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Show VICE FIGHT CIIIIIIIIUES Responsibility of Civil Communities Is Not Lessened by Coming ' Troop, Demobilization NO MEASURES will be left unused by the "government in iti campaign for the continued repression of the' liquor traffic -..anrl rice until auch time as demobilisation ahall have been accom- pllahed fully, atatea a telegram to Arch M. Thurman. aecretary of tha atata council of defense, from Oroe-venor Oroe-venor B. Clarkaon of tha council of national defenaa. A almllar telegram haa been received by Governor Simon Rambergwr from Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, calling upon him for aid In the suppression of vice and tha aelllna; of liquor to soldiers, MAKER'S MESSAGE. "ecTeTaTy 6T ? Kaker telegraphed all state governors, aa follow: Clarltson's nieaiuige states. "Th alanine; of tha armistice In no way leaaena tha responsibility of the civil community for the protection of aoldiera from prostitution and tha aale of liquor. All atatea and cities never oUKtit to leave tha eontrot which haa been established or atop so vital a work. The government proposes to ! leave no measures unuaed In Its continued con-tinued repression of prostitution and the sale of liquor from now until j such time as demobilization Is fully accomplished. The war department Is fully determined de-termined to return aoldlers to their families and to civil life unrontamt-nated unrontamt-nated by dinae. Reports of laxity from your state, after so much haa been done, would be a disaster to our soldiers and their families. 1 am telegraphing larger cltiea of your a tale according to the above. You are re-. re-. quested to telegraph thla meaaage verbatim to all cities and towns in your state. " HEALTH OFFICERS ADVISED. The.Vnlted mates public health service' haa telegraphed on the basts of Secretary Baker's telegram, advising ad-vising each state health officer to consult immediately with the governor. gov-ernor. The state council of defense Is directed to consult with Governor Bamberger and Or. T. B. Bestty. state health commissioner, and to take ntepa to get the local councils back of the mayors and local HmIiH n- 1m w mi force m en t authorities. In order that "k the efforts In this direction may not i be relaxed. "Tho gaJns of the Inst eighteen months will be lost unless vigilance now Is Increased," Clarkaon decjared. |