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Show Parcnls, on Way To See Son, Lose -Race Willi Death Parent of Adalbert Olnen, m member of an artillery detachenent at Camp Kearny, lost In a raca with detith yesterday when they wera informed aa they were about to board a train for Toa Anpelea to vialt their acn, that he had died a fjw hour .earlier of Influeuxa.-neumonia. Influeuxa.-neumonia. Mr. and Mr. Albert Olaen, real-de-nta of Brlajham City, were purchasing pur-chasing thair ticket a, preparatory to vlaltlng their aick son. when tha contents of a telegram forwarded , to a cousin. Miss Maiy Blytha of ! 140 Third avenue, was mail known I to them at the railroad station' I here. Olaen was 19 yeara old and for- ! merly resided In both Halt Lake I and firlitham ltr. He was a trad - j uate of the BxeMer Hlith school and had been in the service about eight months. Ilea idea his parents he Is survived by flva brothers and four sisters. |