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Show TEE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM ESTABLISHED 10. PuNlshsd xalBg'y. vary ajteraocm o--rruififtTc& . cept Sunday by Tbs MiTfitf- Salt Lake Tele- rtn PubUehlng Cs. (Inc.) PRICE lO A WEEK, DAILY 45ft a Month by Mafl. -Entered at the Salt Lake poetoffice aa second claaa matter, January 41. 9. PRINTED TS TYPB THAT EVERYBODY EVERY-BODY CAS READ WITHOUT STRAINING THE EYES. Tha Telegram guarantees that It net paid Halt Lake City caniar circulation cir-culation e-ceede that of any of tha othar Salt Lake newspapers. Member af tha Aaeselated Press, Tha Associated Preea la eaeluelvely " entitled ta tha uaa ar republication af " all newo dlepatehee credited ta It ar net sthsrwiee credited In thla paper and alaa tha local nawa publish ad J 21 ' Wanted Femal Help Toa run no rlak wban you attend Han ager'e Bualnoaa College. Positions guaranteed. Enroll bow. Car and night aaaatona. . Cook, aldaiiy woman: muat ba naat and clean. Wages 111 par week. CaU Mrs. " Brown, Bingham 974. t Experlencedreataurant girl. References Muat.be willing to work nights Appiy Palace Craamary, 174 So. Main. Vleltors, (at frca pattarn to measure thla waak. Our "Fearless" square doaa It. Kalatar Ladlea' Tailoring College, C antral bldg.. Main and Ind South. ' QIH who la experienced In embroidery T-tTTll tl lntha Wiitlnh (042. Reliable young lady to act aa caahler. . Apply Hudson. Bay Fur Co., Itl Main etreet. Art axperlancad waltreae wanted. Refer-encea Refer-encea required. Kfeley lea Cream Co.. it So. Main at. j 4 Wanlod Dreumovttiif Ladlea tailorlns, draaamaklnr. daalcnlng, remodeling-: men'e and women e allk ehlrte; one-piece draaaea mada from old autta; capee, ooataaa. muffa from long coat a Work guaranteed. Dlecount ta working gtrla. i-hone Hyland 1111-R. Lreaamaklng and plain aewlng. Waa, tai. 27 Wanted Salesman ' Two A No. 1 photo ooupon aaleamen. A big chance for big money before Xmaa. Inquire for Mr. Blaier, at tha Around aen etudlo, at a. m. or p. m. 28 Cleaning' and Preulng S. li. Cleaning and Dyeing Co. Beat work. Prompt delivery, iw S. Etata. Waav . 2n. 80 .Wanted 2nd Hand Clotte 43 For Bent H K'p 'g Roomi Raymond hotel, under new management, offers ' exceptionally well furnlehed rooma for light houaekeeplng; llghta, gaa, steam heat free; alao transient rooma. ee South Main street. Large front room on ground floor, with running, water, gaa; vary reasonable. J7 E. 2nd South. it For Rent VacantHouiei l-room brick, modern, furnace, haa ocrtl for heating water: alao gaa range for cooking. HyL IQoa-R. 4-room modern. Bleeping porch and gar-age, gar-age, 192 Rooaevelt avenue, 918. Ufrueee AH klnrte and prloee, Tuttle I- -, HI Main at. Wee. I'll. 1 rooma and kitchen; reasonable; rice placj. 0 West let North. Waa. I2-M. J.room modern houae. 72 East Third South. Tel. Waa. IU-R. 4 -room modern house it 41 II it 61 For Sale Automobile- Jf apneas 5 Aub Repair Shop CARBURFT OR fONITION WORK. Overhauling our epeolalty. HR1CES RIOHT. SERVICE THK BEST. Work guaranteed. Japanese Auto Repair Shop 14 Rlcharda Mt. One Oakland -cyl., 117. One Ford, DemountaNa Rtma, 1911, One Maawell Touring. 1917. I One Chevrolet Touring. Model 490. ! One Olympian Chummy. 1917. I Ona Olympian Touring Car, 191T. JU l)D. BROW N AUTO CO.. 421 So. Main St. Waa. '1999. Wa buy, sell, trade all klnda of new or used tlree. Pay aa hth aa 10c a lb. for J 73 Heal Eitattt Improved I Ed. D. Smith & Sons Special Bargain I Tha anaa at tha rr-T 1 t " etr. mod. brick bungalow. Haa large oement front porch, muala room, living liv-ing room and dining room flnlehee In gumwood, with oak floora, mantel and bookoaeeo In muala room; fine eleotrlo llght flaturea. buffet kitchen, two bedrooma and service hall, linen cloaet, modern be M. full cemented ! basement with hot air heating eye-r eye-r tern of Ihe better kind. Rooma nicely nice-ly decorated. A real home. Ner 7th I South and tth Kaat, and offered at I the eitremoly low price of 94IO0.M. Bear terms arranged for reeponelble I partlaa. , Special Number Two 9-rm. etr. mod. brick bungalow. I Reception nail, living and dining room have hardwood floora. Two bedrooma, acreened kitchen porch. buffet : kitchen, cemented basement and hot air heating eyetam. Large lot. Io-I Io-I rated near 14th Kaat and Hat South. Bargain at 92760 00. Eaay terme ar-I ar-I ranged. Theea two homed are ba-I ba-I Ing offered far quick sale and both are bargalna F.U. t. SMITH 4 SONS, It Bxchange Place. Waa. 49. i EVERT ONE A BARQAIN. 11 lota an oar Una; flna location, where houeee will sell or rent readily; city water ; maltia, high, level ground, excellent eotl; too cash, or half cash, for tha bunch. I Will take Liberty bonde at- par and eo- i erued Interest. Don't overlook thla bargain. bar-gain. Prepare for the big building ao tlvlty which la at hand. j i 4 lota on eomer; fine, level ground. I Many good houeea iuet beyond. Worth 91 Money to Loan , For real estate loans sea Tuttle Broe. oompany, 141 Mam etreet. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED nr.AU ESTATE. Na oommtealon. No delay. No attorney'a fed. Liberal options. TRACT LOAN TRUST COMPANY, 191 South Main Street. MORTfJAOK U1ANI WITHOUT PE-l,Aa PE-l,Aa 9MT9CH 4WeVe-sV -rwtMrT-Wi- BP8LNE38 DIBBCTORT Auto and Oarage Work Automobile and carriage painting, repairing repair-ing and eepert machine work: prompt service al reasonable prloee. All work guaranfed.- Elk t-arrtlge a Auto Works. 1M XT4I. Bd. WaaatcVUa. Anto Palatini- ' , Oeneral carriage work, track bodlea and delivery wagnna a epeclalty. Elk Carriage Car-riage a Auto Worka, 124 Kaat 4th South ot. Wasatch 914 Attornert B. N. Stott a M. M. Warner, 919 Judge . bldg. I'hona Waa. 9M4. Automobile Lubrication , is YOUR Automobile Mitrolized ? Auto Bepaliinf. I save you money by repairing your rar. Work dona la your garage If deelred. No helpers Work guaranteed. Call Wilson, Hy. 9497-W. Books Bought Old books bought, sold and exchanged. HI Weet 2nd South. Baby Oarrtagei BUSINESS DHUCCTOBY ' FiirrWs. Oeneva O. Hlrka Ca. Fur garmenta mail. repaired, cleaned and sold. 99 So. 4th East. Fireproof Storage Fireproof atorage; " alao "expert packing and alUpiilng. Kasaer fleesraof Ml age Co. I hone Waa. hut and till. For Moving; Van Call Harris He wliTTell you your mov-Ing mov-Ing ooat. Operates meat powerful vana c1,lv r anywhere. 219 W, 4th So. Waa 7914. ' Moving, packing, shipping, storage; office .'n . warahause oar 9 . let South. MxThee ,1'leno Moving Co. Waa 17. Deferred to oraanlsedTabor," Inelet on union men moving your furniture. We employ them. H. W. A sb worth. Of floe Waa. 1197. Realdenoe Hy. Ut. Largeet, moot accommodating vana at , eervlce; skilled help; long hauls nr fhrt ""d 'Ifat. Hedlaye Trana-far Trana-far Ca., Was 1174. Ill E. 2nd So. Fashionable Millinery Made to ardor, hata remadeled and trimmed: first alaaa work; prices rea-aonable. rea-aonable. CaU 171 B.9rd Eaat. Mra. Pow. Fnrriert, TaxidarmM ' ',!;; FURS RFpMODKLtNt). DKftlilNl.sT; w.AP. OHUER WORK Or EY.?IJIr:Ht'K' BTORAUS AT MOUURATa: I'RICKH. Hui.woN ha y rim CO. 0 rinding All klnda edge tools ground; work guaranteed. guar-anteed. Melt I-ake Htbr Hupuly Co. 99 Eaal Flrel South. Waa. aejr,. Hoipltali Ideel Maternity Home, 9141 So. ata, .75 KeiJ Egtale Improved 75 Real state Improved I V FRITSCH LOAN & TRUST CO. . . 991-9 FELT BLDO. Peace Is Here Celebrate It in Your Own Home. NOW 18 THE TIME PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER. - MONTHLY PAYMENTS LIKK homea. 4 roome each, on ih - - keNT 1 teiiuili. iifttr lr weet. Big A FRITSCH QUALITY lot. Thla le fine Investment HOl'SK. 4 rooms, etrlctly property, with a great future, modem: with hardwood flnlah Buy It for the rental Income and floora. Hy-Tex Brick and or live In ona house and rent etuoco entirely Incloeed. No the other. REASONABLE eepenea for upkeep. Full ce- TERMS, men ted basement. HOT WA- JJiR,i'. H.brS.f'i $4250 OWNER OONE TO WAR 4- . , ? '"N match houee CHOIC E room modern brick bungalow. . . LOCALITY. ClOad In. on-Jrownlng-avo., neer 7th mma B.....if t l fcaet. Hid LtrT. Beeuttful 94000 Beautiful l-room fire-brick electric flxluree. hardwood. TH'visT .1"Sl?Z-r,""h no built-in flre- JliT rnwiVTrii ?T.,J 1 PIM no bookoaeee. kitchen In bookraaee, buffet, etc. HOT . - - t, WATF.R HEAT. TERMS $!99e Togy 4 -room and bath ahln- 440 per month. k'e BI'NDALOW. on a lot per monun. Bl.,ENiju t- 91009 Strictly modern 4-rm. brick. Al-'Tyi. ,!,,h Kaat, near th with garage, on East Ind South. Newly painted outeitle South, clone In A bargain Inelda and DECORATEII. and TERMS LIKE RENT. Screene. linoleum, gaa and cnnl rengee, heater, etc., IN- 94600-Atmoet NKW t-room brick '.i'.'J'wl?.'.158 "T"1-'' Bl NUALOW In attractive PATMENTS. I North Bench locality. ITS A BEAUTY! OUM finish. 9:410 NEW. MODERN ahlngle OAK floora. HOT WATKR bungalow, 4 rooma and aleep- HEAT. Beautiful fireplace Ing porch. Fireplace and and mantel, with built-in mnnv bullt-ln featuree. On bookoaeee. Bathroom and 4TH F.AHT carilne Very rea- buffet kitchen In white enam- eonable terma. el. with linoleum on floors Latest bullt-ln featurea. $2400 4 -roomed and bath brick bun- ELECTRIC HA SHE Beautl- galow on that beatlful aouth- ful electrlo flxturea. Flna eeet bench, lrge lot, with large porches Big cement fine chicken eoope In rear, beeement. Choice ROl'TH Easy peymenta. Certainly m front lot. Immediate poeree- BAROAIN. alon. E. Z. MONTHLY PAT- I MENTS. 11900 A SNAP. 9?M rash down t huye thie 9-rcKm brick on a 929 19 UP-TO-DATE t-room brick dandy north bench CORNER, bungalow, deeirably eltuated - close In. Bath, pantry cio- on ELIZABETH ST. Hor-air ' aela, etc Coal ahed. furnace; Bleeping porch: a I dandy lot. This la DIRT $?000 4 1-4 acrea. about 9 milee from I ' CHEAP: Wale elrert fel- et. JTbouT I 7fo fruit trees: l-room houae. $3500 Hera le an' opportunity lo Place le fenced. Sell on eaey pi ok up A REAL SNAP. Two " peymenta. or TRADE for oily 2 very good modern brick property or a UOOD auto. ! HIGH QUALITY BUT LOW PRICES. . FRITSCH LOAN & . TRUST CO. Ladlea Misfit Ckthsa Shop huye and selu ladlea a.id men's olothsa, shoea, ele 177 State. Was. 9259. o) Aba Gordon pays more; eulta, Bhoee, ault easea, tools, etc. Waa 9114. 44 Com' I at S3 Wanted Furniture We will buy your used furniture. Sal Laka Furniture Co. Was 9497. Will pay highest eaah price for asoond' hand furniture. Waa. 4579. 36 To Borrow Money. Wa have clients whs wish to aacurt loans from 9259 up an first olaea rea. estate. If you have money to loan see ua . HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN a TRUST CO. 91 E. let So. Was. 9149. 41 For Bent Booms Furnlihed I furnlehed housekeeping rooma; eloss i 9th So.. HI- 42 Hotels Stop at the Alton hotel. Ratea, 91. aa, 91 90, 91-00; weekly. 99 up. Ill Stats 17 For Bent Mlsoellaneous FOR RENT. 1A acree first claaa tillable land, l-room house, chicken eoope and other outbulld-Ings, outbulld-Ings, city water. 911 a month. 9 room modern brick, 717 South Tth East. 97 a month. To leaae Brick bldg., 90x71 feat. Win snake Improvements to suit tenant. N M. LONO a CO.. 749 Stats Was. 4!17. 59 For Sale MlsoeUaneoni , seconds. Tire Service Co.. 429 "Main: ' Now la tha time to -overhaul your motor. Let the Guarantee Auto Worka, at 2.S2 E. ind So., Waa. 951, do that Job. A full crew of akllled mechanics at your service. 1 Our prlcee are right. We have ueed Fordo. Oaklande. Chal-mere, Chal-mere, Studebekere In both roedatera and t touring, and care of other atandard makea that are excellent buye. A visit to see - theee cera will pay anyone looking for a good ueed car. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO . - 197 S. Stats Was 4017. . W-A-S-A-T-CH 3-9-8-4 for all auts trouble. We are repair ex-I ex-I porta. Trouble car at cell. Itaassnable prices. CENTRAL OARAGE. . 401 So. W. Templs Was 9994. SEE CLAYTON GARAOE FOR STORAOK AND REI'AIRS. " 91 ORPHKUM AVIiV WAS. 9449. Used oars an price. Let ua handle your cat wa sell 'era. 14( W. 9 Ho. Ford touring, ear, 1911; A-l shape. Was. 9057. boom be-Ha gen Shops. 122 Eaet Fourth South, winter tope made for all cars W heels made. Spokea repaired. Rime mfg. Springs made. We have . a few used trailers at bargain prtoes One Overland roadster, model 79; electric llghta and atarter. Price. 9150. Oood buy If you sat at saes. Address Postofflee 979. Dodge electrlo vacuum for rent or for aale. 91.25 weekly; 4 ruga cleened onoe monthly, 91.25; colors restored, 11.00. Waa. 7021. Conserve lion We carry the largest etock of ueed tlree for Bale. We buy eeoond-hand eeoond-hand tires Felt Auto Supply Co.. 194 E. 4rd South. USED PARTS FOR USED CARS. UTAH AUTO WRECKAGE AND SUPPLIES. 425-27 MAIN ST. for 1249 saeh or Liberty bonds. I , 914 9-14 ACRES Fine land near Blackfooi. Idaho will raise exoetlent crop without irrigation; however, canal has been surveyed and I will ba later built. Small ruatlc house, ; log barn for four Horses, well and windmill; wind-mill; excellent water, 104 acrea fenoed; i 94499 buye It all. Will take Liberty bonde j at par with accrued Intereet for 94444 and assume I1404 mortgage, or will teke I I40.raah. 11000 In city property If worth the money, and assume luoe mtg. Here la an opportunity If taken at once. STATE LOAN a TRUST CO. Mortgage Loans Fire and Compensation Insure noe, Rentals, Trueteea sad Executors for ICa tales. Id West Broadway. Phono Was. .1119. GRASP TH OPPORTUNITY T STARING' YOU IN TH11 FACE: SHAKE TOt'RSEI.F PP. A GREAT BUSINESS REVIVAL IS AT HAND PREPARE FOR THB FUTURE. BUT NOW. Wa have soma ready mada bargalna In houeee that you cannot now duplicate. The terme are right and your Liberty Bonds are good aa gold at par, and accrued ac-crued Intereet. on any of these at bargain bar-gain prlcee. Read carefully, then rail. It le a pleaaura IS ehow you such bargalna and to aaelet you In getting eterted on a home. A homo owner la a better men: It le your duty Is have a home, net started, then you will go through. We know you can do It. I2909 ONLY 9259 raah or Liberty bonde. than l? per month, 7 per rent Intereet Included. 8. E. 5 -room sr. brick bungalow. IJane . Preeeed brick. 4 tare smmmm mm . m'J-Jimjn nilll.lt. H.IU Vf Al 1. 1140 UO-CART WHKEIJ1 IN STOCK J. W. OI THRIK BICYCLE CO., 924 Eaat 2nd South. Waa. 999. Chlropraotle Mrs F. Marion Kelllng, D. C, ladlea anil children epeclallet. 907 Conelltu. tion bldg. His I to 7 p. m. Residence phone, Hyland 1709. Chiropractor! Member of Salt Lake County Chiropraetie Association. Mies B. E. Beardshau. D. C. 411 R. Ird Bo apt. 9. Hra. 1-1 p. m. Hylaud 144M. Nephl L. Cottara, 199 East South Templs Waastoh 9414. . Erlrkaon A Erlckeon, 10 to 12, I to 4. . No, 901 Constitution B. Estab. 1409. Was 4144. Frank H. Eardley, D. C. Home calls 1197 So. 4th East; phone Hyland 2201-J. Ben). R. Johnson, D. C, 919-19 Boston B. Jirs 9 to 11, i to 4, 9 to T:lu Was 4414. W. H. Pyott, D. C, Ph. C . 421-4-1 Felt bldg. hours, 4-1 1, 1-4:94. 4-7. Wasatch Wa-satch 4454. J. L. Parry, D. C. entire second floor over Royal Cafe. 1M Main at. Was 9419. Frank F. Pyott, D. C, Ph. C, 704 U. Sv. a Trust bldg. 4-11, 9-9. 9-7. Waa. 9414. F. M. Thedgar, D. C. Hrs. 9 to 11 s m, 9 lo 4. 7 to 9 p. m. 929-9 Boston bldg. Wllllem W. Scare. I. C, 109-909 Boeten bldg. Houre. 9 lo 11, 1 lo 4, 1:40 to 4:10. Was 4e H. A. White, D. r. No. 9 Kuater Ct., 19. II and 1-9 90. 121 Esat Fifth So. Phone Was 9S.'.J-W. elhlosl etlenlloa given;' reeeonsbls Junk, Sacks, and Hand Anto9 -' . Highest pries psid for Iron, rags cop 1 Var, braae. beer bottles 100 a doaen. . sacks, UHo apleoet magaxlnes and neese-, neese-, papers second-hand olothee and ehoet and aeoond-hand automobiles. H. Ousr 144 So. 9rd ttaau Hy. 9597. Eastern Junk and Metal Co., ona or Utah's largeet dealers In acrap Irot, and rubbers 949 la 949 W. Jib. bo S. L. Junk Co., 919 Bdieoa at., Hy. 99eC buys metal. Iron, rubber, etc. t Jnnk Dealers , Positively pay tha highest prloee for lut.K bottles, eacke, second-hand clothes (W fumiturs Old magaalnas Hy. '4105. Pay higher prlcee for junk, bottles, meg-ailnee meg-ailnee 76c per 100, eecond hand clothes and paper. 99 So. Stats Was. i24-R Key Flttlni, Lock Work ": Acetylene welding, etc C. A. Fowler ' key, gun, blcyole, novelty works, lie W. ind So. Was 494a V . Key, Lock, Safe Expert - Jack; F-L-O-W-E-R ll So. W. Temple. Was 1191. 1 Lanndiiee Work back aame dey if requested. 'tok extra charge. PALACE LAI NDRT CO. Office 11 Weet let South. Office 70 West 2nd South. Was. 4221 Office 79 Keel Ind South. Wea. 14a I ' Office 21 Kaat 2rd South. Was 971 d' '- Works 74e Esat 4th South. Hyland Ml 2142. Laundry brought to office saves tl nee 1 Absolutely the Best 5-Room Home A Bungalow -- v V Loct9 ftt 1 Eut Sixth ntmth at. Up to th itilnut In flntsh. Kvrr j modrn (xmYeMiivncc. Ml tax paid i tot. Built of Brick ) Haa oak ftonrn. Mlaafon niantaL Modern plumbtnf. Hot Water Heat ! With all plpa aahato tnrrm. Expnatv alejctric flxturesa, that ar a Jelifht to th aya. Lot 2 Jx 10 Rods A CHARMING BUNGALOW SNAP! It la only oc-caalonally that ft raaJ ba.r-araln ba.r-araln ta found In a new bungtlow of the vury tateat typo In hoalthy and atrong rrowln j Halt Lak City, mainly for two raaona: Ktrat, bocaua t pr cant of our homo owner aro aufftctenUy wall to do that tht-y would a)l only when they gmt a purchaser wlllitiff to pay about tha valua of their proirty; and, aacond. ba-rauao ba-rauao thoao who ara reaJly praaaed to aell uaually find an aarly buye beoauee of a allarht reduction In prlca. Rut tha oroaalonal real bargain fall our way ytaterday, and wa loaa no tlma In ltt(nir our fiienda hr tha g-ood pawa. I'rir; fit,;,; eaay terma. Thla bunjralow ta tho laat word In etyle, and tha Interior la aa handaoma aa a picture. Built-in faaturaa that pleaaa aa aailnat tho averac that do not p4ea. l-ont la vry Impoalnc. with wonderful "cobble" atone plllara, and lot la nearly 74 ft. front. Hifh up oa the beautiful eaat bench. Aim htfh. Mine the mud. Bpeed from offlco to your home on the ahlninir aa-phalt. aa-phalt. That a the Mm'. The eaat bnch for you! -See ua quickly 4 today tha lucky day. MORMNGSTAR-VOGELER INVESTMENT CO, Investment Rankera, 159 80. Main around Floor. I'hona Waa. 2711. POTATOES Put In your winter aupply of po-Latoea and applea. Call Uy. UU-M. PUT HOME MADE BREAD and eava money; S loavea for 2Zc, delivered. de-livered. Model bakery 2 "o. Htata. ftvoll bakery. I K. lat 80. Templeton bakery. 109 E. 1M Ro. Three busy bake ahopo. Khona 'Waaatrh eW74. Bank, offlco. atore fxtura; buy, sell, x-chana-e new and second hand clrr and ahowcaaet. H. V. HmUh, Hi VV. 2nd i-iouth. Waa. 122S. j Barcalns In oaed band. Inatrumeots. 6ton ek leOoapanir. S4 80. Main St. Kulta 11L Almost new woman'a clothing very cheap. Hit Hooper bids: Cnemlled for tallormade aulte; prithee rea- aotuibie. Wolf TalUiriiis Co., 4 W. Broadway. Farmers' Union, s4 W. 1st Ro. potato, armin. seamlaaa aacka, boxaa, barreia. For Bato 12 ft. plate claaa ahowoase; bargain If sold at or.ee. Waa. iMl. ' Trads yoor sM wastier or sewtns; iwachlne for a new aoe. lls Stata. Was. 47M. sewlnf faiachtnea only M each. Walker ettee. Cx. la State. Was. 4701. w and aecondi hand lumber, doors, conrrets mixer. Waa 1441. E.ctrte Iron. Jl.W; vacuum cleanera, 122; waahtna; machine a. i4 ' Walker Eloc. Co., U 8 lata. Waa 47SJ, New electric wmhtne; machine $40, If taken at orvea, Hyland 2a4-J. For aale. eevara! waaiiing- machines; salt-abie salt-abie terms. Call Was, ioe. Call Waa for roal and klndiinij 60 , Vennm Qasvhen - Wa deliver powerful claanera, II 54 4ay. Lat Eardley Bros le It." Was. 1 70S. a . m 63 Motorcycles Bicycles New Pierce bicycle; eirellent condition; coaster; 111 to. 949 4th are. (5 ror Bale Horses Vebicies Oood work horse for sals Hyland 9479-J. 494 . 27th South. 70 Sale 3 awing Machlnei We eel!, rent and repair; free eetlmats Walker Else. Co.. lit Ststs Wss 4741 71 For Sale Type wri ten Corona and IloyaL We rent and repair. Utah Typewriter Ex. Co.. Waa. 4414; 14 W. 2nd So. All makee for aale or rent. v'rlte for prlc list. The Wholeeele Typewriter Co.. 121 Se So. Main, phono Was 2741. 73 for 8aie Furnitare Several thousand dollars' wort h of new and second hand furniture at reduoed ipticea; ueed furniture bought for saeh or taken In exchange for be". Soger bouse Furniture Ca, ZUt So. UU eCsst. HyL 171L U 14 luteal InxtrnmsQU STONK a COMPANY. 'Sxclueive AaaJera In C 41. Conn Band Inatruments. 244 So. Main St. Suite 111, Big Hartals. 1st claaa high grade piano; Ml Fan bldg. 5 Seal Eitak. Imp.-uYed IU9 down will buy a cosy 4 -room cottage, cot-tage, near North Yarda. Electric light and city water. Ineulre owner, Ysungs cafe. 1. A FWCKBCRO "Tha Plealty Exchange We buy. sell, rent, exchange Real Eetste. Phone 9141. . 197 Csnatltutkea Bldg. front porch, back porch, sleeping I j Porch. - ' . The Interior . ! Is cosily arranged and muat be Been to be appreciated. Located 1 within walking dialancs. VERY LtjSERAL TERMS. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST CO. 32 Main St. : UNUSUALLY j ATTRACTIVE j NEW . 6 ROOM 6 : BUNGALOW j This aubatanttaJly built house is on j paved streot and connected with sewer. Large cement porch. Threes tnnr. airy i bedrooma. rsk fl-ioro throuarhout. It'e j a beautiful home and ahould be aean. I- : oatad at 1471 Harvard avenue Take I ISth East car and aet off at Harvard I avenue. Owner at 144 Harvard avenue. ! Bvrx-room morirn houae with Yurntture ; and piano. Bam with t tone hay. ' Carase, chicken houee and thrae acrea of i around with food water rtsht. 1 bUx-ka wesat of Murray cmriinm. 1'nce l&a09. 2 2 I la 2d West. - WANTED REAL ESTATE We have purchasers for cheap homei up to I30OO. We have a narnber of aucl proenevtlve buyera. If you have any Utina; to offer, advise ua Immediately arx Clve ua a llatlna;- We are posittvo thai an Immediate sale awalte your place, I: t ha terma a rtd price ars lifh t. Oon' I delay aoe ua today. LE OrUNT) RICHARDS REAIdTT CO. Ti Weat Ho. Temple. Waa. 2114 A SNAP AT $3350 t-room brick, modem, with larrs lot Karaare, lawn: lkcated on K afreet. Wtl accept vacant property on deal, balanoi $-i a month. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO. 21 E. 1st So. Was. 223.21 FOR BALE BT OWNER. I have a aplendid tittle houae and lot on main thorous;hfare toxlivo lot, . -room houite, partly modern. I have alwa ye thought this houae waa worth $itnm, but for quick aale will aril for I13M1 but want to sell It quick. J-"bona .owner, Waa. lC;!. 76 , Buineu Chances FOR 8 ALE. A rood tocsttferi, ftrtrt clave etock wro-reriea wro-reriea and ft if urea: alao romplete equip, ment to carry freieh meata. W'tH rent hulldlnir at reasonable rent or give lease. Teles ram F-l. I email. Extra lar; eleeptn porch for two hMa. Veetlbule. hdtautlful mantel, fireplace, larre brick rarare. Cnrnmr lot, ; 76x10 ft. Prica waa tb and worth It. i ! Well desiarnad. well built. Owner fotnr I on cattle ranch, fise cash, 2i par ma E file, r Trouble .-room brick. S rooma and bath t ech eMe. Kitchen cabinet, gas ransa. Rent Sla per mo each aide, rioaa In, only a few roda from pavins and atroet-' atroet-' car. Here la a home and an Income at ' the tame time. $3ae casta, io pr me, S-room brick with furnace. Frrellent home fl. E, close In, one block from pav-Its. pav-Its. Eaet front, lot S7Hvl6e 2M caah. ii pee so , 1 per cent interest. Wa can convince you thla Is tha time to buy. I av. Lerse, thoroughly modern pr. trr"; built -in featuree. A home In every re-epect. re-epect. A -No. 1 coriPt ruction throughout. IeAt 7hxiri7 ft. Fruit, irarden, etc.. richest rich-est soil In the land; almost a fexm, hut rittht etoee In ; fine neigh horhood, near Liberty park and your Liberty bonds are food. Terms, $1000 cash, f ltx par year, per cent. TATE LOAM A TRUST CO . ' MortgsMre loaria. Firs and Compmaatton Inauranco. Rmi ta la. Trust ea and Executors for Estates. M Weet Broadway. rhone Waa. 1120 FOR SALE 9-ROOM MOUFRV HOMK KXCEPT FfRNACE, 419 4TH AVE. 3000. Oarsfre, Shade Trees, - Curbed and Paved Drivewsy. 4-R(-f M'lDERV FXra;pT FfRNACE. FfR-NACE. 2J4 SO. ITH EAST; 1 FUl.l.j U'TS. FP.l'IT TREES, HARDEN AND CHK'K RUN 3i04. 8KB OWN9L TERMS ON EITHER I'LACE Bl'SINESS PHONE. WAS. 9US RESIDENCE PHO.NB. MY. 111-W. 4 Chimney Cleaninf Salt Laka Furnace and Chimney Cleanlns re, W. T. Burton, prop., furnaces end rhlmneye cleaned, built and repaired, roofa and amokeetacka painted. 44 foal-offloo foal-offloo place. Phone V aeelch 4X44. Chimney Sweep Oriffln clesnB furnaces hot air, hot wa ter and eteam furnaces and chimneys The Man With lbs High Hat" Hy. IPee-J. Chimney eweeplng, furnacee. water. Jackrte elened. repaired; wire brushes ueed exrluelvely; work guaranteed, J. H. Curtis w Art, lite. j B. F Webb rlesns and repairs sll fur. I nacee and water Jarkete; expert chimney chim-ney sweeping; all work guaranteed, was 1 4207. Heating Service r cleans and repairs an furnaces end water lacketa; expert ichlmpney sweeping; all work guaranteed. Was 41U7. Hot air. water, ateam furnace, cleaned. Repairing Relinlng. Expert chimney I sweeping. Guaranteed workmanship, ft.. Haste Kur. a Flue Cs. C. J. Morgasv Wss 9429-W. Children's Home UTAH CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY. Incorporated home-finding agency. Ideal and heenellks Was 4419. St II h WeaL t r Carpenter Work For carpenter and alteration work call Waa. 2404-W. AU work guaranteed Alteretlon and repotr expert. Hooverias I'll help you. Hyl. r..-U ' I'll cell. Cuiei U. S. Ct Specie 1 dinner, 15o: ehort orders and Chinese etyle. Chas Hong, prop, lie State. sent. , Ladies ' Specialties Hemet Itching. lc per yd ; aweordtsri pleating, buttons buttonholes, couch. Ing, pinking, corsets deelgned, mads Kid Tailored Corset fsriur. 40 gu ' Broad ay. Wasatch 194a . Landicap lfuriery Peonlee. bulbs, ahruhs planta for far planting. lAWne made. is. Bynoser' Hylaud 99. 1411 Park at. J' - Mattreasee Bemodeled j Old mattresses mode over. li:ter-ajr'n ' Mattreea Co., Hyiand 2144. I Millinery 7 DeslgnlnS nd remodeling millinery In ' your home. Mrs V. it. Krn.t . if. ' 12.4. . T f- Oitrich reathet. Mede Into boaa. dyed, cleaned and curies si. Whlttaker. 147 Bs 2nd sat Papet Hanging- s. Painting, pspernatujlng. kaleomTnltig t I cut ratea. T. f. May. Has alw-M t 1 SigTii and Scenery Chaa. I'eterson. 29 Rlcharda etreet. Brass, chipped siaoa. sainted. Was 1944. - Btorei p aired f . -. t Beach TVpsIr Co. cleans water lacketa, ' furnaces chlmnoya, ranges Hy. leel. Call Western Foundry for all kinda water i Jackete, atova repairs. Was . 4474. I Tailors ' ';t Suite made to order from 119 and- as. Hall A Sons, 141 Stats, .. ....... . ... ... .. . . ,; q , " 4 |