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Show LACK Of FOOD AlAHiG Aviator Says Million Persons Per-sons Are on Verge of Starvation. y Aeaaelated Preee. ITALIAN HEADQUARTERS. Nov. 14. O. D. Melted of Montreal, an aviator, and C. O. Young of Des Molnea, la., Imprteoned by the Aua-trtana Aua-trtana during tha Italian campaign, have reached tha Italian llnea. They bring direct news of condltlona In tha Interior of Auatrla, having traveled from Balaerbad. near Vienna, after being be-ing liberated. Horrible food condltlona prevail In Auatrla,- aald McUoad today, "and It la quite poeelble that s million peraona will dla there thla winter from lack of food, woakneaa and dlaeaae. Tha country coun-try la quiet now, but another Ruaala may grow out of tha alluatlon aa eooa aa the troope returning from the front dlacover that the end of the war hea not brought relief. "Hcenea along tha railway, are like thoee on the battlefield. Wa aaw bodlea acattered here and there aa a reeult of men crowding on the topa of tratne and being awept off by tunnela. There were alao bodlea of wounded men who have been taken from Red C'roea cars and left to dla. Terrible aa nllary condltlona prevail In little towne filled with returning eoldlere. "What Auatrla needa la food. Tha other prleonera and I are alive only becauae of food received from outelde of Auatrla. For three daya a friend and I had between ua only a little bad bread. It waa about aa big aa a man a hand. Five hundred newly arrived Herblan troope are keeping order at Lalbach.- |