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Show City and County Call at this oillcc for a baby's knitted shoe found on the street. Wo sell tho Earth ana Loan money on it. II, A. Petersen &, Co. Kstcs Hammond, or Mlllvllle, was In Logan on Wednesday. Men and teams wanted to log at Smith's saw mill, Logan canyon, t A One boy came to the home or Lor-In Lor-In Hatch on Friday morning. Hon. James T. Hammond, of Salt Lake, came up on Thursday evening's train, went to Paradise, und returned home Friday morning. President William Hudge, of ParK Idaho, Soren Hansen, or Ilyrum, and Frank Iloblnson, or Illchniond, were visitors In Logan on Thursday. Foil Uknt. One cottage half block south of II. V College. Inquire of Smith Bros. Lumber Co. Mrs. Harry Swlnyard returned fiom Salt Lake and Ogdcn on Wednesday. She went there to meet friends whom she had not seen for twentv years. For Rent Cottage J block north court house; three rooms, Pantry, closet, cellar and summer kltcken. Smith's Lumber Co. t Kmlle Nelisen, the carriage builder on South Main, has a small electric plant added to his business, which enables him to turn out' work with promptness. The clearance sale of wall paper still continues at Preston and Pyper's. Foil Salk A well improved farm or 320 acres, at Lewlston, well stocked with horses and cattle. Inqulro at this olllce lor particulars. Letters from Miss Ida Mitchell, who has been In New York city a month or more, Indicates that she will bo home shortly. She will visit Washington Wash-ington enroute home. Lieut. Blnford, of the 20th regiment located at tho Monterey presidio, Is hero on a visit to the McAllsters. Blnford Is one of Lieut J. A. McAllst-er's McAllst-er's friends. Why pay two prices for Wall paper? Go to Pres-ton-Pyper's and get a real bargain. M. B. Gwln, President or tho High Creek Electric Light and Power Co., A. K. Stcunenberg, brother or the late Governor of Idaho, and Judge Budge were In the city on Thursday. What's thegood of keeping from him Any good things you may see, , That will lift his load of labor Like Itocky Mountain Tea. C. E. "Napper. On Thursday Che. Danlelson Manufacturing Manu-facturing company received from the east a furnace weighing 2.1000 pounds. It Is thirtv-three feet high. It Is automatic In Its cdnstructlon, giving a signal when the smelting reaches a certain limit Our stock of wall paper must go. We are closing out this line of trade. Exceptional Ex-ceptional prices. Preston-Pyper Preston-Pyper & Co. Bishop Benjamin Hymas, of Treas-uretlon, Treas-uretlon, has erected a new store building. build-ing. James S. Hancey, of nyde Park, Is doing the painting. Plans are being be-ing made by Jesse Hancey, of Hyde Park, lor a new meeting house at Trenton, Lost Llcht red yearling heifer near Logan bridge, label In left ear. II. Kloepfer, Logan. Finder will be rewarded re-warded I y returning It to owner, t W. D. Lltz, one of the big farmers of Lewlston, was in Logan Thursday. IIo says that most of tho Lewlston crops aro looking good, but there Is about two hundred acres of beet land that has not yet been planted.' Inn general way, prospects are good. See .Carl Garff for fine "mission" furniture, porch chairs and settees. Furniture made at homo is the best; made In any design and only of the highest quality. t itobt. Murdock Jr. left on an automobile auto-mobile trip to Provo Sunday evening. Berore ho got out of Cache Valloy two tires were put out of business. The remainder of the trip was made without with-out serious dlillculty. Tho Murdock "vehlhlclo" Is but a seven horse car yet made the trip very satisfactorily. The Logan Furniture company has just received a consignment of adjustable ad-justable lawn chairs, tho equal of which has never before been unloaded unload-ed In Logan. They aro unexcelled for comfort and ease. Examine them, t Thomas Stlrland, of Providence. will soon bo able to count another at the family table. Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock a ten-pound boy arrived by special delivery. This makes the fifteenth that Is alive and well and Mr. Stlrland thinks that's going some. Thus does the population of .Ion increase. in-crease. Don't bo fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be' cured with local appliances. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea Is the only positive euro for rheumatism. .15 cents, tea or tablets. C. E. Napper. During tho past thrco weeks the Thatcher Mill and Elevator company have been remodelling their mill They have an expert from Mlllwaukce superintending tho work. No means aro being spared to make everything tlrt-closs and when completed this mill will be second to none In the Inter-mountain country. Miss Lavcrne Worle'y has gone to Salt Lake city for a short visit. Lost. Eight weeks old sow pig, mostly blnck. Leave word Harry Brown. t Jos. K. Wilson Jr. has been putting some cement guttering on Center street recently. A big bunch or satisfaction with every Job of plumbing or steam fitting, . II. Palmer, tho plumber. t Prof. Arnold, of tho English department depart-ment at tho A. C, will take a European Europ-ean trip this summer. For Sale Studebaker rubber tired runabout as good as new. A bargain. Inquire Ukpuhmcan oillcc. Oliver Hudge, dentist at Paris, un-went un-went an operation for appendicitis Thursday. Conditions aro very favorable. favor-able. Help Wanted Good, Industrious bos can lind employment at good wages bv calling this oillcc or Bell phono H.lyi t Mrs James McNeil and children have gone on a visit to relatives In Oregon. They will be absent about two weeks. Preston and Pyper are going out of the wall paper business. Now is the time for bargains. Mrs. Ilyrum Jcppeson, who lives on Blacksmith's Fork river, gave birth to a little girl last Sunday. The Infant died Thursday afternoon. E G. Peterson, instructor at tho A. C. of U. the past two years, leaves today to-day for tho University of Chicago to take a summer course. A seven-year-old daughter of Eras-tus Eras-tus Lamb, or Hyde Park, died or peritonitis Thursday. Tho funeral will be held at Hyde Park.Sunday at 2 p. m. On Wednesday, E T. Budge tiled a complaint against Joseph Petersen, asking $115damagcsnnd his ejectment from certain property. This Is a continuation con-tinuation or that controversy In which Petersen claims that the Budges secured se-cured property rrom him In some way unsatisfactory to him. 500 pairs tan and white Oxfords for Ladies, Gentlemen, Gentle-men, Misses, Children and to be closed out at cost, at Andreas Peterson's. the Germans of Cache are anticipating antici-pating a delightful time Sunday.Thls is their annual conference and at tho tabernacle a host of them will be I gathered. There will be services at 10 and 2 o'clock, with a big lunch on the grounds at noon. An excursion from Salt Lake will arrive hero about 0 o'clock and It Is expected that not less than 200 Germans from the south will come. Among these wIP be several sev-eral of the prominent churchmen of German nativity. The best place for Ladies Lad-ies fine shoes, Gent's furnishings, gloves, and fine shoes is at Andreas Peterson's. Manager Hogan, or the Independent Telephone Co , sajs that work on the Installation or the Preston exchange will begin next week. The Logan system, switch board, etc. will be duplicated dup-licated there. It Is expected that a Pocatcllo exchange will be Installed before the summer Is gone. Mr. Hogan Ho-gan Is authority for the statement that his company has Installed U.'IO phones in Logan since October 19, and there arc today about 1300 'phones here compared with less than .'100 two years ago. |