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Show WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. It may lio Giilrt that a certain Kind of c!ctrlclt tcmla to tracl like vaea matin by dropping a nlonn In a pond In atl direction di-rection Hut It trMds farthrat and Mth least resistance In those directions where It Unds tho best conductor for It Homo substances nre belter conductors than other i Olass and rubber are non-con duclor. to called, as sou may ace b look-ins look-ins at the rubber eoerlnff of wires on tho Mreot-cnr stem or tho k!is Instilitorn on a telegraph pole Metal such db Iron Blccl nnd copper, are llmt-cldsa ionduc-torn, ionduc-torn, nnd that Is wh wire 1 used for telegraph nnd telephone nnd etoclrlc-Hght purpose Water and the erth are con ductore of electricity, and o Is the nlmoa-phere nlmoa-phere When Ilenjimln 1 rankltn, by his famous experiment with tho kite, pro.ed that lUhtiilnir In nothing but elcctrkll), he riUo prned thit the atmosphere In a run luctor, for n holt of llirhtnlnn nuj tntel minj miles before utrlktiiff tho earth Mero pi ice finally, U a conductor of elrctrlcUj, ni you can proe b pnm-Inc pnm-Inc a current through a vacuum Ar sooit nit one mmpnheudi that elcc-trlcnl elcc-trlcnl natn can mote. In tpnc with mt the conventional wire conductor It Is evlbnt that the rjiuatlon of telecraphy with wires or without wires must deptnd lintel upon the transmitting nnd rU-lnt, rU-lnt, nnpanttiis Wires hitherto hae been used irocnuee, with the nppnratim aalla-bl aalla-bl for FfndtnK nnd recehlnjf electric cur-tentt cur-tentt they hate afforded the bent icsults Indeed, for considerable distances the afforded tho only retults that coull bo rit ponded upon Hen with wire ns a conductor, fnr more delicate receiving Instruments In-struments hate to bo used on an Atlantic cnbln than on a circuit between UprltuE-fl?ld UprltuE-fl?ld nnd llurfalo Now Marconi Is by no means iho lirst one to i xporlmcnt vjlth wireless telegraph Mnn men hao been working ut the 1 rnbiem (or oars And ersentUll) their problem hfi been to perfect per-fect apparatus nt one end which would general e electric waves strong enough to travel Inns distances, with mcTa spate ua tho conduuor and niparaturi at the other end sensitive, enough to receive and record those waven Ihe transmitting and recelWnc appa ratua thus far developed Is complicated, nnd one neis so mo technical knowledge to understand It. You will teach much about Hertzian waves In this connection Hertzian wavea are waved of elccttlclty Hertx wot a German profwror, who riled In M Ae won the llrst man to prove by experiment that whenever tn any circuit cir-cuit electro-ma gnotle cuanieH.are brought iibout, a when an Induction roll-'U la ac-L tion, (fas dlMUrbaircea'ur transmitted nil directions bringing about Hmllir changes In neighboring conductors His Kreut work was to nhow that theso disturbances dis-turbances are transmitted fa means of Mbrntlons of the lumlnlferous ether (which la nssumed In phslclsts to till nil spite), ond nlso to show the character and measure meas-ure the oloelt nf those wae Ihe Ircless ten emptier, therefore, tlrst grn-rritea grn-rritea Hertzian waves of electrlcltv Into ppau Hen Oreeh, head of the United Mates nrtny siifiiaf service In describing the transmitter used by the signal corps In experiments, over two jears ago reported re-ported that ho usel a coll In oil ener. klzed b a three-nunrler horsepiwer rotary ro-tary transfonner furnishing 1.S olls alternating al-ternating potential an arrangement making 'a ver powerful and efttclent source of Hertzian null it Ion Marconi used at that da a Uulunkorff coll According Ac-cording to present methods the Hertzian wavis are transmitted by tho generator through a wire to the top of a high pole, nnd ihat Ih where the Jumping orf rluce is J rom the ton of the note the Hertzian w avea are radiated off Into space. About one lifth of a hornvpower Is necesstry to Fend them slxtj mllen to sen and a 1000-mllo 1000-mllo range. It Is said ought not to re-qulro re-qulro much more than 3'fc horsepower, provided the energj enn be utilized To send the waves across the Atlantic the I roblern of transmission Is a question of pro elling force The Hertzian waves follow tho curvature of the earth Murcoul Improved tho mcelilng appi-rntus appi-rntus b discovering or Investing what Is known as Iho decoherei,' which consists con-sists of u ball working on an arm attached at-tached to the armature of an efeetro-nMtrnet efeetro-nMtrnet In the circuit of the "coherer." or receiver hut th.it aside Ignourh has been said to show that this nppnratus both sending and reviving, Is highly technical and difficult to be understood n detail by ono who la no electrician or has never witnessed experiments In wireless wire-less telegraphy Huff U a It to say that when Marconi the other day In Newfoundland, New-foundland, received the wireless message from the coast of hngland. ho flpw a kite In the air, und from the kite vv&j suspendtd a wlro connect In ir with his receiving re-ceiving Instrument ThoJCertzlan waves had parsed over the ocean fiom the tall polo on the IJngllsh coast, and had struck the wire on the kite in Newfoundland Newfound-land The electric vibrations weie thus transmitted to Marconi s delicately adjusted ad-justed receiver, nnd rend b him exactly ns they had been s lit across ltfn miles of ocean Marconi s svsten usis the atmosphere as a conductor Nicola 'lesla, It is understood un-derstood Is experimenting on system that uses the earth as a conductor. It seems safe to predict that science will completely masUr the field of wireless communication through long distances before many years nave passed. Evidently Evi-dently the experimenters nra only In the nfaicY-orUhQ art,-flprlngnetd JlepublU |