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Show IRRIGATORS CONVENTION. Will Trobably Continue Threo Days Tentative List of Topics to Bo Discussed. Willi the growing Intereat In tho Irrigators Irri-gators convmtlon to lio hell In this city lYhrunr) Iflh. the plans of the orlgliutnts have cnlnrged also, and It Is prnctlc ill) decided tint Ihe convention conven-tion will continue three days Instead of one as t llret Intended In sis: ooutittes where action has lieen tnken 214 delegates have lieen selected and those Interested lire very hopeful of 1 ermnnent goud to result from the meeting Announcement waa made vestcrdav that Ihe railroad will rIvo special rates of half the regular faro from all points In the- Slate lao dellnlle progrniume haa been nr-rnni,e nr-rnni,e 1 for the convention but certain nii-ii of prominence from each locality may In asked to discuss special phases of the problem lestradav tlov Wella and the state Unglneet dtevv up the following tentative list of topics which will be brought up for dlscusalon 111 Ihn rxlsllng CoiUlnlon-lis Cause nn I ltenieil (.l-Tho larger and HmTller Itlver bis-tenia bis-tenia Tho Onuses Which They Afford for Confusion and lr uluro ronlentlon Com-pared Com-pared (J) Tho Ideil Irrigation Svslem-lts Huhllvlslnns, ! unctions Control nnd Attainment At-tainment tll-lipernllng an Irrigation Hvstenl-Ihi Hvstenl-Ihi Moat 1 rtc-rtlve OrKanliatlon for I )-The Irilgilile nnl Sou Irrlcihlo ren Iheli Itintlnn nnd How lliev Can be Most lull! nnd I'.ffecllvely t'tf llxel In the Interests ol tho Htatn nnd III tB atlr.lt (nl llovernmenl All In the Iteclamatlon of Aril Wind s llelitlvo te. 1 tali (7l hoiest Reservations Is Their Kx-tension Kx-tension Ileslrihle anil for the Ilrst Interests Inter-ests of Irrimtlon ml nf the Htate? . ISl-Slate Icglslalloii-What If Vny Is Nrcesir In Aid nf lrrlatton and lien iJl-Satlinll 1 eglslntlon-Whnt If Any, la Sreded III Ihe Interests of Irrigations . (101 The Irrltator In htate nnd Natlonnl I eglsUtlnn-KrniiM Ills l'ovver and Infill-ence Infill-ence he I sed In Shaping 1 eglsUllon and lo wliHt 1'xteut and How' (111 Org mis itlon of Irrlgnlon Intires1s - Is It cessiirv or lieslrnhU and W lint "hall te the Nature and 1 unction ot the oignnizition' ti.) Huch other suhjerts ns the convention conven-tion slull sic fit to consider ' At iterel.i s inei ting of the Hoard of County ComniUsloiieis tho following follow-ing additional delegates were appointed appoint-ed to icptesent Snlt I.ake In the con-venllon con-venllon Ocorge I,iiwe beinoui II doling B 11 W II let A 1. Thomas John II While K S llnrils John Q i innon II 1' lieu lei son C 8 Va-rlan Va-rlan J It Ilowdlc u Hutchinson (' S Kinney J 11 M05 le I. n ltog en and C s Zane of r-n't Lake r r Hlntue of llollldi James Oodfrey llirhaid Howe nnd John Lalirum of Hlg Cotionvvood und llenrj Utovvn of Murinj |