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Show I Gifted-Young Newspaperman Diesjt Ogden Albert T. -Greehwell Is Victim of Influenza Epidemic. ALBKRT T. CRKKN WELL, correspondent for . The Telegram at Ogden and city editor of the Ogden Standard, died of Influenza-pneumonia al the family residence. 6 Twenty-third street, yesterday, following in Wnf le than week. Oreenwell waa one of the moat prominent young men of Og-den Og-den and waa Zi years old at the tim of his death. Shortly after the recent election Green well was confined to hie bed with a cold. Hia condition became rapidly wore and early! his week It was realised that It wag critical. criti-cal. He was born In Ogden March 24,, 1894. Graduating from the Ogden high school, he entered newspaper work as a reporter on the staff of the Ogden Kxaminer. Hia ability In art was encouraged and at the Insistence of hia friends he went lo the Chicago Art ' Inatituta to study for a year. Here his eyes . failed him snd he returned to Ogden. Og-den. and after being employed as a reporter for the Standard, became be-came city editor. fireenwel) la survived by his parents. . H. snd Margaret A. Oreenwell; one slater, Blanche Greenwell. and the following -brothers: harles H-, William T., Robert T., Lawrence K., Karl E.. Klta worth and Kiigene. Two of iihe brothers sre now In the service. |