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Show IHTTEITIOI j MACCABEES 9 Silver Roview, No. 1, Woman's WL Jj Benefit Association of the Maccabeos gl I will hold it regular meeting Friday H evening, Nov. 5, in the W. O. W. hall. Q i ANNA. HOLDEN, L. C. ft :l Advertisement. m r . IOrpheum Theater SUNDAY, NOV. 7TH. J A tripping Story of Love, Mystery -.- ,snd Heroism. The most popular Amer-' Amer-' J lean book made Into a great play. rA PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. J i SEAT SALE, THURSDAY, NOV. 4. 4 1 r 9 1 rew Idia Fashion Patterns f A 10c at 111 BRAMWELL'S i W. 0. !AI ATTENTION The members of Woodmen of the World and their friends are cordially Invited to attend a smoker and "Edison "Edi-son Recital" in his favorite invention, Thursday, Nov. 4th, 8:30 p. m., Woodmen Wood-men Hall. Advertisement. oo Chas. Chaplin in "The Woman," and "Neal of the Navy," at the Lyceum today. 5c ALWAYS 5c. 00 w New Schedule of Prices Go Into Effect at The Alhambra Tomorrow The entire balcony, 1.200 seats, will be reduced to lOo for every one for Orpheum vaudcvlllo, evenings. The same seats will bo reducod to 5 cents for adults for photoplays alter today, afternoons and evenings Tho prices pri-ces on lower floor will remain tho samo as usual. Tho matlneo prices will also remain tho same, adults 25c and children 10c. Main floor, tho balcony, bal-cony, not open afternoons. Advertisement oo He is put to sleep under the influence of Ethyl Chloride. But see that masterly production, produc-tion, 'Mortmain," as played by Robert Edeson, tonight and tomorrow at The Ogden. oo uu- r Mary Pickford and fifteen other stars in a six-reel program pro-gram at the REX today. Alice Lyndon Doll & Co., headline the Alhambra-Or-pheum this week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. SURREY, incubator, small cook stove 27d sowing machino. 212 N. Wash, avc. 11-3-lwk. oo Modern Woodmen Class Adoption Tonight. COMING SUNDAY the entire first balcony will be reduced re-duced to 5c admission for adults at the Alhambra. Advertisement, oo Grafting a hand on a living arm shown in Mortmain" at The Ogden. Modern Woodmen Class Adoption Tonight. Modern Woodmen Class Adoption Tonight The entire first balcony 10c for adults for Alhambra-Or-pheum Vaudeville. oo oo A man hunt with bloodhounds, blood-hounds, by government officers, offi-cers, in 'The Heart of the Blue Ridge," at the Isis today. oo His sweetheart shudders at his touch and the hand at the slightest provocation flies at the throat or friend or foe. See Robert Edeson in "Mortmain" tonight and tomorrow at The Ogden VALESKASURATTE the highest salaried star on tho Orpheum Or-pheum circuit, headllnor next week's bill at tho Alhambra. Advertlsoraont I FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5TH. I ANNUAL OLDTIME SOCIAL AND DANCE '$ AUSPICES WEBER STAKE I l BERTHANA SOCIAL HALL I H Tickets $1.00. Extra lady 50c 1 ! On sale at 1 ' ll Orpheum Theater, Hudson Drug Store or can be pur- 1 I H chased of ward bishops and high councilmen. Not on I J sale at Berthana hall. I j H i m p H Mary Pickford and fifteen other stars in a six-reel program pro-gram at the REX today. |