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Show IS SPOUTING-UP OIL 1 Gusher Struck by tho San Rafael Company. FOUND IN SECOND WELL Contnctor Bnugher, Who Was at Tilce Yesterday, Decl-rts Utah Is Oolng to Bo the Heaviest Oil Producing Pro-ducing State In tlio Union A Lake of the Fluid Snld to Have Been Discovered Dis-covered by tho San Rafael People Eltorts Made to Keep the Matter Quiet. TRIBUNE SPECIAL 1 IPrl " I tab, Teb 15 Utah Is going to be the heaviest oil producing State 111 the Union 1 could tell jou more than that If I dired to There are the words spoken by Contractor Baugher tu a Pi Ice gentleman today before starting start-ing on the return tilp to tho Sim ltafacl Oil company's well, nfxtj-tlvo miles south of heie, wheie operations are mid to hive been suspended a few tla)s aijo at n depth of six to secn hundred feet, owing lo a stiong Hon of l, 3, which It was hoped Mould clear nuay In u few ilaj H. alloMlug drilling i peratlon i to begin r 1'nble gentleman from Oastle-ilu Oastle-ilu In In. word tonight thai a sheep-licnlcr sheep-licnlcr has com" In flum there with the liroi nation that there Is u spouter now lit UiH well V. committed of citizens loft Castle, dale this afternoon to make un Investigation Investi-gation of tho facts ut tho well Man-agn Man-agn Dils who went to Huston a few weeks ato his ben communlcnted with bv wlie nnd In expected here at un time to visit the piopcrty This Is the Ran Ilafael company s second well, the Hist one being down to n depth of liOa feet when the rig was moved to tho I re ont location. pound lake or oil. An oil operator, well potted on affairs In tl Is s ctlon, tells The Tribune correspondent corre-spondent tonight that ho known It to lie u ract that n lake or oil lias been found bj the San Itnfael people, and that the object has been to keep the matter quiet until such time ns title can be had to surrounding properties which are tu controversy. MAY BUILD PIPE LINE .Managi i Divls Is talslng money In Port-in for a pipe line lo the rnllroad, nnd It Is claimed this Mould be premature prema-ture It he did not nlready know whit lie has lie has taken with him options on fiHiilr i s.itlons of I un! In the Sin Ilafael neighborhood which he Is discs dis-cs poxlng of at J2I) an ncro nnd which Is now mostly nil gon. |