at german beeman S cashin ater co t the far farmers are happy vest ri sarr machine oil 15 45 cents per vall rail cash at spencer lins t celebrate at home on oil the fth wall paper 10 cents per roll and up aads at B emana cashin mer vo co f beautiful showers on tues bues day 1 li ekht itt calico 5 cents per yard cash at spencer bros f t af attend tend the meeting next tuesday evening in force 55 rents cents per yard buys a handsome carpet at beeman cashin mer co t is now hard at it building his new brick house pickles 5 gall keg heg sl 85 tents lenta cash at spencer bros t go to the midsummer carnival vall only three dollars lound trip one ot the cutler bros of salt lake city is here in IQ the interest of the provo prove woolen mills screen doors tit at beeman cashin mer co t jeris jens nelson of bountiful is here looking lookin afeei his cattle interests L L sheeting 5 cents per yard cabb at aier eros dros t everything is growing 3 oin splendidly q len even t to 0 the tha babies you should see ours darl wire at deeman bt emin Casid ns cheisi chei pi r than else t return fare to salt lake for the carnival only three dollars from evanston Pc Per Lales 10 cunti conti per yard cash at t gray spencer are now doing inthe woodwork for the new roundup round up office suar 14 Ms lla lor 1 cash at spencer brus bros t tile thunderstorms on tues bues day an and wednesday ni night 9 lit did not brino bring 0 much ram carpet warp 1 1 ier er bunch cwb cash at spencer BIOS t our town has quite a lively appearance lately with so many visitors and so much building going on 6 Z rafala at 8 D v m saturday evening numbers ibers 50 cents each it at spencer bros store oleif larson of Rn randolph dolph and miss misa quina austia took out a licence to wed at salt lake city blyth and fargo have bavo the biggest block of dry gooda boodt in the state oi 01 wyoming you yon con find jutt ahat you want at 10 logist lat ericus win corless junr who has been honie home for a few days departed monday morning for cokeville Jo Co keville wyoming no I 1 castor oll oil 40 cents per gallun gallon 5 gallous callous 38 leuta cents per lier gallon at ike ii initha t show your patriotism by conling coming to the meeting next tuesday evening eveni ngat at eight ocl ocl p at the meetinghouse meeting house sula side saddles 1000 and upward at bedenian casbin mer co t how to get gel well and keep well E T pope will deliver a lecture on the alove above subject on monday evening june and 2nd at 8 sharp in thu the meet ing effir house au an interesting into resting letter from wiley who nho is in in florida on it a mission will appear in iii dexl issue owing b to so warty many of our young 0 men luen bein being away with the excursion last saturday the ranie raffle for Neb kera ekers rifle adver tided for that date was postponed until toni tomorrow orrow saturday june soth at eight 1 pm lit |