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Show GRATITUDE OF WOMEN Miss Susan B. Anthony Is Not Forgotten GREETING BY CO-WORKERS Foreign Delegates to National Woman Suffrags Association Send Message of Love nnd Reverence to the Woman Who Has Labored So Long ln the Cause of Equal Rights Occasion Wns Her Eighty-Second Blrthda Many Floral Tributes Also Sent Her. Washington, Feb. IS Interest In the National Woman Surtrage association asso-ciation meeting today was heightened by the fact thnt It marked tho S2nd bltthday of Susan H. Anthony. She was the recipient of many congratulations. congratu-lations. Tho following message of greeting from the foielgn delegates was received by her and read from the pisiform: OHF.HTINO FItOM FOHF.IONFHS. "We, tho undersigned foreign dele-gntes dele-gntes to the first International Woman Suffrage confeience, gladlj take the opportunity of jour S2nd birthday to express to jou our lovo nnd reverence, our gratitude for ydur lifelong work for women nnd our rejoicing that jou have lived to nee such great steps onward made by the world nt large In tho direction di-rection In which jou led nt first under Mich prejudice. Praying that jou may enjoy jeirs of health, iheered by ever-fresh ever-fresh ndvance, we remain jour loving friends. (Signed) Florence Fenwlck Siller. Kngland; Solla Lcvorna Fried-lind, Fried-lind, Itussla. Carolina llnlmnn Huldn-bro. Huldn-bro. Chile, Gudrum Drevveen, Norway; Vld-i Goldstein. Australia; Erma F.wnld, Sweden; Antoinette Stolle. Germany." Ger-many." -Mrs. Ilojcr of Philadelphia presented a plan of work for the coming jeir. Thnt part relating to taxation without representation mused considerable discussion, dis-cussion, which developed the fact that delegates Insert In the tax certificates the words "paid under protest." A suggestion by tho president tint all present that ore taxpnjers should rlsa brought to their feet over 200 women. Other recommendations by the committee commit-tee were that sjstemntlo work be done to Increase the circulation of suffrage, that presidential suffrage be urged and that there bo a woman's suffrage stomp, similar to that used ln France; that prizes be offered for the best es. enjs on woman suffrage and "that we continue our plea for a sixteenth amendment respecting woman uf-frage." "e. The committee nlso recommended that a Stato historian be appointed to keep a record of all Information ion-corning ion-corning woman suffrage, that It be recommended re-commended that each local suffrage association establish a circulating II. brnry of suffrage books. These recom-mendatlons recom-mendatlons were then adopted unanl. The executive committee offered 11 fnSl,Uhl":nn,fh.lch """ "'iPll. declnr-ng declnr-ng that 8tntes not regularly organ-zed organ-zed aiong representation lines, or not Holding annual meetings and elections be regarded as unorganized nnd opn 1 ,i'a?"1B the ,ae" a number of tho Held for national organizers In responding to the address of greeting of the delegates mi,. An-thony An-thony with tears In her ejes. teferrel to her fifty jears of work In the camo or woman suffrage, najlng sho had unable to ptoceed further on account or emotion, -Mrs Catt then announced that It vi"" ,hc 'nK'.ollon to give Miss Anthony a blrthdiy present, hut .!',!I"J,n'c, hei """'nn to attentions of this kind, she said it wis proposed to recognize her birthday bj hiving the members pledge the sum of J'OOO for carrjlng on tho inmpnlgu of vvomnn w mfnB.? .he ,""""" responded with surprising alacrity, nnd tho nn-nounccnunt nn-nounccnunt thnt M02 hid been sub. scribed was greeted with vociferous applause The report of the committee on reso. unions was then read Their recom-mendatlons recom-mendatlons were ns follows IIEnK ARB RKSOLVTIONS tlJnhV??tiir ' Won,.?n "Ufrago assocla- Ka'!eU.ry','n e',11" "'rl'""?ll of thelVn JiS tales reaffirms the principles of thn '"I""!'''! of Independence, and I ca s fh ,,h.2.nEF",'"lon "' 'hoso prtnclnl, t me case nf women, who are taxed wlth-?onsentr,J"nla"" wlth-?onsentr,J"nla"" nn'' Kmtrn llho!it H.W..r?'c" ln. "10 granting of sulTragn rturlng tho pist car to a.ireo women of nn'r"' llrt ln ,h.n extension of mil-J.c!K!l."l",rBfi" mil-J.c!K!l."l",rBfi" tn lhe 'nxpavlng women m.n .-".?' " recommend that the wo. I"...1. '?xl"f'r of "erj Stale appeal to own tehslf " '"r """"K" "i "heir Sr,n,.l2nih.li; ""'' nt?ol"of lSorC?l ! nsneV both parents In Connecticut; tho mA'.lr. of 'nsrrle.1 women's property eS'if'". n.,.'mJ"r.nf Htates; In the sue-ii sue-ii ?ii,. . Je'hodlt women In securing rrll!ht ,n. be memherM nf the goners! conference. In the victory nf tho Chluico women teachers over the trusts and "or. Kllcm" "' "1,no1" whlch ha eva.le.1 re.ri.irl5,5,lil,t1ln,t ,h', "ernment reguiitinn office. In our new possessions, an.l we urge rresldent ltnoncvolt, who has been for jenrs nn outspoken opponent nf sue It regulations, to put an encl to It It Is the sense of litis convention that no sex distinctions should l.e mV.le In re. gaid to franchise in our new possession We point with satisfaction To of," f0 fr cq.lal-surrrnce Stales rnntnlnlnn. more than a, tnllVlon American citizens w?th .ght I'nlted Plates Senators nn I nine (eingiessmen who reprev,,t oonstltueri c',fi:.0'.womin ThB b'neilrent experiencf. of thlrts -three jeirs In those Mates coo- Je"!'"on'V"'y hP0 Bml tf'ux" '"" "b--WSls'Vr" Ine-thWrn'mre' Ve! WnnV".?frs5 Toferrnis riffe,1h,o,M,.WMiUS "" ' He solved, Thlt the nttetil.n of run Service commissioners ami nil h. ids or cteailin" "e '."""' '" m- '""'' " .eVpec?1rv,1rnof,,iex 'riSifi Zl'A progressive democraij, and th t ihi X" tuTaK'.'o0", V, ""'" nnd nen' ." fHHrnuil allkft to i in) home rortiw.i ma'r;,.ln'te,,"CC"""11 "" ""'' "l"'" ,P Ksolutlons vveto uninlmously adopted nfter which the lonvenllon took n i ecess for luncheon " Tonight's session was given un to ."n:nlnB With KnglJnd ndPHer tolonles" The speakers were M s VI.H Oold.teln of Australlv. .Inmes I, Hughes of Toionto Canada and Flor ente Fenwlck Miller of Knglind |