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Show ! CITY AND COUNTV I ; NEWS MATTER :i 5 - . . 3 Accident In Logan Can- 3 yon Thursday Night. 9 . ;; Numerous Other Happen- a ings In Town. t ,, Thursday evening Councilman Geo. W. LIndqulst and a ten-year-old son 0 met with quite an accident at the rSf city dam in Logan ,-anyon. They ,.' ,' were In a boat Just above the dam , Am . when the oar-lock broko and the boat Q 'm mi-. became unmanageable. The swift ?h' R -current swept the boat and Its occu- 6 m pants down over the dam and only jgt m those who have seen the dam and v know the force of water can under- stand just what such a. trip means. u They were dumped from the boat, 3 M but Mr. LIndqulst retained his pre- sence of mind, grabbed the boat and a his son and onco over tho dam got his ' son on It or into It. They continued a down stream in the swift current un-r un-r til they lilt the bridge 200 yards be-$ be-$ low. Here Mr. LIndqulst was bndlv u bruised about the head. Victor Bjorkman appeared on the scene by fa this time and with a rope rescued the "T two. It turned out that Mr. Llnd-flf Llnd-flf qu.lst'8 son was very badly brulscti and u Ocorgb is scratched up quite a little. That both escaped drowning Is a 5t miracle almost, and much is duo to JT Mr. Llndquist's presence of mind, as O well as Mr. Bjorkman's appearance sit. b the proper time. Tho "HllndTom" attraction at the Ilobbs Music Store Thursday evening A proved one of the best ever In Logan, and during the two hours' perform- ance hundreds or pcopie crowded ,v about the front of the establishment. "Tom" can make a piano "talk" and fy the way he hammered one of the T Ilobbs Instruments was a sight to bc- hold. In his improvising he proved ,u to be all that was advertised, .and as " and impersonator, It can be said that $ ho has hardly been surpassed by any ' of the artists that have come to Lo- Kn. This afternoon and tonight a ,. special program will be rendered, and this evening there will bo a revelation & ... ? that none will care to miss Progressive lllnch.followcdby dainty refreshments famished a delightful, evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Champ Thursday. Winners of beautiful boqucts of carnations were Prof. L.A. Ostlen and Mrs. A.J. Flack. Tallies in tho shape of hand-palntcd satin pln-cushlons, the. work of tho hostess, were dainty and charming beyond description. and' will serve as Unique souvenirs of a truly enjoyable evening. Those present other than the ones named above were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ilcxcll, Mr and Mrs. N. II. Moo're, Mcsdamcs Barrett, Wlngc, Fisher, Ostien; Misses DeOraff Kath-crlne Kath-crlne Smith, Pilgrim, Charlotto and Mao Kyle, McUrlde, Mahoncy, Fisher, Raymond, Messrs. Arnold, nnd Cath-cart. Cath-cart. Tho commission appointed to consider con-sider the College-University situation met In Salt Lake city this week, went over the llndlngs thus far, and took a preliminary vote. At some latcfr date the matter will Do threshed out to a llnisli, a report sent put to the Secretary Secre-tary of Slate, and within ten dajs after the opening of the next session of the legislature he will present the report. It Is said that the University Univer-sity people aro working hard to secure an extra session. The B U.Davis forgery case was.call-cd was.call-cd bv Judge. Maughan Friday morning but Davis failed to put In his appear' ance. II. E. Hatch and W. G. Daniel-sen, Daniel-sen, bondsmen, were present and asked for a continuance but one continuance con-tinuance had already been granted and the Judge refused In this Instance. Tho $500 bond was declared forfeited and.a bench warrant for tho arrest or Davis was issued. The local bondsmen bonds-men are secured by the Malad bank, and that bank by Davis's brothers. The C. W. & M. Co. has distributed soma very attractive cards bearing a picture of the party that went east recently to dedicate a monument to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This picture pic-ture was taken by the Bain wagon pcopie at the factory site In Kenosha, Wisconsin. The effectiveness of the Logan Dry Goods Co.'s extensive advertising was demonstrated Thursday by the large crowds that sought admission to the store. During the day it became necessary to lock the doors In order that proper attention could be' given buyers. Budge & Budge have recently purchased pur-chased a line ambulance. It Is heated by electricity and Is lined with spiings for the comfort of patients when being be-ing transferred. Cards announcing the marriage of Miss Kate Izatt and David E. Stephens at Baker City on the 10th Instant have arrived In Logan. The young couple will be "at home" In' this city after Sept. 1st. |