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Show SEVENTELN INCHES OP SNOW. M Remarkable 1'nll Is Reported nt At. H lantlc City. M 1'hllaclrlplilA Peb 17 The heavy H Know storm which begun In this section JH nt 10 o'clock last night censed at B 'H o clock this afternoon the fall of snow H being the henviest In thrpe ypars X H high wind nccotnpaulel tho snow, but tonight the wind Is rapidly diminish- H lng H The grentpst fill of snow occurred H nt Atlantic I'll) which was the centre, H of the storm this morning The vvpnth- H cr bureau theie reports that seventeen Inches fell and that the maximum ve- H loclty of the wind was thirty-four H miles Capo May teporled a snow fall H of eight Inches 1 In this city eleven Inches of Know was recorded at the weather bureau, nnd In the Interior of Pennsylvania H snow fall reports vary from ono to six Inches Snow was reported to bo fall- H lug tonight in the eastern mountainous H section of the State H The ntpnm railroads centering In H this city were much hampered Train H were grout ly delajpd, and In some In- mt stances annulled 1 Iip gientest dim- H riilty was experienced within the city H limits nnd nn the lines leading tn New H York and the seashore Trains to-tho H west nnd south from here had com- H paratlvely little trouble On all the H rallronds much dlirtculty was encoun- H terd in moving suburban trains, Tha same wns true ot the trolley linen. H many being blocked for hours mm |