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Show NOTED THEATRICAL MANAGER IS DEAD Sy Aaeeelated Preee. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14. Samuel Y. Nlrdllnger, known In theatrical and pub- . lie Ufa aa Samuel F. Nixon and born la d Fort Wayne. Ind., eeventy yeara age.r died at hla home here laat night. lr ' waa ana of the moot prominent theatrical theatri-cal men In the country. In MM. with J. Fred Zimmerman, he formed tha firm of Nixon Zimmerman, which acquired a chain of tbeatrea In thla and other cltlee. Fifteen yeare later. ' Nixon Zimmerman. In aaarirlatlon with Klaw dr Erlanger, Charlee Frohman and A If Hayman. organlaed a theatrical eradicate, era-dicate, which bopked more than elxty theatrea In huge cltlee af the Vnlled Btatea. |