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Show DENVER STARS BACKJN GAME Coaches Happy Orer Return Re-turn of Gibson and Anderson. By Bruce A. Gutin. JENVER TNIVERSITT and th day afternoon at Union park In Ua eecon intsrcolleglate championship fun of the ttaaoo, Coach of tha Ministers announced today that th game positively wtU ba played, and at tha ami tlma ha enneunced that hla championship pair of halfbacks (Olb-aon (Olb-aon and Andersen), who played naves with aU opponents In ItlT. wtU e la the lineup. If health conditions In Colorado Springe do not permit of the staging of ths Mines-Tiger gams Saturday. It may as transrarrad to Denver and ba played In tha forenoon. Tha return of tha Anderson-Olbaon combination pats D. V. back on the grid map, for there la no galneaylng their prowess. They carried the M In lit are to tha championship a year ago. Olbaon en-Hated en-Hated for tha naval- s via t ton training , school before tha opening of tha arid season, but has been returned here, as there were several hundred more can didates than the school could accommodate. accom-modate. Anderson haa been suffering from an attach of flu, but is all rla-ht again. With Gibson and Anderson In the lineup. Coach Pike believes his team caa beat the Miners.- Coach Barron and rr. Packard of the Mines are Inclined to be skeptical. 'so It Is not Improbable, that a postseason same may ba - arranged to settls the argument It certainly would ba a blf show. - Both - Miners and Minlstsrs earns through fUturriay's scramble In first class ahape. Moot of the players-ara stiff and sore, and only light workouts were hsld Monday. Tls roaches planned a mora ambltloua program for Tuesday. As tha Arglee have a green. Inexpert Inexpe-rt need team, X. IT. should have an easy time Saturday. Tha Mines-C. C. game, however, la going to he a different sort of exhibition. The Tigers appear to be a much better aggregation than represented repre-sented tha Springs last year, but they; ara handicapped considerably In losing tha services of Coach Roth nab, who haa gone to Princeton for a course In war j athletic training. |