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Show H POOR NEWSPAPER WORK. j No f drecasts of the election in Ogden were further from the mark B toan those appearing in the Ogden department of the Salt Lake Tri- j tune. Evidently, with a desire to misrepresent, the Ogden corres- 1 pondent on Monday said bets on Heywood had dropped from two-to- one and wagers were being made at even money. ''Latest specula- B tion," he said, "seems to give the two candidates in the mavoraltv H race a fifty-fifty choice." . ' H 1. S16 trutIl is there were no even bets' and offers too to one Hi ?i teywood would be elected went begging. Only the most radical .CampbeU supporters ventured to predict Campbell had any prosnect j ,of victory. y H On Tuesday morning, the Tribune repeated its absurd predictions j fbf the day before. HI j Tlli o11"11 continuing its exhibition of venom, .the Ogden m -department pretends to give a summary of the investigation of the m (records of the police department, which was one of the earlier issues H of the campaign, and again indulges in deliberate misrepresentation m the charges, as they originally appeared in the Morning Examiner' H r Jbo8. valuable records of the police department had H been burned and Jugher-nps were responsible for the crime " Today the Tribune states that the offense complained of was lhat "tickets of arrest Avere missing. " This is noccssary, in order to make it appear that the committee had sustained the original charges. Of course tickets of arrest for 1911, and for 1912, and 1913 and 19M and 1915 aro missing, because those tickets, after being entered on the regular police books, have not been looked upon as permanent records or necessary to the preservation of a record of police events. Those tickets, even since 1911, have been in the custody of men who arc to-day to-day in the employ of: the police department, and, so far as we know, they are worthy custodians and honorable men. The responsibility rests with them. The attempt made to stigmatize the 1911 administration is proved to have been based on nothing more than a falsehood and the Tribune, if it had been honestly represented in Ogden, would have so informed its readers, as -that is the duty of a properly conducted newspaper. It ill becomes any newspaper to uphold the hands of a falsifier. "We feel the Tribune has been imposed on, as that paper, under its present management, would not knowingly be a party to vile slanders or the coloring of political news to gratify a spite. |