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Show THE MATTER OF EQUALIZATION, Nineteen of the twenty-seven rnun-ties rnun-ties In Ltah have, It Is said combined to represent to the Btuto Hoard of Eo.tiil2llon certain Inequalities In the levy of property for taxation These counties ar sending up statements vvhhh are unlfoim In i haratter They ilalm that furm property In their several sev-eral counties i assessed at 70 lo 80 per tent ot the actual vuluo, mhllc tho railroads tire aasessed at but 20 to 25 per cent of their value A showing is made that the railroads are Milued nt SLOW to ,7I9 per n by lhe Intor state i ommerto Commission while they arc assessed for taxation purposes In Utah at not over one-alxth of these figures Kmery county oincials have taken the pains to compute the value of the siieit riillwnj systi m of Salt Lake Ity. whlih Is taxed ut 1170 i.8t while the nttual market value of tho two linos, as shown by funded Indebtedness Indebt-edness In 1WH was 81 000 000 ' The counties show that If tho inlhoada and other corporations were valued for assessment as-sessment rurposes at Ihe same rate is the individual properly in general the assessment values would bo ery materially ma-terially Increased, anil the tax rale re-due, re-due, d and not only that, but tho taxation of the people nt large, would be materially detreised It is n plain pioposllion the represon tat Ions fiom Ihe eounltes am (orrect. 'lhoj are true In their piemlses reasonable In their deductions, and n demonstration In llitlr conclusions 'lhu Htate Hoard of : luallnatii n U up to it serloua and Important problem and what to do about It Is Ihe question It Is ceitaln that nnj sullen and mtterl-il life In Ihe inlhoii 1 aluilllons wnull he resisted re-sisted b lhe rullivnv olHelnls, nnd long litigation woiil I bo pretty certain to ensue, with what results It is uncertain uncer-tain The desire of tho Hoard, naturally, natural-ly, Is to umiI I this but tho counties have cunclusivelv shown the Injustice of the old llgures, nnl correction should be ma le ns promptly as It Is I rnctlcRble to do so |