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Show WELLSVILLE TO CELEBRATE 4th Old Folks' Have Delight- H ful Time There. H The Comings and Goings H Of The Town, H WELLV1LLE, June 14 On Mon- H day, tho 11th, an old folks party was H given in the meeting house where H everything was done to make our H aged parents happy and comfortable. H The brass band was out all day dressed H In their nlco new uniforms, and It H becms they never played as well as H they did upon that occasion. H At one o'clock dinner was an- H nounccd and over two hundred sat H down around four tables, ca:h tho M length of the meeting house, spread H with thu good things of tho earth. M After them, tho joung married oco- H plo kept coming In until hundreds M more iad partaken of .dinner. H Aftor dinner tho pcoplo assembled B outside undor the trees, and a lino M program Of songs, recitations, and M speeches by Bishop E. R. Owen, Pres. H W. II. Maughan, of the Ilyrum Stako mM Presidency, and S. B. Mltton, of Lo- H gan. Hon. Lorenzo Hansen, of Lo- H gan, was there and entertained the H pcoplo with his nlco big phonograph H which was very much appreciated. H The day closed with a dance in the H hall at night. M Charles R. Dalloy and all the old H folks committee did everything In H their power to make tho day pleasant H Wcllsvlllo is going to have the best H celebration on tho 4th of July that H has ever been in our city. Our city H father's met on Monday and appoint- H ed a commltte to get up a program H and also appropriated $250 fnr the oc- M caslon. Tho latch string will bo on M tho outside of the gate of our city H and every onu that W willing to be- H havo themselves are made welcome. H On Saturday the Drlglmm cltv H basu ball team will cross bats with H the Wellsvllle tlrst nlnu. All those M wishing to seo a good game aro mado M welcome. H |