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Show I RG CORSETS tOlve the graceful grace-ful tapering contour con-tour and the de-lined de-lined waist line demanded by the prevailing fashion A stylo for every figure and every Kind of dress, including in-cluding the new R.& O. 'Lingerie' corset which will become Immensely Immense-ly popular. II. & G. corsets wear as well as I hey fit, and they tit to perfection. I Prices $1 to $3. I Eve y pair guaranteed. I Campbell's Dependable Store. I BUY YOUR FURNITURE O F T II E I SP ANDE E Furniture Co. 18 and you tind that It Is well H bought. Back of the Stylish IS appearahce and Superior finish H tliBt mark every piece in our II Tremendous Stock, Is the high j standard of I QUALITY fl th.'ii comes from honest meMi- Bj uds and careful supervision. Kj We have Just received a laij,i' w shipment of tjff Carpets K among them a consignment f B the fiimousCOLUMIIlA IlltlJS- '.Bj SEl.S. which can not be -.ir- flK passed for beauty and durabil- mX it y. Also a large shipment of J the old reliable B HAYWOOD BABY CARRIAGES. Eft Our prices will suit you. f Spande Furniture Co. Sidney Stevens B'Idg. I & Cores Old Sorts Westmoreland, Kans. May 5, 11)02: Ballard Snow Liniment Co., Your Snow Liniment cured an oldsoroon the side of my chin that was supposed suppos-ed to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn stub-born and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Sophia J, Carton, Allensvllle, Mltlln Co. I'a. has a sore and mistrusts that It Is a cancer. Please send her a 50c bottle. Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug i NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE BROMOLAV CONTAINS NO QUININE JTJl UH It Breaks up Colds Quickly It Stops Headaches Instantly It leaves I no Bad After-Effects like Quinine Preparations Because M THERE IS NO QUININE IN IT ftC 4n the Orange Colored Box 35 cents at all Drug Stores, or by Mall. V "H' BROMO CHEMICAL CO., CHICAGO. IU Sold and Guaranteed by Riter Bros. Drug Co. l v A LOGAN CITY DIRECTORY I These firms Solicit your business and will treat you properly. WESLEY JACQUES Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Wo employ none but Experienced Barbers, thus ensuring the Best of Service. Everything clean and Up-to-date. Wo solicit your patronage and will do our best to please you. BASEMENT THATCHER BANK Dr. P. M. Poulsen DENTIST. Best Set of Teeth, UO.Oo Filling Teeth, 1.00 Cleaning Teeth, ... 1.00 Highest class Crown and Bridge Work at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without, pain. Ofllcc over U. O. Store. L. J. Goodrich Osteopath. Five jcars active practice In Logan. Office Of-fice corner Main mil Center street. Office and Itesldcnco phone Hell Slta, Ind. K9. Night calls from ofllcc. only. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance In-surance Co., of Logan. N. W. Klmbll 4 A. L Cranncy, Mgrs. farms, Handles, Kesldenco and lluslncsa Locations for sale. Wc solicit comsnond-ence. comsnond-ence. Office In Union, over Andreas I'cter-en's I'cter-en's shoo store. Palace Meat Market Wm. Reading, Prop. I'rlmo beef, mutton, iwrk. veal, etc.! sua-sices sua-sices fresh every morning) Ash, samo and poultry In season S3 west Center street Dr. I. P. Stewart DENTIST. Huccessor w Cowans & Stewart. Office orer First National Hank. I'tiono 104 H. A. Pedersen & Co. REAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS Tried, True and ltellable. Office over First National Hank, Login, lit l'ostoffico Uox 353. l'lione IBS X Correspondence. In any Language answered James C. Walters ATTORNEV-ATUW. Union l)lock 75 North Main Street Logan Steam Laundry 46 Wert 1st North, First-class efficient work done on snort notice; family washes a specialty! satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. Phone lilt "The Hanks" Hotel HOME-LIKE, POPULAR. well lighted and heated. Good meals and First-class service. litis to all trains! Favorite Fav-orite hostelry for Commercials. Phono UK Over Postofllcc. Main and 1st N, James T. Hammond Attorney and Attornty-at-Uw. Rooms 315-310 McCornlck Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks,' Propr Commercial trade solicited Center street Logan. I' O Ilox 418 'Phone Hi U. 0. M. & B. Co. Lumbtr Dealers. CeTIoorlnir. celling, rustic, lath, doors, sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts. builders hardware and paliitsi Oeo Colo, Mgr Phone 48 V O box 3K H. SECRIST PROPRIETOR Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial J Trade J Solicited Stables rear of Eagle Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Phones: ofllcc 11 x; Res. 00 y. LOGAN, - - UTAH. THE SWELL CONFECTION-ERY CONFECTION-ERY OF LOC1AN. MURDOCH'S Candy Kitchen Try our Whipped Cream, Chocolates, Choco-lates, Bon lions, ice Cream. Ices, and Sherbets. Mado tho year 'round. Our cream is Pasteurized beforo freezing. All our candles aro made from Cache Valley Sugar. ALL HOME LABOR USED. John A. Sneddon Attorncy-at-Law. Over 1st National Hank. Estates Probated Oeneral Law Practice Jos. Wilson & Son Brass and Iron Founders. aaBTi'achlnlsts, machinery repairing of all kind donoi wo positively manufacture the best and cheaiest swivel for hay derricks ever placed 011 the market. William Bowen Livery and Feed Stables. Livery and baggage promptly attended 10 connections made with all trains corn-trade corn-trade solicited. First West street, Logan, Utah Peterson & Sons. The Painters. Oold signs, window lettering, card signs, pictorial signs, painted bulletins, wall displays. dis-plays. Ueneral palming of all kinds In up-to-date manner. All work guaranteed, bhou Couth Main street J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorr.ey-at-Law. Estates probated, collections, general law practice. Logan Utah Hart & Nebeker Lawyers. Pulus i and 8 commercial block Logan. Utah Thone 70, p o box M Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgensen. Prop. Dealer In all klndsof grain and seeds! car-shipments car-shipments a specialty. 1(1 E 2nd south phone 156x Wilson Whiskey I THAT'S ALL. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS H ALSO CIGARS. 1 J. R. Edwards H and Company fl Don't fall to Call If you want any- In our H OUR GOODS AKKI11GII GRADE H WIIKRK TIIK FISH ARK.. H Q.W. Lindquist H Undertaker 4 Embalmer. 'pliono-ttftlce 1-7 'phone resldenco SKk H sttttttttttttfl ......... jaaaH John Bench H Dry Goods H Groceries, and Notions H tTU south main H Worley & Nelson H Contractors and Builders. H Logan, Utah H Phono Nos. II8t 128k H lo box 334! correspondence solicited ' H aaaH CHAS. Q. HOLMES H Painter and Paperhangcr. B Drainer and decorator. Calrlmlngdono H rt7aood workmanship guaranteed. Will H JOHN RUCHTI 11 Merchant Tailor. H Ladles and (leiitsclothtng neatly cleaned and reparled. (Itxjd work guaranteed " 71 H Palace Meat Market. M Rust & Reading, Props. H I'rlmo lu.tf, .Mutton, Pork. Veal, etc.. etc. H 3TOameand Poultry In season. H Ni Vt est Center streot. H J. W. BARRETT M Plans, and KpeclMcallons furnish on H short notice 1. U. Ilox 445. OUIce .7 H North First East stlect. H I'honolndependcnt la iH Hell Mx H John Thomas M Merchant Tailor, H tSfLeadlng tailor of northern Utah! call at his new store No, 70 west 1st north H A One linn of Fall and Winter samples ot H Hultlngs for Inspection. H Logan Utah H A. H. Palmer H THE PLUMBER. H t3rl'Iumljngt!iat needs no repairing un- 111 Jack frost gets at It t. H , j H A. Swinyard H General Blacksmlthlng H lluggy and carrlago work H MH WestCenterstrect. H Odell Photo Studio M Family Groups a Specialty. H tXTPortralts enlarged In crayon. India H Ink, pastel and water colors Main and H center streets, Logan, Utah Joseph Tarbet H The Plumber. H tVOrdcrs executed, satisfaction guara'n- H teed on short notice 140 N Main street. Lo- H gan. Utah BBBBal Berntsen & Skanchy Contractors and Builders. H Estimates glten on all klndsof build- H lngs. 452 south West street, Logan. H Indepent phone IWI. H II tl 01. o 4:in H |