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Show Wn ,! H ' A FOOLISH PLAN Tli Joy lowt t welroraf mvillnntr hmiri H I BtrouicI tout Indlgrstlou with Auguit Howri 1 Constipation it the result of Indigestion, MliousntM, flatulency, Iom of appetite, f relf-poitonin, anemia, eraaciation, uric k , Bcid, ncitrnlgin in various parts of the H I' njMcm, CAtnrrhnl inflamtnntion of the in- B tcstinnl cnnnl nnd numerous other nil- !mrntn that rob life of its pleasures if they do not finally rob you of life itself. "I'm bound in the bowels," is n com- H I i! moil expression of jxionle who look mis- H ernble nnd are miserable yet who persist H ," I In "letting nature take its couri-c. Wlint n foolish plxu, when nature could H i be nided by the u.sc of Green's August H I Flower, which is nature's own remedy for B constipation and nil stomach ills. f August l'lower gives new life to the t liver and insures healthy stools. H 'Two sites, 25c and 75c. All druggists. H I City Drug Store, Logan, Utah. H What an Easy Action H the Kstey piano lias! Tho "action lias H more to do with tonal quality than the case or keyboard. You'll llnd our Instruments good all tho way through. 1 They stand on their merits. Wc stand H behind them. H Harris Music Co. Kstcy and Newman Dealers H Yes; We Have a Telephone. B What's more wo pay attention to It, H and orders for any quantity or size of H coal arc tilled promptly with top grade, H easily-burning coal. Glad to have you H call, of couisc, but the 'phono will H briRK quick response. M. & L. COAL & WOOD CO H Both 'Phones - No. 74 HlH IS52 VlyfeP4 I IfillSfii . House Gleaning B time is here nnd now is the M time to discard that old bed H spring, that sways in the ccn- H ter and get a new one. 9 Call and see our line raiig- H ing from $2 to $7. H WM. EDWARDS m Furniture Dealer M Main Street. BLsk' Uncle Sam's Advice Is to celebrate July 1th by acquiring personal Freedom and Independence by saving money. Moro money Is wasted by slipping through tin head than through the lingers, as It Is what you save that counts, not what you earn or what you spend. Open an account In tho Cache Valley bank which olfers exceptional facll-Itles facll-Itles to every one. Compound Interest every three months. Make your dollars dol-lars work for you. Cache Valley Banking Company LOGAN, UTAH I That Tired reeling If you arc languid, depressed, Incapable In-capable for work, It Indicates that your liver is out of order. Herblne will assist nature to throw of headaches, head-aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies ener-gies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J.J. Hubbard, Temple, Texas, Tex-as, writes, "I havo used Herblne for tho past two years. It has done me' moro good than all tho doctors. It is j the best medicine over made for chills and fever." fiOc, Sold by Rlter Bros I Drug Co. r OUR FACTORY AND I STOCK WERE SAVED. Golden Gate COFFEE, TEA, SPICES, EXTRACTS, I BAKING POWDER. j any Grocer Gan Supply You. J. a. Folder & Go., Gor. Howard & Spear ; Bank of Smithfield. SMITHFIELD, UTAH. Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. General Banking business, in all its branches. Wc pay 4 per cent Interest on tlmo and savings deposits. Interest compounded quarterly. Drafts drawn on all parts of tho world. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Prompt, progressive ana up-to-date. Wc solicit your business. Correspondence Invited. E. R. Miles Jr., George Y. Smith, V . President. ' Cashier. n " ' ' The FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN, UTAH. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $65,000. Commercial Banking In all Its branches. Solicits accounts of - Banks, tilrms and Individuals and extends to customers every reasonable reason-able courtesy and consideration. Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT a specialty. We pay 4 per cent Interest compounded quarterly. Amounts of One Dollar and up received on deposit. Come in and get one of our little savings banks. OFFICERS: W. S. McCornlck, President; James Quayle, V. President, John H. Anderson, 2nd Vice President; Allan M. Fleming, Cashier Hyrurr E. Crockett, Assistant Cashier. Cement Brick & Cement Bldg. Blocks JOSEPH E. WILSON JR. GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTOR. All kinds of Cement work In large or small Jobs done anywhere and everywhere on short notice. Cement sills, sidewalks, water tables, sewer pipe,, foundations, etc. Bell 'Phone 216 Z; Office and Yards 128 S. First East. Jv ULI and XELrfCDk A The Scenic Line ToGlenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis', Chicago, and all points East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SouthernPa-clHo SouthernPa-clHo n I Om,' 1 1 S osti Mm trilni. fl Tno only Transcontfnon Lino passing directly through Salt Lake City 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between OGDEN AND DENVER " m Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. J THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CAR I To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago wlthou I change. Freo Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Ex-curslons. Ex-curslons. DININO OARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains For rates, folders, freo Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your nearest ticket agent, specifying tho Rio Grande ...route, or address.. . L C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake City ' ' 11 I |