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Show SOCIALISTS HOLDALL POSfllS New German Government Govern-ment Ha Been Organized Organ-ized With Ebert and Associates inControl By Aaeeelated Preee. COPENHAGEN, Not. 14,. 8:52 a. m. The new German government has been organized with the following cabinet mem- tiera ; Premier and Interior and military affaire Frledrlch Ebert , Foralgn affaire Huo Haaae. Finance and - colonlea Phlllpp flchaldemann. Demoblllaatloa. tranaport. jaatlca a a heeuh Wllbeli fillliana, Publicity, art and literature Herr Latndaberg. Boclai policy Richard Barth. Announcement of the mem be re of the new Utrman government conftrma previous r porta that the cabinet would be oompoeed entirely of ftoclalleta. Tha majority ftoclaltata, who eupported the Imperial government during the war, axa repreaented by Ebert, Mcheldemann and Landaberg, while the Independent BoclaJlata.ara Haaee. Dlttmann and Barta. Herr Dtttmaiin waa aantenced to mi prlaonmant nuit February In connection connec-tion with labor troublea In Berlin. Ha waa raleaaed by the Imperial government govern-ment a, few daya before Ito downfall. Richard Harth formerly waa editor of tha Boclallat Vorwaerta and la a member mem-ber of the Spartacua or Bolahevlk element ele-ment of the Independent tfoclaliata. It waa reported through Copenhagen under un-der date of Monday that ha had ra-elgned ra-elgned from tha government after a aturmy meeting of tha cabinet. |