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Show HOUSEWIVES HAPPY !1 TO USE WHITE ; FLOURAGAIN I New Ruling to Aid Materi-? Materi-? ally in Moving Wheat ' Harvest. i ' ' r Fluffy whit dumpling and soda ' bleculte cam Into vo.ru today, with J tha lifting- of tha ratiictloa on whit flour by tha fwdwal fond diululBUm - i anrta of rya, o t n d w hole I whMtt floor which cooks havo tru-tled tru-tled with for tha pact nln month i, ' hava bean conalgnad to tha claaa of naa baana Baglnnln today, houaekaapari may Indulo tn wblta flour without aubatl-tutaa aubatl-tutaa wbatevar, and by tomorrow Vlo-tory Vlo-tory braad" will hava pasaad into history. his-tory. Tha raaolndlnc of tha order will b aspaclally cratifylna to L'tahna as tha mills of tha state hava not bean well equipped for grinding substitutes, especially es-pecially In the renMe districts. The new ruling will aid materially In .! moving tha big wheat harvest which has bean produced by the administration's administra-tion's appeal to patriotism, and both miller and shippers will welcome tha leaaenlng of what had become rather a eerlous condition tn tha wheat and flour aubstitute Industry all over the ' country. i - |