Show FROM OUR correspondents GARDEN CITY the ts havo have come collie arid and ivine a genuine good time was hail had by everybody there was but one think to tho the happiness happing s of all and an that way wag tile the usual ident miss Wald strom of lake town while was ass assied sed as customary by two young men m n with an all in tile the air some extra rope find when up tip twelve feet tile the seat tipped the I ourn lady off from her ter balance and against one of tile the large treed betic between en which tile the swing was ted the th extent of her injuries is at not known but she ans hurt seriously it if not la fatally tally her spine spina is injured badly also i her hip and she is to stand on berfert her ber feet everything that could bodon bo don was done after tile the accident to maxe maice hr h r comfortable and sho she was conveyed t ti tit hir r home immediately if uncle sim would at tend to lo his business espe especially caby in keeping hl his eve eye on some of his employees who run offices fites instead of packing democratic conventions conven tiona with god od bit ca candidates ridi dates we might inight have a little better mail livice it becomes almost unbeatable unbearable to ba liae e to ID put lip with tile pranks and freaks of some P M or ohr r bedon we do na t pretend to know where the fault lies but bume lay someone N going to hear something drop garden city it ii fast be crimin enmin I 1 on oin or of the most not d of pleAs pleasure rel reports orts its AB time passes on mo 0 corar ui elices lot lor entertaining at angers will be made inide and as fast as ii an aal 1 limited Imi teil weans will allow the place will be majo one ui the not mot no t bearable Arable de for p easme KC K fk f i C th rh if a nice little s carrier coul I 1 it bush ed cil in C cin all eltion ei tion aith tie lier her it vibul I 1 prove a t to thu tho s as well as io 10 the and no lid bi well patronized A heavy fro front t on thu the and ins during ano nigh killed hilled many vines straw aeiry i it lissome lia some etc and at a very haid on lucirn and peas torn beans ere not up sufficient cozet inbur d by all appearances there s ems to b no restrict restriction iun on bounty to infant la iii at this alafe laie hardly il a arek bul bui what aime happy father ls ii heard to lu X ty ly its a buy if ahr Fishba ven ii irtie cannot confino their thal 0 fish to 10 we will A ill nel tu to give uway away judging from the looks of the roads in many 8 garden city hia hag sufficient waier or wo tu towns of its lize T ie e squirrels reK ati and I dandeE dandelions ous aitu an aa iret ilo do not makl make it very pleasant for tile the lannor just no this placid almost dept I 1 bulat ed owing 10 0 so BO many youtie men eh ghearing earing flie aring and bearding quite a i timber of our people Is attended district con al ai laketown laki Lake town saturday arid and sinday the ball on friday night was a splendid em eircel cabs everybody enjoyed calves highly bight v 11 II R tucker has acin a cin departed for hie 08 snake river kiver ranch to bo be gone al il summer never in the history of our town were the squirrels BO thick as they are aie now E F davis of paris a former re of this place is ia the guest ot geo hall geo whittington Whit lington arid and family are visiting among us for a few days his 1118 X MAKK |