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Show THE FUNERAL OF MRS. R0UCHE Was Largely Attended, And Very Impressive A Funeral In Logan City Also Well Attended. At 3 p. m. Thursday, the funeral service over the remains of Mrs. Annie Koiiechc, was held at Mlllvlllo, the meeting house being crowded to Its capacity with friends and neighbors bowed In sorrow. Tho speakeis were James Hovcy, F. T. Yeatcs, II. C. Ilcnegcr. J, W. I). Ilurren, Bishop Charles p. Ilvde. Martin Woolf, A. M Israelson, W. II. Maughan, Charles England, Mrs. llalph and 10. N, Hammond. Ham-mond. Naught but all that as good could be spoken of tho deceased and a glowing eulogy came from each speaker. speak-er. Mrs. Roucchu was originally a native na-tive of II do Paik, having been boin there in 18(11, and the speakers from that town dwelt upon. their acquaintance acquaint-ance witli her there. Before her marriage mar-riage she was a Chrlstcnsen, and throughout Iter whole life was a good woman, one of more than ordinary Intellectual capacity, a devoted mother, moth-er, and the possessor of friends limited only to her acquaintance. In her last moments her thoughts were of her boy, Leo D., aged nineteen, who Is now tilling a mission In New Zealand, and to him she penned a few lines -before her spirit took Its departure. The whole community sympathizes deeply .with Bishop Roucchc and his family Tho funeral service over tho remains re-mains of Mrs. Ellen Illbbard, wife of William Illbbard of tho Fifth ward, was held Monday morning at 10 o'clock. There was a goodly number of friends present to pay their last respects re-spects to thjs estimable lady, and from these came many lloral tokens of love and respect. Those who spoke words of praise and consolation on this occasion oc-casion were Alexander Spence, James Quaylc, Hugh Adams, William Mc-Nlel, Mc-Nlel, 1'rcs. Isaac Smith, Bishop Win. Hyde. Tho grave was dedicated by G. W. LIndqulst. Mrs. Illbbard was 51 years of ago at her death and had long been a sullercr from heart disease. |