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Show ' American Floriets Flower deatrn tor si ooaaalon. American theatre. We M77. 6 ' FuMta! Directors - ODannefl A Ce., undertaker and ex belmer nil W. Teatpla, Waeetc MIL Addilional Sporls Johnny Evert It 'Celebrt Profettot Among the French In Frerhnwpapr Johnny Ever, ftneten ehampioa de teMball de Chi-eairo, Chi-eairo, to m&Jtre de (wcrapht de la deux te me biM, celebre profesteor du port national Amer.c..' which la to any. epproElmately, "Mr. Johnny Kv.ra, old beeehell champion ot Chi-j Chi-j raffo. ih man who maatered the f -I ography ot eecood beee, celebrate I profeeeor of lha national American port." j -All rtrht. If they amy ao" aaid Kvara. "but what did I hay want to tack, on that anctan euatrieee for!" i 7 CemttaniM . - I Wsaata Lssra eeeetery. herpetuai ears ' U oe. Mala. Wtulek IM4. 9 Special Kotioes Far ehronle allmente eeoault fletlt KaJie'e renatle chiropractor. Reap the harvest har-vest of three years' eueeessful araetlos la Utah and yeare ef earnest scientific Investigation In-vestigation aad etudy. Don't (Ive up be-eauee be-eauee ether metboda failed. Frank T Pyott. D. C. Ph. C. Te-f Utah a. Trust B.. t-U-I---l Waa. HA Outside Out-side eeila liberal kaana. ea watrhee. diameeiaa. tswelry: lit for te; 121 for lee: Isra.r leans proportleostely leee. FeofldentlaL Prevldeat leaa Seelety. lei ateares bta'a. 10 , Lost and Found Oa Main St., Monday nlftit, durlnc eele-bratlon. eele-bratlon. 1 hst. fairly good eondltlon; t reputation.-slla-htly bent. Aleo one perfectly per-fectly good voice, now cracked. Return to Brannlnc'a Chill Parlor, Bemloh Hotel. Lost Between let A 2nd So. on Main. wrist watch; Elgin; black band, white facing. Liberal reward. Hy. 7-W. 15 AnctlOD Salea Bmll Oeterloh. auctioneer, le back at the eld stand. M and 44 W. Broadway. Deee 'general auotlnn biislneea. buyg aa4aeUS everything. Waa. ssse-M. Auctioneer E. C. Jenklne wUI well your goods snd get best results. Was. t061 17 WanUd Mais Hslp U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, w II. S. Fmplovment Service. JOIN THE INDUSTRIAL ARMY War a patrlottr worker. Help tha gov - am m ant to build tfee fA,ftfta iwva pin staried at Nitro (netr Cbarleaton). West Vlrruila. lborera. f 4.4a per day. 10 hours' work. It hours pay. iMuble time on Sunday a Free railroad fare. Meala free en route. Room rent free snd board at com ml a -ear lee. cafeteria etyle. at about fl.00 per dAf. Medical attention and amuaements free. Men coming to ftalt !ake or Ogdeu from any point In t'tah will secure receipts re-ceipts for their railroad fare and eame will be refunded on arrival at Nitre. Quoting me sea ire to this office from Director of Employment at Nltro: 'Nltro must hava thousands of man Immediately, who will be distributed according ac-cording to experience or ability and assigned as-signed to suitable work on either construction con-struction or actual operation. In a few weeks. Next Shipment Thursday. Nov. 14th Apply at U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 107 Booth Main 8t j 'No fees of any kind.) - Ictpen 8 a. m. until p. m. Sundays, 11 a. m. to 1 p. in. UV.S WAMTKD FOR liONO J B T rtbkro bros. contract. pc. tween magna plant and b a Iki'ot ma:na): i months' work fViNRrC-TP; KXCAVATION, FORM AM aflSC. WORK..AT 4. PER t- HOC I HAY; BAK1 AND RtOM ACCOM M- DATIONH NEAR JOB CAN BK AU-RAN(R1: AU-RAN(R1: MZN LIVING IN SALT LAkr CAN TAKE B. A O. WORK TRAIN RACK AND FORTH EACH DAT; KARK liSc ROUND TRIP. APPLY AT JOIL READY FOR WORK: GET OFF THAI.' AT H. A O. DEPOT, MAGNA ; WAt... KAST DOWN HILL TO JOB. RYBKIV BROS.. CONTRACTORS. I Young men over 1 wanted to work u. ' circulation department of this newspaper news-paper aa route agents or caniera. Splendid Splen-did business training. Wagea 14 W es.04) per week. Only time after school and Saturday required. Apply Circulation Circula-tion Department, Telegram. $2 to Ladlee and man. call at the Bel. Rample Shoe Parlors. n Boyd Park bid., for ahoea. Every pair guaranteed. Want younc man for general wartx tn clothing atore. Apply, peraonaliy. , South West Temple. WanSedDrug dark with fountain experience. expe-rience. Granite Drug Co.. Sugarhouea. Now Is a good time to enroll at Hena-geKe Hena-geKe Buslneee College. Day and alght aaaslona. Peeltlona guaranteed. Men wanted to wear our truss is. Fit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co.. S. W. T and Broadway. Big lot sample overcoats, the finest tn tha city, prices reasonable. Wolf Tailoring Co., 40 W. Broadway. Tea mat era wanted; ataady work. Slid South 7th East. . Good waahermaa wanted. Apply Murray Laundry. Boys, have your btcyetee repaired at -4 Turvlllee. 144 at 2nd gVe. Plaatarer wanted. Call Waa. t. 21 Wanted remal Hlp OmiM WAVTBD. APPLT 8WEIT CAXDT COMPANY, 211 SO. FlRoT WT 8T. EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERI-ENCKD INEXPERI-ENCKD HKL.P IV AIX, DKPAKT-ME.NT8 DKPAKT-ME.NT8 APPLY READY FOR WORK AT MOPEI. LAlNIRY COMPANY. 244 WEKT 8ECONL NORTH STREET. Women to earn IS to lie while taking our 40-day course; we guarantee thla. Brown School ef Urissmasing. 17ft K. bo. Temple. j ( , i I Wth&M&AM "Two Bri8ht Spots I : Mm&B Winter Goto MiCreekF-vv , . ... . ' ' Z$riJ AO ttteM gr.du.Hy tt-pmg Kzi" Whtl ablul 'our coaI bin?. J , 'la Dons- let the wintry wind Utah you I T-- e" Ca "av th.ut a feed supply f ee and, while 'I Jt - w.awaea you're at it. Just aa wall msk eure of I v- 1 having tKe beet ef th feed owea Csatle I 1 V V. Oat or Clear Creek th two fuela that 1 a V - have been th leader In th west fw I asBBBBSBaannnnnmammvaa twnty-fiv year. I WE MAVI PLENTY OF BOTH DVJJ -rh good com. I FONE VVASATCI I TOO . QUIIM I8A8KLLA MINI COMPANY (A Corporation ef Utah) Principal plaa of bualneaa. suit Lake City. Ltaa. . , NOTICS OF 8PICIAL STOCKHOLDER!' MECTINO November a. 1lt. Notice t hereby gtven that a eperal . meeting of the etock holder, of thle corporation cor-poration haa been called by the preeldent thereof and will be held la the company' office, room 1401-4 Walker bank building. build-ing. Salt Lake Ctty. ftah, at 1 o clock p m. of November 22. nil. The object of thla meeting la for the purpose of bonding and leasing th prop srty of th Queen Isabel. Mlnea rem-pany rem-pany aituated la the Columbia mining a district. Tooels county, state of I'tsh. QUEEN 1XAHKI.I.A MINES COMPANY. By Alex Caldwell. PrealdeaL I |