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Show B j pl5E5a5H5Ha5a55E5Ha5e55H5g5B5a5B5E5HSH5H5HB5H5SH5aD I , From a Grading Gamp. ' I . I I K 1 jjl Salt Lakk Cn"?, Junk 11, 1906. ft I ' EVERTON & SONS, Logan, Utah. . g M Gkntlkmkn: The Hot Blast range which K fl we bought from you the first of the year we find Cj 3 to be all that you claimed it. During the winter K mouths we could warm the camp wagon very K 1 Q quickly by turning the hot blast draft and tlius Cj 3 drive nearly all of the heat into the room, again, K fj we find it equal if not superior to other ranges in K h i 5 holding the heat For summer use we find that ffi m I II the single back in fire bo allows a quick hot oven jj H K which bakes surprisingly even with a comparative- S M jj ly small fire. We can say to you as we have said H m K to others the hot Blast Range has parts superior H B ffi and none inferior to any range on the market. nj M n Should you wish to show this to anyone you are 3 M n at liberty to do so and will add that they will make 3 1 ft no mistake in buying a hot blast range. 3 H 3 Respectfully Yours ru H n Buti.kr Bros. K H S Treutou, Utah. ffi -H fl fl H In Dd H l5H5HH5BSH5H5H55H5gSH5?H5E5SH5H5Ha5H55H5a5H51D lEliason Sisters ' w . '' ''" z A WONDERFUL i i Clearance Sale j of Women's and Misses' Suits, including Pony, Eton; f I Empire and Fitted Jacket Styles. f fe Materials are Fine Worsteds, Panama, Cheviots and Broadcloths. . : Silk Skirts, and Shirt Waist Suits, 1000 yards Colored Silks, 25c. Kiki Jackets, Silk coats, in colors, and Latest Silks. Plaids, Polka Dots, at 4c. j Styles; no old stock. BELTS are going at X 1 25 per at. off. 1-2 Price. 1 $w . s y . nrv tti ,oi n- Embroideries and Laces 4p $ Muslin Underwear Sateen Petticoats, , , X Black aud colored. Shirt Waists and 12 PCC 0 Wash Shirt Waist Suits at $ 0 PP Drapery Goods, Lace Curtains and j" per Cr. Oil. Cottage Crtains selling now at 2 The Best Bargains ever offered in Logan ' U pCV Ct Oil X J A BIG LINE OF 5 CENT LAWNS. J A ' tk- J Commenced June i 4:, Lasts 30 days. Jj f : fEIiason Sisters: I Want Column"" Some good residences In Smlthllcld for sale by James Mllligan. wc For Sale. 12-acro farm with nice orchard. Inquire Providence store, wo lstclass upholstering, Logan 2nd hand store; work guarntecd; pi ices to satisfy First class sand delivered to any part of town. W. T. Drown, Ind-Fhone224. Ind-Fhone224. wo SAND For building and cement work, for sale, O.O. Dluemel, D. phone 371). wc For Sale 30 horse power engine In good condition. Walker & Wright, Utah Marble Works, Logan. wc Tho Logan second hand stoic will give ou a new linoleum for an old one with a. little difference. wc For Rent Nicely furnished rooms for light house keeping, good ard, cool cellar; block cast of Thatcher's Bank. wc For Sale A frame dwelling rooms, hall, closet and pantry; lot 5x18 rods, choice location. Inquire at 223 South 1st East street or Smith Bros. Lumber Lum-ber Co. j For Sale Six roomed house; hall, pantry, four closets, 100 bearing fruit trees, choice soil, with 31, 6, or nine acres. Inquire 4'J5 East 2nd South. Bad health, must sell. wo Watch and Jewelry Repairing When a piece of jewelry or a watch gets out of order, It Is highly important import-ant that tho repairs be done by an expert ex-pert In his line. We have the best equipped shop for this kind of work In i this section of tho State. No liner or better workmen can be found anywhere any-where than are employed here, and solely on the ground that we do accomplish ac-complish the best results with your work, we solicit your business. C. M.WKNDELHOE.East First North, wo Help Wanted. 1 want help. I have a line business for good sober men. 100.000 people must bo seen in Salt Lake county. Energetic, trustworthy men will get their honest efforts well rewarded. Address or Call on me at once. F. A. Kbvi.uuqxk. I I ONE HALF PRieE SALE !! I S ALL OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF I j 3& -' 1 Fancy Qhina Dishes at 50 per ct Discount -11 Hi I I H , I This Sale Lasts ONLY until June 30th. The Best will go first; Come Early and I H it Se first cnoice- Trust your future Grocery Business to us. f ! ' I j Qaehe Valley Mercantile Qompany. f H When you patronize us you build up Cache Valley. ' H I (Bampbell (Bommerciai company, K WHOLESALE GROCERS. r CENTER STEET, LOGAN, UTAH . . Eil V' WBMMBHIBU rtsj vu:JT. . Q .Z-JJJ2ZZZZZZZZZZ.m----iLJ--. I- - - - HRiV fl-B |