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Show THOUSANDS ROW USING 7 AWTI FLU TREATTtOT New Solution Discovered by Georgia College Professor ! Designed to Kill Deadly "Flu" Germ First Used It to Protect Own Family Just a Few Drops Inhaled From Pocket Handkerchief Disinfects Nose and Throat. AS announced in yesterday "s papers, Wilson's Solution, the new preventive treatment for Spanish Influenza which has been used in checking the epidemic in the South, is now on sale in Salt Lake, and will be given as rapid distribution as possible" throughout the United States. The solution, or "Anti-Flu." as it is more commonly com-monly called, was compounded by Pro the nos and throat nlftht and morning fpssor Robert M Wilson, for eleven " aolutlon In a diluted form. . iL . ... I according to direction accompanying years head of the department of phar- (h ,ottJ macy of a Ismllng Kvnthrrn university. it la prnfrssor Wilson's theory thst for the protection of himself and his ! the influents aerm In the nose and family nirsln-t the malady. The Immu- i tlinml csrr te ktrled by the- powerful nlty of tha Wilson family and their clr- antiseptic vapors of the solution Just cl of friend . which followed the use j s efficiently as you can kill (erms of the solution, made It famous over- j in a nxim by fumlratlon. nlxht. On account of hi university ! One of the areatest advantages over connection and hi hiuh stiindlng as 1 other prepartlons la the fact that it sn educator, the people of his home can be conveniently carried on 4he per-clly per-clly lKn clamorliiK for It Just as ' son. and Is alwaya ready for use when soon aa It became known that lie hsd entering crowds or public places, perfected the formula leading physl- i Ixwsl ilrugglsta ar already reporting clans. aprx-iajM snd bac.terloloRisls an enormous demand for Ih preparative prepara-tive the prejHirntinn their unqualified tlon and are exirlencing conslderahl Indorsement and are recommending It dlfflcullv In keeping a supply on hand, to their patlrnla. A J.V-cent vlsl Is sufficient for week's AlthouKh far more iowcrfiil thsn treatment. The preparation Is sold by many other disinfectant now com- all .Iruggists. monly ue,. il I noiiootKonou". and llie : Vtlion's Holntlon. which is also iilnn. lUaawsawai a' (mmiin, is nm 'known m iiH'Wii. Is mi iw usil ss n unpleshant. A few drops of the eolu- preventive treatment only and not as a tlon Inhaled fiom a pocket handker- cure. If you contract Ppanish Inflo-chlef Inflo-chlef at frciuent intervals will dlsin- ensa esll your doctor st once. Smith-feet Smith-feet the nose and thrnst. Professor r-ius Drug t'o. wholesale distributors Wilson slrongly recommends spraying for this seel ion. tAdv.l . - ST ?Tf V" s-i: TC 7t 3T1 Home r 37 hw ' Good News from Washington J Part of "BULL" DURH AM Tobacco Released to Civilians at Home to "Roll Their Own" With the little muslin sack of "BULL" DURHAM in the pockets of every one of our fighting men on land and sea With good old "Bull" in the regular Army rations And with the future demands of the War Department abundantly cared for, part of "BULL" DURHAM Tobacco is offered again to the men at home who "roll their own". . - . And to these men I want to say, that in giving up so freely all your "Bull", when your Country asked for it for its fighting men, you did a human "bit". However small that little muslin sack may seem, you may have the satisfaction of knowing that your sack of "Bull" was meat and drink to some boy waiting or fighting at the front, and that your supply of "Bull" helped to make the distribution . to our forces full and complete, and make it quickly. Now that Washington assures us that such distribution is a fact, you will, I know, welcome the "Makings" home again. And with greater satisfaction and more pleasure than eyer, you will, I know, with your own hands, roll a cigarette again for yourself a cigarette machines can't imitate the mildest, the moat1 fragrant, the most economical cigarette in the world. Am I wrong in thinking that you will be as proud as I am of your little muslin sack of "Bull"? ..i tXaC PZCcCt President The American Tobacco Company j NEW YORK i t ' . ' ' i The Makings Mi of a Nation i M T,f ft M f rC " x a a I . - ,T) 1 ':; ' KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping jroang is to fed . .otuiB-to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there' do need of hav ing a sallow complexion dark rings under your eye pimples a bilious look In your face dull eyes with no Darkle. Yourdoctorwill tell you ninety percent of all sickness comes from inactive in-active bowels and liver. Dr. Edward, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound com-pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets, tha substitute sub-stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. Tbey bring about that exuberance of spirit; that natural buoyancy which ahould be eo-joyed eo-joyed by everyooe. by toning up the liver and daring the system of impurities. You will know Or. Edwards' Otrve Tablets by their olive color. 10s and 25c per box. Ail druggists. HAULAGE PROBLEMS KELLY-SPRINCFIELD TRUCKS. LEE TRAILERS AND GRAVITY DUMP BODIES AND LOADERS. Best Track Layers, Tractors, Power Loaders and Unloaders. - Call or writs for information. H. W. MOORE & CO. I . 1751-61 Waxee St., Denver 141-143 Pierpont St., Salt Lake aasaaasaahaBBB ' |