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Show ou ALLEGED JAIL BREAKERS CAUGHT. Pocatello, Itaho, Nov. 2. Joe Re'as and Juan Chavas, two Mexicans, were arrested today by tho city authorities for the second time In two wooka. m Word was later received from Tooele, ' j Utah, that the men were badly wan- . I ! H (ed there. Joe Rcas was facing a ) I I charge of assault and attempted train l robbery and Juan Chavas was scrv- , . j M Ing time Tor shop lifting when they ' H broko Jail ou Sepfomber 12. When M arrested here tho first time they had M largo quantities of clothing on their H persons, but as no store claimed tho f- j ; H goods they were turned loose. They H will be sent to "Utah when the officer j j . H arrives tomorrow. , H |