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Show MANY VALENTINES FOR ROOSEVELT. j Tresldent Certain to Receive Ilumo rous Tokens, Most of Them Comic fV Quito a t of valentines reach tha SR'W.tilto 11 jso by mall at this season e t very year. There ute alwa)H a good Rinany people scattered over tha country Sjwho aio uuxious to tnko advantage ot Minny excuso for writing to the President, fnnd the festlvnl of the nation saint of jBlovors affords such an oppoitunlty. Thus IHlt comes about that icmembrances of gHthe kind pout In when thu 11th of Peb-njiuary Peb-njiuary anlvcs, most ot them, sad to tc-Jul tc-Jul lie, being of a comlo lather than ot a sentimental description jjl Any sentimental valentines that ara (j! delivered ut thu Uxccuttve mansion mo flK usually addressed to tho 1. idles of tho HU 'resident's family, Doubtlcsi Miss Alice MlloosoMll will get, soino handsome ones, Buppioprlatcly orn iinentcd with hearts and cuplds Hut tributes ot this kind QHcnit tohcr fnthcrwlll he mainly humur-Bws humur-Bws and will rcpiesent u tclull vnlue of tnlU cent apiece. The sendeis of there missives, ns a rule believe that tho President will per-snnally per-snnally open them, und It they niu In-B In-B tended to wound his feelings, thut he will personally grieve ovei tho slum SV they cast. Presumably, In some cases, they obtain gieut satisfaction from dls-I dls-I patching such anonvmous cat toons with B their accompanying derisive verses, lint. IB unhappily for their alms, the Chief H Maglstrato never sees uny communlcft-VJ communlcft-VJ tlons of the sort, nil ot v hlch aro opened fM by a clerk and pmmptly consigned to BJ tho waste-basket, save only a tow no-Hi no-Hi table ones that aio deemed woithy of J being put on lllo as curiosities. Hj Host Comics Are Playful, H However, It Is only the rnro and ex-Hj ex-Hj reptlonal Presidential valentine that U HJ in any way malicious Of course, every H President of the United States has ene-Hf ene-Hf mles a rule to which Mr. Hoosevelt U Hj no exception and now und then a ills-Hj ills-Hj gruntled olHreseekcr or somo person Hj who has been put out of a Job In tha H Government employ, considers that lie m Is entitled to nurse a grudge agnlnst HJ 1he occupant of the Whltallouse. buch HJ Individuals may occasionally resort td H the expedient of sending a penny val-H val-H online of an Insulting chaiacter on a Hj means of venting their Bpleen. Hut Hj nearly always tho valentines ara merely H playful. H It may be said In a general way that 'Hj the enmla valentine sent to various H Presidents have rctlccted the aspects of each Pi sldent which huvo aroused criticism, crit-icism, l'oi example. Chester A. Arthur, who was h bon vivant and always elicssed well was regarded us ft fop by many people who did not happen to ud-mlro ud-mlro him. Consequently at all events, such Is tho lecollectlon preserved at tho White llouse-the valentines addressed to him represented most extravagant dudes. Doubtless they would have nnuised him greatly It he hail had a chance to see them. Send Original Doggerel. This leads naturally to a consideration ot Piesldentlal valentines ot a certain class nicessaiily the most Interesting ones which owe their nuthoinhtp to those who semi them. During Benjamin Harrison's ndmlnlBtrntlon wnB received a mild ana of this kind, which nnd. I title Hi uny, Have you any Office you cm send me? If not, sonny, Iteady monoy You may kindly lend me P a-Do It quickly. Ilab Mine, And I will buyou Valentino. Many of Mr. Harrison's valentines had referenca to tho grandfather's hat In ono way or another. It Is always somo personal uttilbute or chaiacterlstlc .lat conveys Inspliation In such matters. Reflected on Cleveland's Obesity. While Mr Cleveland was In the White House prnqtlcully all the valentines le-eclved le-eclved represented enormously fat men. That was too obvious nphy slcal trait to escapo attention. One of them bore the following Inscription, and on nccount of the originality of the verses has been preserved: I pray you tall me, gent'e Orover Why arn you always bubbling over With vanity und self-conceit 1 think you gee too much to eat If you would only trv starvation, It might bu better for tho nation. This wns only a part of the "poem." Therp weie a dozen other stanzas. Plenty of such shafts of wit. with accompanying ac-companying cartoons in bright colors, will be mailed this week at a cost of a penny apiece to Piesldent Roosevelt. In most of them, presumably, ho will figure IB a comlo soldier, but he Is gifted by nature with a keen sense of humor, and he would not mind such playful assaults a particle. If they were hi ought to his notice, 11 |