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Show H Wc have the Only Cold Tire Setter H In Logan and It will H j Set your tire while you wait M ' And wc guarantee that the tires set H on this machine will stay tight longer H , ( than thoy will set the old way. 1 Remember, wc do all kinds of repair M , work and wo assure you our charges H , arc reasonable. M I)y experience wc have found tho H Sweet Ilubbcr Tire the best and H cheapest. m Emil E. Nielsen H LOGAN, (T'JAH LOGAN JUNK SHOP H , j llrlng all sciap Iron, metal, bottles, H rags ami lubbers, or call us up and wc H will come. I nd phono .'(.'17. Hell phono 146 South Main St. H ! IF YOU WANT H' Good, and Safe Electric Wiring H, In your I.otici SEE ME! F. C. PLOWMAN H Electrical Contractor. 7 Conunei- H 1 clal Block. Hell Phone .'MHz i lnd. phone. '143a H ! Logan Lumber Yard. E. L. Johnson, Proprietor. H All kinds of building material on 1 hand. Shop work dotys on short notice. 1 All kinds of planing done. M , 157 West nth Scuth, Dell '1'honc 14lz H E. J. MERRILL H Osteopath. H . Rooms Over Rochdale Store Of H llco hours ii to 12 a.m. and 1 to fi pm. B I . M i Chicago Meat Market H Is the place to go for all H kinds of Family Meats. H Highest cash prlco paid H for all kinds of hides. B tt HOPKINS and ROBERTS H COAL 1 Plenty of U. P. and Hock Spring H coal on hand. $," for 2,000 lbs de- H , llvcred, or $4 50 t the scales. Very H special rate on car loads Wo furnish H any coal desired. 1st S. and Oth W. H Cash on delhery I ' i IS REOPENED. M Farmers Feed Stable at fiarll's Mill H I South Main Street, teams feed at H reasonable price, also good horses H bought and sold here. N. A. Williamson, Mgr. H The Only Double-Track Railway between H the Missouri River and Chicago. i The I , Overland I Limited H The Most Luxurious Train la the World 1 Compartment and drawing -rocm H sleeping cars, observation cars, din- H Ing cars, buflet-smoklng and library Q cars, with barber, bath and llook- Hb ( lovers Library; entire train electric H I lighted, through to Chicago without H I change. Direct connection (or H St Paul and Minneapolis H Tkkeli, retervatlont, anJ full In- H formation can be obtained from M C, A. Walker. Central Agent, I Chicago & Norm-Western By. H ' H 206 South Main Street, VIM M NWI4. Salt Lake City, UUb. MBaMMmo!" ,"-'-y'' --- i LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Slg-ers Slg-ers for Further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In aid lor Cache County, State of Utah. NOTICE TO CHKIIITOUS. i:Utoof Masnui I.aracn Deceased. Creditors will urcitenl clalmH with vuuclien to tho undersigned at his rmldenco In Men-don Men-don Utah. In the County of Cache and Niate nt Utah, on or Iwforo the Itth day of October I rederlclc Laracn. Admlnlatrator, .1. C. Wilton, itlorncy late, of Ural publication Juno I3th A. I). IWil. last July lllli. NOTICE TO CUnillTOttK, nutate of John II Yonk. ileceaied. Creditors will present clilmi with vouchers to lliu untlrf hlirui-rt ul Ills residence No. 14) North I'lmt Wmtatrent, l.oiran. Utah, on or Iwforo tho letli day of tawilrinlier, liwi. TllOMAt Mum. Hxeoutor of tlm last will anil testament of Jo'in II. Vonk, neceased. Hart A. Neln'ker. attorneja for estate. 1st publication May HI. latt June 10, Sheriffs Sale. In the District Court of the Flist Judicial District. In and for the conn-tv conn-tv of Cache and State or Utah. David Andrews, plaintiff, vs. dec. Dunbar, Thomas Smart, Wesley Jacques and others whose name are unknown, doing business tinder the name of Cache Valley Fair & Driving Association, defendants To be sold at sheriff's sale on the Jrftti day of June, 100(1, at 12:00 o'clock noon of said day, at the front door of the court house In Logan city, Utah. All the right, title and Interest of the Cache Valloy Fair & Driving Association As-sociation In and to, beginning at the southeast corner of the city park, which Is (JO feet south of tne south east corner of Hlock one (1) Plat "F" Logan city survey, Cache county, Utah, thence south 1184 (I feet; thence west i'OI feet; thence In a northwesterly northwest-erly direction to a point 1HU feet west and "21 feet south 40 degrees and 7 minutes west of the place of beginning; begin-ning; thence north 41) degrees and 7 minutes east "21 feet; thence cast 04(1 feet to the place beginning, contain-nlng, contain-nlng, 21.01 acres, together with the improvements thereon, Dated Juno Gth, l!)0(i T. II. Smith, Sheriff of Cache Co., Utah. Notice of Intention to Tax. Notice Is hereby given by tho City Council of Logan Ulty, Utah, of the Intention of such Council to make the following described Improvement to wit: To pae the sidewalk beginning between be-tween the Intersections of First South Street and Scuth Main Street to Fourth South Street a distance of three blocks, and defray the whole of the ccst thereof, estimates at $1.25 per linear or front foot, by a local assessment assess-ment upon the lots or pieces of giound within the following described district to be affected and benefitted by said Improvement, naun ly beginning be- wspii Die Intersect ii ns of First South Street and Soul It Main Street; thenc extending alum; the east side of the said South Malnjbirect to Fourth .outh Street a distance of three blocks. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such Intentions must be presented in writing to tho cltv recorder on or about the (1th day of June, UMXi, being tlfe time set by s?ld council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto. there-to. lly order of the city council of Logan City. Estkm,a EaiiKKT, May, 18th, IDOti. City Recorder. An Ordinance. An ordinance confirming tho assessment assess-ment of sidewalk paving district No. 10 as reported by the Hoard of Equalization. Equali-zation. Ho it ordained by the mayor and city council of Logan, Utah, that the assessment on sidewalk paving district No 10 as reported by tho Hoard of Initialization Is hereby approved and confirmed. Passed by the city council tills titti day of June, 1UQ0. 0 V. Linixjuist. Pres. of city council. Approved by tho maor this lllli day of June, 1000. K. V. Hoiiinson, Mitor. Attest Kstulla KonnitT, City Recorder. State of Utah 1 County of Cache I I, Fs'.clla Kgbcrt, City Recorder of Logan, Utah, do hereby certify that the above Is a full true and correct copy of the original ordinance entitled en-titled "An ordinance conllrming tho assciment of sidewalk paving district dis-trict No. 10 as reported by the Hoard of Equalization. In witness thereof I have set my hand and atllxed the corporate seal of Logan city this oth day of June, 1006. KbTKLLV KoilBKT, sical , City Recorder. An Ordinance An ordinance levying a tax and providing pro-viding for the assessment of property In Sidewalk Paving District No. 12. He It ordained by the mayor and city council of Logan city, Utah. Sec. 1. That the said city council does hereby levy the tax and provide for tho assessment upon the real property prop-erty In sldowalk paving district described de-scribed as follows to wit: Heglnnlng at tho Intersections of First South street and South Main street, thence soutli along the east side of tho said South Main street a distance dis-tance of three blocks. Sec. 2. That said tax Is levied to de-tray de-tray the expense ot laying a cement side walk six feet wide in front of the property abutting on said described district and to bo affected and benefitted benefit-ted by the said Improvement and It Is hereby adjudged, determined, and established es-tablished by the city council of said city that the said property will be especially benefited by the said Improvement Im-provement and that said property is to be assessed at an equal and uniform rale In accordance with the linear or front foot abutting on the above described de-scribed paving district. Sec. X That the cost and expense of constructing said Improvement Is estimated at $1.25 per linear foot or an approximated total cost of $2029. Sec. 4. The city treasurer Is hereby authorized and directed to assess the said property In accordanco with the provisions of said ordinances of Logan City, Utah. Sec. C. The assessment of the above special lax shall be made as follows: The total cost of the Improvements shall bo levied at one time upon the property and become delinquent as follows: fol-lows: Fifty per cent of the total amount shall be delinquent fifty days after the date of said levy; forty per cent of the amount shall be delinquent six months after the date of said levy, and the balance of ten per cent shall be delinquent at the end of one year from the date of tho levy thereof. Passed by the city council this (Ith day of June A. D. 100(1. OHO. W.-LlNIHjUltlT, Pres. of city council. Attest. EsTKLLA EOIIKUT, City Recorder, Approved by the Mayor of Logan city this 11th day of June 1000. E. W. ItontNsON, Mayor. State of Utah ) County or Cache f . I, Estella Egbert, city recorder, of Logan city, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the original ordinance entitled: "An ordinance levying a lax and providing for the assessment of property prop-erty In Sidewalk Paving District No. 12." In witness thereof 1 have set my hand and ailixed the coporatc seal of Logan Cltv this (Ith day of June 1000. Estklla Eoiiekt, City Recorder. An Ordinance. An ordinance levying a special tax for the construction of waterworks In water main extension district No. II). He It ordained by the mayor and city council of Logan city, Utah. Sec. 1. That there be and Is heie-by heie-by levied a special tax upon all tho property within water main district dis-trict No. ID of Logan city, Utah, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of laying a four Inch water main complete within said district described as followstowit: Heglnnlng at the north end of tho boulevard and running thence south down little dug-way dug-way to canyon roan; thence west along canyon road to Its Intersection with Fifth East street; thence south one block; thence west one block; thence south two clocks to First South street; thence from this point on First South street one block cast and one block west; thence from the Intersection of Third East street and First South street, ono block north and one block-south. block-south. Sec. 2 That the total appioxl-mated appioxl-mated cost of said Improvement Is tit.OOO and the cost per foot Is $l.;i(l. Sec. :i. The cost and expense of said Improvement is hereby assessed upon and against the property abutting abut-ting upon said Improvement within said district to bo affected and benefited bene-fited by the said Improvement, and It is hereby adjudged, determined and established by the city counoll of said city that tho said piopcrty will be especially alfected and henctltcd by said improvement; that said property Is to be assessed at an equal and uniform uni-form rate In accordanco with the foot frontage upon the property abutting upon the above described district. Sec. 4. Tho city treasurer of Logan city, Utah, Is hereby authorized and directed to proceed witli the collection collec-tion of said special tax In tho manner provided by the ordinances of Logan city, Utah. Sco. 5 The said special tax shall bo and become delinquent on the Oth day of August 1000. Passed by the city council this (Ith day of Juno, A. D. 100(1. Gko. W. Lindijuist, President of tho city council. Attest: Estulla EaiiBiiT, City recorder. Approved this 11th day of June A. D., 1900 E W. Roiiinson, Mayor. State of Utah l County of Cache I, Estella Egbert, city recorder of Logan city, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full true and correct, copy of the original ordinance entitled: "An ordinance levying a special tax for the construction pt water works In water main extension district No. 10. In witness thereof I have set my hand and atllxed the corporate seal of Logan city this Oth day of June, A. D. 100(1. Estklla Eoiikut, Iskal ' City recorder. Notice to Water Users. State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake city, Utah, Juno 7, 1000. Notice Is hereby given that A. H. Allen, whose post oillce address Is Richmond, Cache County, Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 103, Session Ses-sion Laws of Utah, 1005, to appropriate appropri-ate one-sixth (1-0) ot a cubic root per second of water from a spring In Cache County, Utah Said spring Is situated at a point 1,021 feet south and 12 feet east from the north cast corner of the south cast quarter of Section 13, Township 14 north, Range 1 cast, Salt Lake base and meridian. Said water will be diverted by means of a pipe line at the point where it Issues from said spring, and conveyed for a distance dis-tance of 2,200 feet and there used from January 1st to December 31st. Inclusive, In-clusive, of each year, for domestic purposes. As a secondary purpose the water not so used will be conducted con-ducted onto about 40 acres of land embraced In Section 13, Township 14 north, Range 1 east, and there used for Irrigation purposes. This application applica-tion Is designated In the State Engineers Engi-neers Onice as No. 822. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit In duplicate and tiled In this oillce within with-in thirty (30) days after the completion comple-tion of the publication of this notice. Oalkii Tannek, State Engineer. Date of Urst publication June 13th, date of completion of publication July 13th. .Notice of intention to Tax. Notlca Is heteby given by the city council of Logan City, Utah of the Intention In-tention of such council to make the following described Improvement to wit: Extend the Water Mains, and defray de-fray the costs thereof, estimated at $1.30 per linear foot by a local assessment assess-ment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, being the district to be affected and benefitted by said improvement, nam-ly: nam-ly: Heglnnlng at the north end of tho Boulevard and running thence south down little Dug Way to Canyon Road; thence west along Canyon Road to its Intersection with Fifth East Street; thence south one block; thence west one block; thence soutli two blocks to first south Street; thence from this point on first South Street, one block east and one block west; thence from the Intersection of Third East Street and First South Street, one block North and one block South. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such Intention must be presented in writing to the city recorder on or before the Gth day of July, 1000, being the day set bv the said council when It will hear and consider con-sider such objections as may be made thereto. Hy order of the city council of Logan City. Estklla EainsitT City Recorder. June Kith, 1000. For Sale. The property known as the "old woolen factory site" on the Canyon road, In Logan City, Utah, south of the Agricultural College. That part immediately west of the factory, comprising eight rods front on Canyon road and running north to Logan and Richmond canal, will bo sold separately from the remainder of the tract. The remainder of the tract, containing contain-ing about eight acres, will Include the factory, which has about 1000 perch of rock. Written bids will be received by the undersigned up to and Including June 30th, 1000. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Title perfect. i Jamks Quavlb. Contractors Take Notice. Bids wanted on cement walks to bo lajed around Providence school house. For specifications sen Lehl Olson. No bids received after July 2nd and all bids must bo accompanied by a certified certi-fied check of ten per cent. Have You a Cough A dose of Ballard's Ilorchound Syrup will rellove It. Have you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for asthma, asth-ma, for consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joo McGrath, 327 E. Jst. Street Hutchinson, Kans. writes; "I havo used Ballard's Ilorchound Syrup in ray family for flvo years, and And it tho most palatable medlclno I over used. Sold by lllter Uros Drug Co. I Los Angeles Excursions;! I CAT "T Special Low 5 l: tiedaced Rates f lTnnZ'r 1 I' Tickets on Sale T A K E n" h t I Z fl dally June 1st to A l ?adp' September 15th. ROT TTF 'IT S Long limit. KUU 1 C to July 8th. I Long Limit. a STOP OVERS IN SALT LAKE CITY. j Southern California, Ocean Beaches, Deep K Sea Fishing, Orange Groves, Yacht- pj ing Boating, Bathing. JO The Trip of a Life Time. 1 Any O. S. L. Agent can quote rates. For Particular, list of W Resorts, Hotels, etc., write to J. II. HURTNER, District Uj Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cj B 5Ea5il5HSE5a5H5a5a5ESH55HH5g5B5H5H5B5H5BSa555H5a5Jl3l Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tlthloo Office comer, logm, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged WHEN GOING EAST WHY NOT ENOY YOURSELF?, You will if you travel over the Illinois Central Cen-tral R. R. IT COSTS NO MORE. The best of service between Omaha, Chi cago, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and Southeastern South-eastern points. For full Information or literature call on or write J. A. Foley, Com. Agent, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. Albert A. Law Attorncy-at- law. R oom 11 Court house. Logan, Utah SALT LAKE CITt DIRECTORY Windsor Hotel 1 Centrally located. South of Ken-yon Ken-yon Hotel, Main street. European plan. Rates reasonable. reason-able. State trade solicited. Bates SO cents and up. FLlff RIG WORKS HIGH QltADK KKVEKSIIILE HOOS I Made from old Carpets. No. 2 I H South Temple. I H Pamphlet on application I H THROUGH SERVICE 1 TO ST. LOUIS I AND THE EAST I VIA 9 Missouri Pacific I Railway 1 THROUGH SCENIC 1 COLORADO I FERTILE E KANSAS AND MISSOURI I Pullman Sleeping Cars, H Observation Dining Cars w Electric Lights Electrlo Fans ffi Reclining Chair Cars (scats free) Hf Up-to-date Day Coaches. W For Berths. Tickets, Fouldcrs, x I etc., address E H. C.TOWNSENDr M Gen'l Passenger and TIcketAgt. ST. LOUIS K Oregon Short Line R. R. i CACHE VALLEY TIME CARD H No. It, Dally. No. 15. Dally Mixed. TO 1'ocatello 2:45 p. m 2134 a. m ijf Silt Lake 4ii0 ' ....lIHlp.m III Ogden isM " liss Jnm OicbeJcU 7i00 ..." 5:30im vS Mendon 7ll3 " fl;M fcl Loirin 7:35 h-js f SmlthDeW 7i53 " TjOO " I Wclitnond 8:M " 72 " IIW Prinklln 823 " , Si5 " His Alimvis TjS Proton 8MI, ,, OilOi.tu SB eouTH norjND. B LEAVES. IM No. 12 Dally. No. ID.Dally Mlie jM I'reaton 7il0i. m g;0i.m H Franklin 7s27 " jOiOO " LO Richmond 7i2 " tOiW " HX Bmlthaeld 7:58 " miO " IK Log-in 815 " 12:Mp.rn 1 Mondon 8:33 " mo " II CictieJct. 850 " ,.. .. JiSS-" 11 AKIIIVIH. II Ofden 10:35 " 8:00r" H Silt Like 11 145 " 7 it H Po-itllo t.n" Ip I'or further Information apply to Bf W. W. WtMjdsldo.Airent. I |