Show last summer bummer while attending court at uniontown Union town BIVS D B patton a prominent drui gest of fayette city pa three inere fering front froni adlai gliwa I 1 gave each cadi a lose dose oi of chain lier ber lainS colic Clit ilera and Diar rhULa a remedy and it gale gae immediato immediate relief on the ehg wily way licinia one ot 01 luy iny neighbors was taken with a i severe cramp in the stomach sto macli and its euire rini with intense pains I 1 gave hini a doseck this remedy and within five minutes the pain had ceased tho the lenieda is a favorite lav orile dipre I 1 know of many vilio are never without it I 1 alays take it with me when going away from home for eile eaje by IKE SMITH 1 |