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Show oo S, E. SUTTi AT ISO OF EELS Al ' DINING CARS S. E. Sutton has been appolntetd superintendent of dining cars and hotels ho-tels of tho Union Pacific railroad, vice F. E. Lewis, who was recently appointed ap-pointed manager of tho same department, depart-ment, according to a notice received in Ogden today by City ticket agent Paul Beemor The appointment was made by Mr. Lewis and Mr. Sutton in turn appointed H. A. Hansen assistant superintendent The headquarters of both officials will be at Omaha-Births Omaha-Births Births were reported today at the otflce of the city health department depart-ment as follows: To Mr. and Mra. Geo. R. Vaughn, a son, Oct. 25; to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, a son, Oct 24; to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Ward, a daughter, Oct 28; to Mr. and Mrs. Ool C. Sessions, a daughter, Oct. 18. M. C. Conklln departed today for Los Angeles over the Salt Lake Route. oo |