OCR Text |
Show H 1'ita.nJiwc.i treV t H m tiKnnociTcctc.il mtKtmHr'K'lt H J harness tided T 1 1 K F fi &iA II with buret, liar- Jf yMlLMtfJi B sfl slits llie damp, tt Br S cri'ft.nJpll. I lKIlllSS H H able St Kb.i Jl'?'' W-FJ Ml M Jo not I teak. .-i . D 3 No-e.h!c. A If. .( H face 10 ch.f. N ' f AV H sad cat lhW", " W H j harness not i"t T. A V PI oaly keepf. JjVV v JiSH Ma'd'e'ty i j fffl Standard Oil Ii Mj S MAIL ORDER HOUSES pun: SAMPI 1 8 OP OPIt CI orniNo nnd fcen I cat of mclse W est Mall Order House, U W 1st Bo, Halt Lake Clt) INFORMATION WANTED. joiin w Hi-rum op dmiia iowa, wonts to tin I Ids son Itlchnrd Wheeler on matters of Importance. (N'o 3v8) oricn toit l'pni.ic.v. uov Deinrtmnt of tho Interior I nni Office, ut Suit Lake City, Utah Janunry 13 ljo' Notlco Ii hereby given lhat tho follow-Ing-mitneil settler has llled notice of hla Intention to make final proor In support of hla claim, nnd lhat snlcl proof will lo made befnro Iteglster and Hecclier U. S Land omce nt Bilt lake e it), I tah, on March IS le viz John W Jenkins, II 1. No 12 I t, ilited Noveinlcr 7 IS!)!, for tie I Vsor NLV, 8Vt. or Nn'. mil Mi4 at ill ah '' ' s' n J " 8 L He mimes the rnllowlng witnesses to prpvo his continuous residence mon and eultlvntlen or sold lunl viz John llreeze Jnseih Coon Jacob llarlman Otto Lar. son, all of Ititer Salt Lake count) l tah I HANK I) HOllBS, lieglster It V Itoa, Atlorncj 1,773 N'o IA0 "sohci: 1 on pi 111 ic vnov. Department of Ihe Interior Ijind OITIch at Kill Lake Clly. I tah January II 1 Notice la hereby Riven thut the follow. ng named fe tiler has llled notice ot hla .'"h'li'i'.'i '"."i0.,"1.'1 I1."0' "n support of his claim md lhat sail proof will lie minlo leforo Die itcmiter und Itcceiier li( Horn t n I tntry No lKu feiih-iriVweV8?:1 l Hho names tho following vviinenion to prove hi continuous ieirencn mon anl cultivation of salt lanl viz Austin M Ilrown 1 II 1 o Oiiinlruint I) 11 Ju. robs Waller Held nl of Plens int clrcJn U!a",v J'1.1"1 P." HOBHH. IleUstcT ' L W Senior Mtorney ,i. (No Ml ) NOIICP, J fill PUIILK AllOV. Department of the Interior I mil Orfleo at Hi t Lake tit) Uuih, lunuarylJ "Jo? Nutlre In hereby i,lven that the follow, big named settler his nit I nolleu ot hla Iniei lion to make ilnol t roof In support of hla claim and thut said 1 roof wll ha mado before itcclsier und llecelver I I-inel ofllce ut Bait lake City, I tah, n March 1 Mse via John W' Luiui lornrsleuel II r ror tho 01. u NW ', L J? Sw M ana lot " 7' 'P. 1 n , r. 1 w , He names the following wltneshej to provo his continuous residence in on and cultivation of said hind viz , Oeorgn Ada. tin David 111 Hough, of Bait Like (te, Utah AiiMikta Heed, Itlchard hinlih ot North I olnt Pish 1IIV.NKD I!0!!IS neglater. I II Oral, Attorney I lrst publication Jan 17, 1803 SSI M) I ICL OP I OKI 1 1 I Ultl . SuU Lako Count), fiuto of Utah, I cb 1, lo'Mrs Barali ! Heath -o.ou are here, bv notified tint I hive expended sixty aeven ttcncjoi dollars In labor an 1 linnioie-inonlie linnioie-inonlie upon tin J.uilnra group otcliilms la Wlllard milling eiutrlct n0x 1 Ider count), State of Utah to rotoet )our Interest In-terest on will iippear liy eortlflinio tllel Uecemler 30 1001 lu tho oiileo of tho lie colder of sulci county In order to hoi I said premises under tho provlslins of aecllon 43J4 Itevlscd Statutes!.! tho I'nllod btute." being tho amount iKiulrcd lo lioitl tho """ 'r '" .'"rending l! nni If with In ninety diys from tiio rvlco of thu notice or within niiieu dm after lis notice bv publicutlcn c 11 rail or ie r ie lo eonirlhule said prui int 11 t expe idliure as a, to owner ur nil r t in i-iit ,m will be oin th 1 1 n of in ,1 " rilnr, u.iucr -ji I , 1 " 1L r- 1 Hi III n F. Plhtt m Manufacturers ot and DeiiJBsl Harness, Saddles, (M Whips, Blankets and Saddlery iiBBs IB-Ill Btato St . BaltLake djlfj SEAR?3 UTAH SALTi Manufacturers ot and Dealer. 1 SB and ' SEED. I Field nnd Harden Heecln a BnetcBSl W holcsale Prices to ParmcrtTJSBJ M W 1st South Bait LsJB JOHN F. B Manufacturing Jewell Old pold made Into new ityfeJH Diamond work medal p ngravirjlH dry rrpalrlntr 'tjH Orders b mall prompt. filled. H 2-9 MAIN STUEPT Rowe.Mon is.SummcrbaB -Hlkhejt Prices Paid for- HIDES, WOOL, SHEEP ft Dl.LIl SKINS. H.T13, ETC ft) C7 S !rd We it St, Salt Ul w. eTTYNE St. C OLSSOIl TO PAINC & U Dealers In 1- WOOL, MIDI ANl OKOi;HH BUI'IUe ri I Ir t Kast St (St, Ho Uoal) ga gryyMMsW!7 I KiT 9 L 3PV3r I H tB EjSr Ferry's Sf ou M CftM? Peed- lnftlt 3 w I jCW crops mttko more cm. B Wff tomcre bo each jmr Uk I y crops and customers bin 9 HV crown greater. Ttiatiu M HB secret of tbe Ferry lata Er3 JIoro trr) h Heeds iok fl til uudsown ttitm any other M 16ft. kl" Holdbyolldealsrt M WmtMtiurd Annual (., MbR D M. Ferry & Co A IibTbiE Detroit. f bbbbKP Mich. fi rYOUR. FAITH J oars If o try ; Shiloh's Consumptic C4 4 -) nJ ours Is noltiw vlJI C E'larantee a curcf vr f iiiooey and we tz free trial bottle it you write k SIIIl.OII S coats Scents and will cen gumption 1 neumonla, Drouchitli t I,uiik Troubles ill cure acouglit la a day, aud thus prevent serious It has bcetidtilnur these things for SO 8 C WKM ti. Co I e Roy N Y Karl s Clover Root Tea corrects tbi Sti DR. C W. HI001N Microscopic and Analytic Pi 20 YEAR3 IN 8ALT LAKI SALT LAK13 Microscopic Medical Inst C W, lliggins, M. D, Maniger and T. PLMO MOTEL, Corner Main nnd Third Son 53eS. Lm WkWMr Has practiced In Bait Like City for tvrlvoyaars snd th wonderful established cures lis has erfacted l time provo lh scientlAc prlnds which hla medicines ar compo Formlnr dlasnosln by the aid of crosco) e enables him to delect tt rnary cause of dlseans and effect ai cur The Doctor has cured thousu esses of Ser.on. Deblllly, Mental asd P VV eslcuosa and NerTous FrostrsU and will forfslt VM for any cast under his treatment which bs u cure All cas.es of private dlaeaaea cuf all old lingering diseases whlcn T th blood and Impair the system, ouichly and 1 eruianentlv cured Lire kidney complaint cured All classe; cured Tipevform removed with v no pay Office hours, 10 to S 30 uA Plesas send for a list of qusstli Pr W Illcrlns Salt T sks Cltr DR. G. W. SHOR EXPERT SPECIALIST IN AIL V DISEASES OF MEN. STHICTLT I LIABLlj "PayMeVj You Arr Cured' Not On Hequlred I Advt ir YOU BUVrEB J?B0X L0ST SS Seminal Weakness Vart'ocela cele Mythllla, tlonorthea Btrlcturs1 or el runken ortsna premature J and all other 1 rival diseases caused by Ignorance excraa or cw n, matter now severe you can Pr U W bllOHLB the PhyslclsJ has Civ en hla life to curing cr-rv ejsa mil bo examined, advised unl curid without jm.lne hi'" 'A until III. cur. U. sfteetecl The JJ server tho right, honevei to twjj tncurabl case-It he can t curs 1' aim t want your money duck . waa never before mad by a Ttyr Xslclan and l)r U W Bheres utfe wiiiad. 1 It tecause h P" cure Ihc so dlseasea Dc n t "' other cent on question!;!, daclo' ransiilt tlia 'Oil Occtnr' and M, rfi.VlNl.E8 BACHl.Ut.V CONf 11AI, Call nt Lyon Ulk., 00 W- South St. WrilO Lock Dux 155' ITllllv Ealt Lat. City, t |