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Show . . - !.' Deer Miss Kay.: , , Please answer tKe following - imtiomy, . . - 1. I feed a diwm the ether night ; and I want you ta tall ma what it .' maanai Shortly aftar my aunt i ! died I dreemed that har aoffin wa V 'n tha middla af tha street, and that a friend and I want avar thara I" and loakad at har. All af a auddon aha atoad u In har oaffin and my ! " friand and I ran baok ta tha hauaa 7 aa faat aa wa could. Please, Miaa . Kays, tall ma what thia draam f moant. Z. Mew many year, will It take v .for thia war to ba written up in history r DIMPLES. ;Pwr child, dream, signify nothing nnless It be a dlaturbcd mind. Thia weird trend of the mind in dreamland ; waa no doubt brought about by anxiety over the death of your aunt, aunns . your waking houra, and ahould be slv en no credence In any way. Dlamlea ' It and-all auch thai may follow 'without another thought, and your sleeping aa well aa waklntjnlndwill soon have a more cneerf ul trend. '. t. Many historical worka will be In tha market Immediately, aa every move r. .k . MU.IM. Kaa ham at tha hevae ha telle ma net ta have them any mere, aa yew aea I aan neither g aut ner have eom-eeny eom-eeny et Heme, Whet would you del I am It. G. P. I ahould uae my very aweeteat wllea to break down that poor, foolieh old daddy'e barrtere. then I ahould propoae a compromise. Daddy doean't mean to be ao bad he a Juat forgotten to con-alder con-alder your poeltlo-A-probably doean't realise that you are quite crown up, ao you'th Juat have to perauade , him. Ba aweet and lovely about It, dearie-be dearie-be patient and kindly and 'deferential ever, but peraiatent. And If. after you have made a real effort, and repeated It, he doea not re-pond, then can you not mmMrmm ..f ... .nnt JJEJUJClS. or aomeone anyone, tn whom your father haa confidence to plead your eaaa for you ? Once father underetanda the aerlouaneaa of hia poaltion he'll gladly rlaht mattara for you, I am euro. Meantime, ba obedient and cheerful, anu remember that after all Father lovea you. and only allowo hla eerer-neaa eerer-neaa ta protect and care for you, cauee him to overplay hla part. Alao remember remem-ber that you are very, very young; Ihar " Daddy la quite right In inalatlng upon knowing where and with whom you go; that It la your duty to eonault with htm followejsj and chronicled, with historical precision, even ae It occurred. The competition among; historians will be keen, and Joy to the speedy one who succeeds in marketing; the results of hla labors FIRST. That is the goal for which the thousands are striving, and Xh race will be a swift one. However, there will be material for War historians even unto the next renera t Ion. " Dear Mtse Kayei You eertsinly are a wonderful fairy to take one's trouble toe. and - I hope yeu can help me. If a fftrl's father is cress to her all th time and won't let her go ut at niflhts. what is she going to do? I csn go if t tell him a fib, but I dent like to do that. Every time I have flirli or boys ; I eaaaaaetaaaBaaapceaaetejaea ' beneficial for promoting a heavier growth, it haa a tendency to leeaen the natural curl, and la not to be ad-vlaed ad-vlaed if you wiah to retain it. Keep the hair and ecalp thoroughly clean, the hair well brushed, and constantly arranged In curia, and It ahould be at I la beat. , 1. Mrs. Charles Ray la nnnpro-feeeional nnnpro-feeeional and the happy wife of Charles Ray, motion picture favorite. Mr. Ray was born at Jackeonville, III., In 11: educated there and at Lxe Angelea Polytechnlcal 'achool; atage career of four and a half years in mualcal comedy and dramatic atock. vaudeville, -etc.; for recreation he ridea. swlma and playa tennla; height, feet; weight, 170 pounds. Hia hair la dark brown, aieo his eyea. Addreaa Mr. Ray at Inc. studio, Hollywood, Cal. . Dear Miaa Kayei Thia la tha first time I have written ta yeu. I read tha Hearti- torium every rt'ht "111 '"i"! ' very muoh Will yeu pleaaa answer tw. Questions for me T 1. What la tha correct weight and height of a girt 14 yeers old? 2. What la a nice way ta de up the hair if it is curly f. Thank yeu very much, BOBS. Helghta vary, but tha weight ahould correspond with the height and age. else proportlona are loet. Ho your correct cor-rect weight dependa moatly upon your height, you aee. 2. For a miaa of 14 curia are adorable, adora-ble, and It would be a pity to confine naturally curly hair In a braid or knot. Catch the hair up at tha crown of the head or the nape of the neck i or' both with a barret te or ribbon, If you will, but let the enda curl at random. about tha choice of frlenda; that through your , amiable wllllngnese to forego a pleasure occasionally to submit sub-mit to hla maturer Judgment, you will pave the way for better tlmea tn future. Only through love, confidence and obedience, can you win Father, but win him, you must, ao determine not to falter. Won't you write and tell ma how you succeed? Dear Answer Wemam Thia ia tha first time ts writ. t. yeu, although I read your answers every evening and hope yeu will be auccea.ful with mine. 1. What will remove walnut stain from the handeT Alaa dreast 2. By my handwriting, haw .Id d. yeu judg. met Although I think two guesti.ns era enough, I sh.uld lev. te ask m ore. May yeu continue yeur successful success-ful work and let ma call aoain? JESSIE. A solution of toilet ammonia and peroxide will remove walnut ( stain from the handa. If tha drees Is esrhtte, Javelle water will do the work for you nicely; oth-erwlae. oth-erwlae. the color would be removed with tha slain. . About II why? Dear Miaa Kayei I love the Heartltorium ee much. Will you plaaaa anawar ma. toef 1. My little girl ha. beautiful hair, but it ia geing out af curl. Would yeu adviee ta have it out? She ia 4 years -old. : 2. Wha ia Mrs. Chsrl.s Rayf Please tell me something about Mr. Ray. Thanking y.u In advance, ' JOHANNA J. While cutting the hair la considered 7Desr Miee Kayej Will yeu please answer the following fol-lowing gueetiene for me? 1. 1 had my hsir out Dutch until un-til I was 9 years eld. I am new 12-It 12-It dir. net help it any. It is very thin, fine and short, but free from ail and dsndruff. Can you tell me hew te make it grow thicker and longer? 2. My older sister has long ano thick hair. It haan't any oil in it but is lust full of dandruff. Can yeu tell me hew te remove it T Thanking yeu in advance. I am. DUCHESS. Why don't both you and sister try Mange Cure? Taking thia treatment together, you could aa!st each other and lessen the difficulties of the proceas. , Apply It to the scalp with a bit of absorbent cotton; let remain on leas than two hours, and shampoo ' with lhysicfans and Sunrrona' soup, adding the juice of a lemon to the final rlnae. Repeat this treatment twice a week If possible, and not less often than once a week. Be faithful, and do not i expect reeuits too aoon. There will be , no perceptible change for two or three months. J |