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Show Where reelect Silence Itelgns. Neither ruin, nor maish, noi desert give the perfect silence, nccordlng to G. H. Proctor of London Ho has been to the redwood forests of California, and In them, ho sajs, perfect silence dwells. At tho Hoffman houso last night he declured to a New York Tribune Tri-bune reported. 'There Is no sensation In the world like that which tomes over you when walking through a Biove of l I'd woods Their great trunks rise hundreds of feet Into tho air. and are lost In .the dense roof of follige, llkri the columna of an Egyptian temple tem-ple grown to superhuman holght. On the ground there Is no underbrush, but only ferns of a size and shape that suggest a prehistoric period, and fallen trunks that have lain, unrottlng, for 3000 years There la no sunlight, and no birds sing If a storm arisen It Is an hour before a drop reaches the gnund. HeiB all Is as It was since rrentlon, and theie Is no time. It is the perfect sllince " |