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Show News of the City and County Short Squibs Telling of People and Events Here, There and Yonder. Mrs Statla Adams, of Hutto, Is In the city. Mrs. Frank Nebckcr Is In S.ilt Lake for a few days. Dr. Adamson, of Hlchmond, was a Logan visitor on Thursday. Harold Peery, of Peery Bros., Preston, Pres-ton, was In Logan Wednesday. J II Jardlne, of Clarkston, Is preparing pre-paring to erect a line residence. Or L. II. Ilerg, dentist of Brlgham, Is in Logan, and ho will remain until Sunday A force of men are now laying the rail on the track between Mcndon and Wcllsvlllo. Charles B Fleming has gone to Berkeley, California, to spend u month with the Stovers. Ernest Knowles and Mr. and Mrs. T. 15. Horton, of Lima, were down to the Knowles gathering. Hoy Eebert, biother to City Hecord-or Hecord-or Estella Egbert, started on a European mission Thursday. Ed Sloan, of the Independent Tele-phono Tele-phono company, was In the city on Thursday In the Interest of the com-panj. com-panj. Henry Hanccy, of Hyde Park, tho expert sugar beet ralsor, says that prospects could not be better for that crop In his locality. BIshop.BenJamln Hyinas uridcrwent an operation a few days ago, having a cancer cut from his forehead. He is progressing favorably. J. S. King, of the Wilson Distilling company of Baltimore, Maryland, has been In the county for a row days. Ho says that tho company enjojs a good business in this vicinity. George Hincsand wife arc visiting in Preston with their relatives, Thos. Lee and family. Tom, who has been engineer on the Cache Valley branch for several years, will remove his family fam-ily to Ogden, as ho is now running between be-tween there and Salt Lake. It. It. Cordon, or Preston, with some of tho leading men of Treasureton, Idaho, have Incorporated a creamery company capitalized at 88,000, with $3,000 Dald up. Tho creamery is being be-ing built on tho old Treasure place now owned by Benjamin Hymas. Gardens In tho lower part of the Second ward have for years past suffered suf-fered for water despite tho fact that the owners have water rights In the Logan and Henson canal. From what we can learn, this lack of water Is due to tho action of the farmers control-lug control-lug tho dltjCh. They do not turn the water In until they need It on their farms In the low-lauds, by which time the gardens in tho abovo locality have withered up. If this Is tho truo difficulty, dif-ficulty, parties In charge of this canal should take steps to give tho relief asked for. Families need their garden truck and this cannot bo raised without with-out water. Mrs. Vllato Wolscj and Mrs. Mary Hadllcld, of Cardston, Alberta, are In tho county visiting relatives. Charles Gcssell and Edna Mathews, of Pnwldenco, wero married In tho Salt Lake temple on Thursday. Soren Peterson, of Hcxburg, was seen on our streets Wednesday IIo Is booked for a mission to England, leaving leav-ing Salt Lake city July Ith. Mrs. John Crockett was In Logan on Wednesday. Her son Arthur was married to Miss Ida Jenkins In tho Logan temple on Thursda) T. E. McOraw, of Utter Bros., Is on a lay-olf for two weeks Ho went to Provo on Thursday to join his wife, who went down last Sunday. Mrs. Christina liurr, sister to Julius Hansen, of Hyde Park, Is very III at Hawkln's Ilaslti Idaho. Julius and his wife arc now there with her It Is stated that tho railroad surveyors survey-ors arc about through running a lino from Malad to Hurley. When thru thoy will start from Preston to Soda Springs. Mrs. Mcrinda Grllllth, formerly of Hyde Park, came from Mexico about one week ago with her twenty-year-old son who has had n serious attack of typhoid malaria. A. II. Thompson and wife returned from Salt Lake Tuesday night whero they attended the wedding of tho gentleman's brothcr,Kdmund Thompson. Thomp-son. The advent of the fishing season brings to mind a llshlng trip taken by threo Salt Lake "drummcrs"lasi year. Tho boys were real sports, rigged' themselves out properly and hied' themselves awav to sylvan dells In all the glory of the finest poles and lines, Itsh baskets, superior llles and all tho extra llttlo trimmings usually taken by "swells." They llshcd all day and on their return exhibited their catch on a cake of Ice In one of the big restaurants. res-taurants. The "catch" consisted of Just one trout, and a bill of expenses totaled up exactly $r. 00 Hathcrcx-pensivo Hathcrcx-pensivo trout.but the bojs had lots of I fun, of course I A letter from M.D. McKane.who Is now at Osceola, Nevada.ln tho "Hlack Horso"dlstrlct,spcaksvcryilatterlngly of that country. This particular camp Is but ninety days old, yet one company com-pany has given a $200,000 option on llvo or six claims. Tho San Pedro company has ten or twelvo feet of gold oro showing. Mr. McKano and partner, part-ner, one Homer Hart, have some very promising properties with copper and gold showings and they believe they have struck it about right. Town lots In that locality are now selling for $200 desplto tho fact that there is not yet a building any place near. This Is a tent town and just at present a great boom Is expected. Hlack Horse Is but ninety miles from the San Pedro and everybody who.goes Inland must pass the town. |