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Show A HUNDRED YEARS TOO LATE. The furious onslaught nude yesterday yester-day In the House by Itepresentatlvo Wheeler, agvilnst the proposed ropiest ropie-st ntatlon of Ihls country at the coronation corona-tion ot King Edwurd ' II , tilth an ancient an-cient and fumlllnr twang Tho lersons who Inlulge In this hibit of blind, of which Mr. W heeler's tulmlna-tlon tulmlna-tlon Is a sample outpouiing, hive never outgrown thn colonlil condition lo them this country Is a small weak struggling power, which is In deadly reill from the big, brutal nnd rulllan-1 rulllan-1 Riant about to cause us a world of truublo by his cruel and high-handed oppirsslons and Impositions, If not to crush out our vei life ns n nation It Is not uncommon for debaters In Con-giess Con-giess to gentl remind each other that 'tho war is ovei meaning thereby the wnr of the rebellion Hut It seems that there ore some among whom Mr. Wheolor must lie placed, who go back away heyond that and need to be as-sured as-sured that tho Hevoltitlon Is over, nnd that tho Independence of Ihls Nation Is established VMth a century ond a qu liter of glorious llbert and pro. gress with a population double that of Oreat Hrltiln an export trade exceeding hera and a commercial Importance Im-portance that an jear piomlses to transfer tho financial center ot tho world from llngland to this country, with a production of Iron and steel so far aheid of that of any other country coun-try that there Is no competitor within the ellsunco line, nnd nn Internal com-merce com-merce that excels that of other countries, coun-tries, is that of our 'Sou' canal ex. cieds that of the wot Ids cinnl ot Suez with nil this how pltlfull fcmall seems the provlnclil yawp of tho Representative Rep-resentative from Kentuck' He falls to leallie the high and enviable position posi-tion occupied by hla country in the estimation of the world, he falls to sense the fact that It Is not thit wo consider out selves honored b iepre. sentitlon at the coronation of St. James, but tint thereby vva confer honor. It Is not that we consider It a pioud day when we can appeur at such a teiemoii hut that It Is a proud day for Gieat Hrluln when we consent to appear. We are the big, rich ciitn,in, not the poor relation Mr Wheeler, unconsciously no doubt, reverses the position and Idea throughout In his small-minded, elemugoglc chatter about what w are doing, and why we are doing it, at this coronation |