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Show ' '"B"HHHHBHHHMbWbwbm 'i' I' J m. h h m m. BMB1 BB .Bfl I k bH VaY bV P W " ' r v B vmymym H Aymymymyt waaaaaam aBaaaf aaaaaj aaaaj aaaaaf aaaaM aaaaaj aaa aaaj mymy bWbWbbby bwbwM Wbwbwb Wbwb bwbwbwbwA VbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbT VawawJ bwbwA VawaWJ .bwbwbi awawaT Mf W BBBBm BaSMW BSMSMSMSMSax aaH f WbbV p" Abbbb VAVaBVH lHH bVbVbbbbbb bbBbV VbH bbB L BBa BBa BB H TV B HV B BBHBB BBB m BBb BB " BBH I BIG DEPENDABLE I CLEARANCE SALE H' I Owing to unfavorable Spring weather we have postponed our annual May Sale, but propose giv 1 H I ing a June Clearance Sale that will ECLIPSE anything in the history of Logan. We will open our 1 j H doors at o a. m. Saturday (TODAY) and continue Sale for ONE WEEK ONLY.. This is a.bonafide, sale yj j and will include BIG SACRIFICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. bV Bwi I Ladies & Misses Suits Shirt Waist Dept Children's Dresses; I ' 50 per Cent diSCOUnt. Will offer Exceptionally Good Values. AT THE FOLLOWING DISCOUNTS: I ! - DnV Special line worth $1.25 to $2.00, $1.50 HOW - $1.00 X"Z HrlCe' - choice 85c. $,.oonow - - - - 65c H c . , c T , , 33 1-3 per cent off on all Waists, $1.25 now - - - 85c ' SPrmg and Summer Jackets. including silks. 75c now , . . . . 50c H Including a Beautiful Line of Tafeta 35c HOW ' ''- 25C aud Pcau "e Sole- SHIRT WAIST SUITS. 60c now . '. 4oc $18.00 values at - - - $12.00 H $12.00 Values at - - $8.00 In Linen, yolle; Butcher's Union Linen $9.00 Values at - - $6.00 and Panama C.oths at StimUlC KfalOliaS J $6.00 values at - - - - $4.00 33 i"3 to 50 per cent discount. and WRAppERS I ' 33 J-3 per cent off on entire line of Ribbons! Ribbons! At 33 -3 Per cent Discount. H STREET and DRESS SKIRTS. This Department will offer values re 0 f --- , -, , M can't be overlooked U JUtt WaiSt SttttS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 20 Per Cent Discount In Silk, Mohair and Voile , at 1-4 to 50 per cent discount. J AT QNE HALF PRICE SHOES AND OXFORDS r jc j , c ...... $6.oo ; At Big Reductions. See Bargain Table UXlOfOO 3X1(1 J. lg $l5.00 Suits . ,. . . $7.5o I I I 3 SJ?eS n0W " - " t2-45 Less than Manufacturer's Cost $J srita ' ' ' !u! I $2.75 Shoes now - - - $1.95 -00 Ults - - . . $3.oo I SUMMER UNDERWEAR HOSIERY 500 1 ur nover Collars 20 and I at 33 -3 per cent discount 2o to 33 13 per cent discount 25c, Sale Price 10c each. , , , Sale Continues Seven Days, Beginning Saturday, June 16. If I Wo Approvals. No Goods Exchanged. I terms qash I ! CAMPBELL & SONS CO. I Neve Misrepresent Sales, Quality of Goods ot Fair Prices H f - -J- 1 B I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIMMgWMM . . 1 bVM I JBB. WiWBBMBiBBHBBBM bhb, (,1, I bbbBbIbbRbbIbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb |