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Show COMMITTEES OF RICHMOND CLUB Death There, A Robbery And an Accident. Personal Mention and Newsy Items, RICHMOND, June 15. Tho Rich-mond Rich-mond Industrial Club held one of the laigcstand most appreciated meetings In the Club's' history, Monday night. Much Interest was manifest In the discussion of "Resolved that the city (f Richmond ba. bonded to the limit Allowed by law for the purpose of Installing In-stalling a city water system." The hlllrmatlvo speakers were J. W. Funk find F. O. Nelson, while the ncgutlvo was taken care of by Geo. M. Thomson Thom-son and T. II. Merrill Both sides .were heartly applauded and had a .voto been taken the honor would no doubt have been about evenly divided. Mr. O. '.. Harris mndo a decided hit Mien he urged the largo crowd present pre-sent to aid the club In advancing the Interests of Richmond and allay any prejudice or knocking that might arise against any enterprise or condition condi-tion that would be for the betterment of Richmond. President Hendricks announced the various committees of tlie club as far as they had been 'selected and added that .somu of the following arc not complete, while additional ad-ditional comniittcs will be announced later. The names arc: Committee on now Industries C, .. Harris, J. W. Funk. J. I. Shepard, J. W. Hendricks, S. W. Hendricks. Public cntnrtalnmcnt S. R. Telford, Tel-ford, Alfred Chrlstenscn. Ernest Mon-son. Mon-son. A. A. Thomas, W. II. Lewis. Kd. Webb, Win. Anderson. Statistics O. .1. Mouson, C. V. Harris, C. B. Merrill, P. N. Nelson. Laws and legislation T. II. Merrill, J. W. Funk. A. S. Schow. F. O. Nelson, Nel-son, S. R. Telford. Advertising and promotion A. A. Thomas, O. J. Monson, A. E. Harris. Public Improvements Thos.Grlflln, Wm. Merrill, J. Peart, J. II. Knowles, J. W. Morton. Education J. L. McCarrcy, F. O. Nelson, S. W. Hendricks Alma Merrill, Mer-rill, Wm. Merrill. Sanitation and public welfare Dr. II. A. Adamson, Joseph Peart, J. II. Knowles, A'. A. 'Thomas, W. L. Skid-inoic. Skid-inoic. Railway and transportation J I. Shepard, C. .. Harris, .1. W. Funk, T. 11. Merrill, S. W. Hendricks Dairying-. W.-Hendricks, 'P. N. Nelson. Lauds and Irrigation, eto. O. E. Merrill. N. K. Nelson, T. II. Merrill, J. W. Hendricks, J. I Shepard. Ways and means -J. W. Funk, Wm. Merrill, O. J. Monson, J. L. McCarrcy, A. A. Thomas. Water and clectrlcty P. N. Nelson, J. I. Shepard, W. L. Skldmorc, II. J. Johnson. Tho club Instructed the committee on public entertainment to co-operate with the committee appointed at the mas meeting Sunday last and arrange tor a celebration hero on tho Fourth of July, A Death. Tliursday morning at 0:15 Mrs. Julia ,M. Olson Altken passed nway after suffering with acute mania for only about threo weeks. Towards the last tho lady became most violent and strong persons were required to be with her night and day to keep her from doing herself bodily harm. Death at last claimed her and leaves a dutiable duti-able husband and four children, between be-tween two and ten years of ace, besides a mother, brother and sisters and many friends to mourn her sudden departure. de-parture. Mrs, Altken was born In Richmond a little over .'11 jcars ago and married Wm. Altken In Logan, Oct. i:i, ISO.". They have lived hero considerable of their time, but for the past few years Turner, Idaho, has been their home. Mrs. Altken came here a few weeks ago on a visit and was about to return home when tho sickness came upon her which caused her death. Tho funeral will be held Sunday at .1 p. in. Whllo sawing lumber In Eckersley'a saw mill up High Creek last week, Ncls. Peterson received a broken arm caused by a (lying board. Thooung man walked down the canyon to the Hendricks mill and telephoned for medical aid. Store Robbed. One of the boldest and most caro-fuly caro-fuly planned robberies that has occurred oc-curred here for a long time was that in which thieves robbed tho P. M. & Creamery Co 's store last week. Tho robbers gained entrance to the store by prying open a rear window of the building. They were no doubt hard up for clothes as they took shoes, hats, shirts and gloves, and no doubt many other articles not easily missed front a large establishment. They took shirts out of tho show window and lit matches tosco tho si.es, this being evidenced ev-idenced from tho fact that a collar band on one shirt was scorched. After Af-ter getting their supplies they opened (Concluded on 4th page) Richmond. Continued from 1st page. the side door from tho Inside and went out. Mo trace of the parties who committed tho deed has as yet been found. The marshal, however, Is working hard on the case and expects ex-pects to land the robbers before long. Manager Hendricks congratulates himself that the robbers overlooked a sack containing over $100 which was hid behind a stack of shoe boxes which the parties took down and removed but without Undlng tho money Judge Dead. "Judgo is dead." Thcso sad words almost bring tears to thb ejes of Dr. Adamson. "Judge" was a line white canine, alwavs ready for a light. He was the doctor's pet bull dog that has been his friend on all his long trips out from home through all kinds of weather at all times of the day and night for the past seven years. On this account there Is hardly a person from Weston on the north to Smith-Meld Smith-Meld on the "south that is not moro or less acquainted with "Judge." Hut now Judgo Is dead. Fiom some source last Monday, but which has not been found, the dog got hold of sufficient strychrilne to kill him. It made quick work of hlra too. The doctor is looking look-ing for another dog. A recent Issue of Tho Republican announced that George Lewis and Alva Al-va Merrill will be married on Juno 10. This Is a mistake It should have read tho 20th of June. Tho young couple will be married In tho Salt Lake Temple Tem-ple on that date and their many friends here will wish them much joy. A surprise was given the expected bride by tho girls of tho "Forget-me-not" circle last week. This surprise was a successful linen shower, which made much pleasuro for the givers as well as tho receiver. A mass meeting of the people of the town was called Sunday to consider holding a celebration here on the 4th A committee of six was appointed at this meeting to meet with the committee com-mittee on 1'ubllo Entertainment of tho Industrial Club These commit tees have met and aro now at work, arranging to hold the largest Fourth of July celebration ever held in Richmond. Rich-mond. i Tho city council held a special session ses-sion Thursday night to consider the petition against the widening of the street south of W. Balr's place. After several heated arguments tho council denied tho petition and ordered the fences moved back. Other business of minor Importance was transacted; Newell F. Iiullen has been appointed appoint-ed Registar tn election district No. 2, while W. K. Rurnham succeeds himself him-self as Registrar In district No. 1. Mr. Bullrn succeeds S. R. Telford (democrat) (demo-crat) In that district. A letter Just received here states that Herbert Harrison has arrived safe In Kansas city and ha9 commenced commenc-ed on his mission work, Miss Nellie Thompson returned from a vacation spent in the capital. I |