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Show ANIMAL ATTITUDES: A RECESS GAME. I We hive recently printed n number of tecess games tint have been connected con-nected with various studies that our little readers are sure to have at school, so that while they were lots of run to pliy they were also Instructive, Bo very many letters hive come In nsklng us to print more of them that wo nrc preparing n new series tint we aro sure our readers will like even bolter than those we have printed. This week wo print. Just for the Miko of variety, a game that Is quite different differ-ent from thos3 we have used, Innsmuch ns It Is not connected with any lesion whatever, unleBS It should be natural history, Ftlll, It Is lots of fun, nnd wo nre sure that our little frlendi will not tire of It for n very long time. This game can be plnjed by any number, nnd, as a rule, tho more plavers there nre the grenter the fun nnd the harder the game Is to pliy. It may be plavcd by either boss or girls, or both boss and girls, and they can have the greatest fun of all. feomeono "counts nut" as In other games, and the unfortunate un-fortunate one who Is 'It" must write on a piece of paper the names of as many animals or birds as there nro players In the gime. Then he or she H gnca to tho other end of the room, while H tho play-m write their names under H tho nnlmils or birds. Bcvoral players H may chooso tho same nnlmil If they H wish, or they may each take ti different H one, but the ono who Is 'It" must not H know whnt anvono his chosen. Then H tho paper Is laid nslde. Now tho real B fun of the gome begins. H "It comes bark to tho rest, who all H mirch slowly pist, each one adopting H mi closely ns possible the gnlt and ges- H turcs of tho nnlmal or bird whose namo H he or she has chosen As each ono H pusses, ' It" calls out the name of tho H bird or animal that he thinks thoso H gestures nro Intended to mimic, nnd If H he hns gusaed rightly, then that player H Is "out" nnd lenven the line. When B the whole line hns passed, the players H who nre "out" nre now "It," too, nnd H must Join the first. Now the rest chango H their mines, nnd take those of some H other bird or animal that Is on the list, H nnd thme who nre ' It" try to guess by H their new gestures whnt they represent. H This Is continued until nil nre "out," H when the first one to have her character H guessed Is ' it" at tho stnrt of another H gnme H If one of the placrs makes gestures H or assumes attitudes Hint do not repre- H bent the thuracur, sho Is "out'f,anyway. H The Players All March Past. ' , H Mrsggw a |