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Show ft: , LDon't Paint Often ! 5 - A You won't need to If you use "QUEEN 9 UEB MIXED PAINT." It Is doubtful If W there Is another brand upon the market that - 4fc $ equals It In durability. We sell this partial- lar kind because we want to give our patrons A 5 the greatest value for their money. Hlsun- X surpassed In every quality that constitutes a X high grado paint.' Ileal cheapness In paint 9 W lies not In tho price alone. ty 1 Riter Bros. Drug Co I $ & Stock Straightening Sale of Fine China. 0 We want to rlglit our stock of tine china this month close out the TJsurplus stock and odd pieces left over and have made prices so attractive at-tractive that you'll take them oil our hands quickly. Fine chance to get Pretty China at 1-3 Less than Usual Prices.' Come early, If you'd supply jour wants In this direction at a saving. Catdon Jewelry Company, LOGANf UTAH. Sale now on One Week Only. S IT WILL PAY TO SEE, THE PLANCHONES I t New Vertical Mower 4jt ancf Improved Hand and Self Dump Rakes. 0 ynTk ill nvjUHK 4jp Ullvfl I LUHI t jjt The ONLY mower and rake with a good record. The 0 most perfect hay harvesting machimry ever made. m I Wir WWttmm Itn twmWnmW$mnbJlnMmm wt WgggjggBIBgijBay7VVTjLgiffi X Z1 r P ffi We call the attention of our numerous pa- H 3 trons to' our very ft Extensive Lines of Spring Goods ft Several carloads of Furniture have arrived this spring and wo are S pi better prepared than ever bcfoie to take care of your trade. Our line g ! aro so numeious that space will not permit mentioning them, but ask j ti you to call If you are In need of Carpets. Wallpaper or anything that jjj jfl goes to make the home desirable. We carry a line of goods that will jjj n sult'the mansions as well as the humblest cottages. ffi hundsltmn j ilFurniture and Carpet Co., Center St S (I SH5aBSE5H5a5B5H5H5E5agB52HSB5H5S5H55B5H5HaSH5H5H5la UTAH SUGAR $5.25 a sack t AT H. G. Hay hall's Family Grocery Price List: 10 cans Utah Tomatos for $1 00 G cans Utah Tomatos for CO 10 cans Best Corn for 1 00 5 cans Best Corn for CO 40 Bars Royal Laundry Soap for 1 00 20 Bars Royal Laundry Soap lor 60 10 Bars Nlcklo Plate Soap lor.. 1 00 20 Bars Nlcklo Plate Soap for. . 50 7 lbs Best Coireo for 100 3J lbs" " Tor ro 0 pkgs New crop Tea ror 1 00 3 " " ' " for CO 14 lbs Best Wee for, 1 00 71bs " " for 0 We always lead in low prices pri-ces others follow. You should take advantage of the Big Sugar Fight and j buy the amount you will need j from us at $5.25 for your preserving. pre-serving. H?nry G. HayfeaH's 5,4-55 West Center. Beginning Today I The Biggest I Sale in our I History. I And those who know I H us know we Mean it? H Before Remodeling our store we are H going to offer great bargains on our En- H tire Stock of H CHILDREN'S, BOYS AND I MEN'S CLOTHING. I EVERYTHING Goes at the following H Discounts. LOT M 20 per ct off I LOT NO. 2 I 331-3 off I LOT NO. 3 I fr2ottl'2 I GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR ' I Shoe, Hat and Furnishings I DEPARTMENTS. I Our past sales assure you that we mean H business. Come early. H Goods Sold for CASH only during this H Sale. H MORRELL I CLOTHI NG I COMPANY I I Sale Commences; Saturday, June 17th, I II |