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Show HOGE REFUSED OFFICE-BOOK- OF EVERYTHING OKEH -V HEX MR. GOGGIN TELUS HOW COME I Here Are Latest Photos of Boulder Dam S TREASURY . t Re Acting Treasurer jects Demands of Appointee Yki . JSL r ri Edsel Christensen. acting elate over office records and state treasurer's books to Enos Hoge. recent--tyrappotnted treasurer by Gov ernor Henry H. Blood. a Yesterday Mr. Hoge filed SftO.MO-bond with tbe state board of examiners to complete the of qualifylngforthe office. Today he filed his answer to a oomplamt In quo a arranto pro ceed tnga before tbe stats supreme court. -Ip To Ctoert Kow It elll be tbe duty of the state supreme court to determine which of the three claimants Charles A. Stain., state treasurer-elec- t; Treasurer State Acting Christensen, and Mr. Hoge. ap Is the treasurer state pointive legal treasurer of me state of Utah Assistant In the answer filed by -Attorney General & D. Huffaker. Mr. Hoge asserts that Acting Treasurer Christensen is in unlawful possession of the office, Mr. assertion of Hoge also denies the he is the sole Charles A. Stain, that of Utah, by state treasurer of the a ion ago No sleet of year right ember, and the only - person eligible to hold ths officeStates Charges He sets forth thqt on Dee.12. Governor Blood appointed him state treasurer. Mr. Sthlns failure bond to provide an official surety him from of tiM.tOt, prevented office. The the ever qualifying for the dufact that he never assumed ever ties of state treasurer, or wasis in possession of ths office, as other reasons for disqualification. Hr. Hoge a too "alleges tbat"Mr hell Christeiwcn of state possession of the office treasurer ever since Jan. 1, 1333, and since that data there has been on-ta vacancy which was not filled the governors action of Dec. 12. A hearing of the proceedings will be held during the January calendar of the supreme court, opening Monday January It. somo City commissioners times hare embarrassing mo menu; P. H. Goggin, new commissioner. had one today. blhel Macdonald, recorder. petition asking that the c.ty curb and gutter Twelfth Eait from iifth So. Jty stree. The name of Mr. Goggin headed thc lust of petitioners. lie explained that he signed I r G i the M. Commissioner Kevwr && or re George fD f Mw Gnfrgm be stricken. Dalaon Effects of Depression, accurate picture of business UtaBT tefr"by"depre9BvloijTn and data to be used in the scientific planning of tbe atatea future dfOBfl mi- f- And iad uaferAal - Aere Wm- ST I? OriUS" 1 ment, will be obtained from a ape- OpiC cial federal census to be cUrtedi I next week. j The census will provide teropor- A mass meeting if members of work for nearly 2A unrm- ijic Consumers Weliare snd and Utah search league will bo hold On the Ployed Salt through funds to be high auditorium at 3 oclock- tdent. to discuss recent develop- Inched by the civil works admln-men- ts Phone, Power Rates Ml The petition and the mottom were both referred to ihO street department. Pe-ja- ry resi-Sou- th fur-toni- lr- - In theorganlxatknV cam-!11- ;census paign for lower eleclne power and : Detail, of tbo special re announced today by Harry F. to telephone rates. The public -. jTyier. area supervisor for the V vited S. census bureau, who arrived re-- 1 sec . Warwick- - C-- Lamorcaux. r .from Washington. D. C. to direct on will of the speak league, tary Ltah Wyoming the-powAmerican .h, ,.Jrveyl in - Ml photos through eosrtcsy ft?. - Rorlamauom Service. Here are tbe latest photograph of construction work al Boulder Dam where tbe millionth cable yard of concrete win be - J es been-divide- Nollucludes, lntheanrestigatiens-eddUloBA- Tumbow at Fault in Penitentiary Break Tuesday the consumers league a similar petition relating to the investigation of Utah Power A Light rates. This petition. If granted. will bring the parent company, the Electric Bond and Shara and affiliates into the picture. filed i CITY WORKERS ON FULL TIME -V estate development The number be obtained from the ment offices In the counties in of old and obsolete building will which they are to work, and will! be shown as wtl as ths number oft he hired until the work is com- - vacant structures and the capacity as well pleted sometime between Feb. IS of home, and apartments and March I. Mr. Tyler points out. (as the condition of tho properties as to sanitation, A real property Inventory will be pertinent facts , .heating, etc. Information gathered concerning real property will be available to planning boards, municipal agen- -, clea and Interested Individuals, but , It wilt also too used in planning future federal construction and . v . financing program.; The other phase of the work will bo state-wiand will Invoice a census of business. It Is explained. This phase proposes to cover ail ' establishments engaged In retailing. aii service, businesses, amuse- - ! ments snd hotels, and will necessitate the employment, of 43 workt ers. To Check Employment This survey will supply the first . accurate- - measurement of the. ef-feels oflfhe depression on the various Utah dstnbutlon businesses but at the same time will provide businessmen and - governmental agencies with a true picture of tho present condition of busineee compared with that of 1323 and other periods and will thus furnish a-guide to sound future economic 1 One planning. Mr. Tyler stated. of the features of the survey is tho gathering of employment data which will demonstrate clearly month by month the extent of tho recovery program's effectiveness. Thw questions will call for so curate descriptions of the business establishments, kind of merchan- dise handled or oervtco offered principal functions performed sal aries and wages paid, and information on other operating expenses. net sales, stocks on hand receipt, amount paid tn sales taxes aad-- iao amount ottered it' business dope. tontyht will see Salt Lake valley shivering tinder freezing temperature which may force Department Offices . the mercury to aa low as 15 ae greea in some exposed places., In Capitol Shifted The storm which ended this morning, deposited JJ d? an Faced with the necessity of flnd- - 3. inch of precipitation at Salt more room for the civil works most of mhch was in fng administration at the v capitol o rain At Brighton, the , having this federal agency take on the ruyrf mountain qnarters downtown. Secrets. nr of waiershed. eight inches of new State Milton H Welling today snow fell, increasing the total of de- to S9 Inches, an amount one started moving a number partments securities, state historinch greater than the snow ical, G. A. R. criminal identificadeph on the same day last tion and lneeigationand a er. branch o? the tax commission out . on northeast the the first wing jof Democrats Arrange 'floor to Only tho chemist will be left in hts 'District Meeting: Ftae peent quarters. I! de j a-- r Mayor Offers Aid -- '!' I To Qub Women in Purchase of Hall I LhJm Driver Is Released After . SerglSDaySg to-wek- V" Police Judge For Work During Year hit-ru- odVSecon ffillimniJ FfVlfmll jTeamVisits Gty frem-PW- ... Sol Routs Old Man Winter But Hell Be Back Tonight LWA Allows p Projects j r key-poi- nt - a- f.f Invade H6meTake$lS0 w reaOf,! t sons will be found for a reduction counties ttiatcan ha naed in planning such The CWA workers emploved wiUjproJects sa slum clearamce and real in local telephone rates. H. Jot-ep- h snd the the second floor of the federal j Your Home and the Arsenal of the Electric Bondage and Share. Late Wednesday the league filed . HARRY T. TYLER" petjtion with the public-utiliticommission of Utah, asking that has The State i gait Lake City, the same the commission broaden its com- districts for the purpose of tato,taken the as other major American cities plaint against the Mountain Slates District purpose 1st put men" Telephone-an- d Telegraph company, purvey. Salt Lake City and county and aUiback primary to work and gather valu-th- e so thatrit might also investigate north. to the territory Samuelab!e Information. A total of 113 the relationship of affiliate com- Dowee is on thto supervisor of this diebe employed panies, including the American Tel- trict snd will have headquarters in men w, t lhe nDal,a ephone and Telegraph, parent com- Sait Lake. To Study All pany, and the Western Electric. -- hsirict No- - 3 embraces the area All of the buildings within the The Western Electric, owned by south and west from the north A. R cllv w ill- - be noted snd information the American Telephone and Tele- border of Utah county.-witfor Tavlor of Provo serving as super- gathered upon those used for res- -, graph, manufactures equipment . affililate companies. It Is hoped visor. W F. Olson of Prira to su- -i tdential purposes. This vrlU JUJf-,id- e ms to facts, not now s vaila that by including thee, companies pervisor of dietrict No. 3 which Prison Guard Suspended For Escape of Prisoner Board s Finds rest Poopls and Sam F. Kiefer of the on Utah Truckers' association poured tills month. The constrnctlon wnrfc Is two years ahead of schedule and it to expected pouring of concrete will be finished In June. 1133. Some idea of tbe magnitude of the project can be obtained from the center picture, which shows the thickness of the dam as seen from the center control tower. The top photograph shows the onstream face of the dam looking toward- the The face of the dam Is III feet high. Tbe Nevada abutment lower photograph shorn the Nevada spillway as- aeen from the construction tower. The largest derrick in the world, capable of lifting 300 tons of concrete, now to bring nsed In the pouring. For the escape of Robert Earle, convict at the elate penitentiary. Joseph H. Turn bow. prison guard waa suspended for 30 days without pay by the state board of r.tlons lata yesterday. The board found that Turn bo' but was excellent record previous that on Nov. II when Earia made F-- : hts escape aver the prison walla, Adf p-l- i the prison guard waa without a weapon and acting contrary to tbe - x to rules, i 'i- Armistice day. At 11.20 vV Earle with a rope made of strips of Vacation Without -Viw blanket climbed the east wall, at, -- a da Item Taken Out tacking Turn bow, who was in tbe northeast tower, Earle took two " Of shotguns, a rifle and a revolver. He Budget threw a shotgun and a rifle into the prison yard and leaped 20 feet to JOSEPH TURNBOW V freedom, Maor Louis Marcus today agreed to City employes will not have Earle escaped in a truck.which to orkT two weeks vacation without-pa- y Hit-Ru- n appoint a committee h forced two men U t.k. this-yeabandon. ' ftti representatives of 50 women's city provided the withThat he made At night, County "can keep operating expenses torney and Mrs. Harold E. Wallace clubs of Salt Lake City on a plan in the budget. feed him. The next day the truck to Jrchase the old Masonic hall. p This agreement was mad. at a waa fotutd In Emigration-canyonFirst South and Second East street. meeting of lh commission today. made as The budget driginally Mrs. E. K. Corfman. Mrs. D. C vacae contemplated a Blayney and Mrs. Wlnefred P. Kalis v tion. On order of City Judge Daniel The emergency ordinance, first told the commission that this buildwho to presiding In the passed In 131, reducing the ing could be acquired on reasonable 10 criminal division. Blaine SorensoB. salaried of pay employe. lory terms as s suitable meeting and per cent, will be continued dur- 13. sentenced to 33 days in Jail for . headquarters for all the civitf eduing 134. Louis Marcus insisted that a. n accident waa released Mayor cational and social womens clubs after yesterday serving It days va-M. City Judge J. Broiuon wax of the city a rule be adopted forcing the borenson was Dec. 13 honored today in a format reaolu cation on ail employe, regardless by Jndg M. J. sentenced liraCorfman said that the clubs1 f the ability of departments to accident. "which have been assured of operate without the cut or that all South and Main streets, Nels J. and unanimously voted on motion and CWA and that the of Mayor Louie Marcos . employes regardless of departments Bergvali. 43. 141 Whitlock avenue, baa promised services of an receive full pay. During a period of distress and Utter was V Injured. architect and provided The rule will apply to all emIt waa explained that Sorenson transition, tho resolution recites. the property to workmen held In the name of ploye. except the engineer's force, has been a model prisoner and Judge Bronson has sustained with the city. which most be laid off at least two Public Safety Commissioner -honor snd respect tbs ordinances John weeks during ths year to makeup II-- Knight did not o . Salt Lake City through lu cham- City. popes his re- of Salt Lake for not taking the vacation with lease. Judge Bronson completed. Jan. 3, X, r 4 Man Winter today made f commerce this afternoon S10j000tbr other employee last year. term on the bench of the police a . -- , entertained the victorious Colum- - -- another desperate attempt to court which has Jurisdiction of all NEW AIR SCHEDULE a'res: northern Ctaty from tho an hla University . football team A ISll fcivil and criminal cases arising AOr influence of Old Sol, but tbe ; oute from southern CalifornU to under the city ordinances. Now he Airline passengers leaving Salt ho could do was to scatter is on the civil bench. Then thousand dollars have bf n New York. Tho party, made up of aben Inks shortly before breakfast 3 little stow and threaten to do The resolution which has the alloled -- to Utah from CWA funds SO plav er and footbatl attaches, a m. will now reach tho twin citworse tonight- Amething same status on the permanent city for work on fish hatcheries The including Coach Lou Little, arrived Today ies, Minneapolis and St. Paul. In In today's encounter. Wintime for dinner, t p m- - announced 7 p.m. Banquet meeting and in- records as an ordinance, has been prospects will employ men at vt 2 30 p.ni. over the Union pacific. ter gained a short temporary local office man- stallation of officers, Klwsnts club. nsed in the past lo thank retiring Boar Lake and 23-- at L. 8pnngvi!le. The special trainwaa met at the -- athanta' but waa forred to lonenrand mayors, but this according to an snnownr, ager for the United Air Lines. The Hotel Utah. committee a retreat- - By noon Sot bad wipby reception new schedule euu several hours 3 p.m. Meeting, Business and ie the first time that the srvices from-- th Bureau of Fisheries, in ' hich included chamber of com- ed away the few traces of snow Ihon- - Washlngton. received here be'" from the old one, tn Professional Womenmerce escort'd and officials laid down during ths early today, clubsrxe, X The work, which is planned to'busses to the Tabernaw grounds cutiva committee. New house hotel. hours, morning HOY PIAXIOT TO PLAT 3 be fmished by Feb. 1 3. is describ'd for a special organ recital. Other It appear, however, that Meeting. auxiliary, p.ni. at Bear Lake, as enlargement of features of the entertainment were winter has called upon Jack Mlao Cicely Adams wlU present American Legion. New house hotel. Probecutor Decides 3 p fish hatch and improvement of - ! include a sightseeing tour of Salt Krost for reinforcements and Junior DemoGrant Johanneses n, boy pianist, asTo Drop Driver Case ter supply, luncheon a and and Lake and canals sisted by Ladle Adams, soprano, in cratic league. Gov. H. H. Blood, vjcinity including at 4 p m. Tho vigitore were ache- x ditch;" at Bprlngville. aa the Art Barn at 4:33 pm. Satur- speaker.nu Newbouse hotel. No complaint will be issued improvement of hatcherr and water-- tiled to cominue their trip east- - rildUIlIU oUCICiy p Meeting and smoker, day. .. American Legion. Post No. J. the case of Elmer L. Margs. who gup ply. and cleaning ditchr arl at 5.50 p m. 4ni S100 Gift From Citv war involved in An automobile ac- aork on roads and Chamber of Commerce. parkins (. bfr tmwd 3' p.m. Meeting, Barnacles, cident at Ninth East and Thir- - Three men from Kali TWO HELD IN ROBBERY a group of writers. Dr. J. JL Glesjv teenth South street. lant ireek. lt The Bait Lake Oratorio aoci.Jvj. - ke reorgamrallon of he Pelt to the civ! marks and tedi ln U;nrrr Morrin-aand 7it,?nW.t?lT,lt0r,rtSt Pi ry n peakerr-Literai1 1 head- county , administrations relief . an ... Sa additional odayhyGerald-irilne, n.oiailCy.Hev CrtUcisnLrti.wunuudccd F. Heninger todvy arrested twowheAnayomrconUna.nt fund"afiein ,0!nt,rr0w :,h!vd by Robert H- - Hinckley. Barn. city prosecutor. V,ln today nams - nen. who m oi Mr. Irvine said that full investiRAIL OFFICIALS H I RK Tomorrow rict offices are scattered over the 1 x A. ftoaregavethe and Jeff HalL at; Formeriy the society had been. the districts J. 8. Pyeatt. president of the j rank 3.45 a.m. Meeting. nomlnating gation of the accident disclosed hbr a. ch.Vrworaen. Second caSt South .artTreiurere;100' committee. District Federation of that Mr. Marks waa In no way to Mesterrt pecu in the robbery of Charles H ,"ndltl0 and three additional commit!'-- i bleme. Witnesses to the accident railroad, and B. --H. Messiah. Women's Clubs, Newhouse boteL re-- ! v imen Hale Hnlea Utah. of Garland. Tajlor. will be to serve durtnc chosen said that Mr. Marks did not enter president in charse of traffic, made 13:15 pm. Luncheon meeting. men! C. Clarence Neslen. president of the next biennium. ported being held up bv j Plans are now beme made to until tbe yellow Second aod the Creamery Operators association. the Intersection Btreel Mid Salt :,ear ,'akc J society. con!ributk'nsJiadi.Thefficera elected 1iS rah dxArii Ine liST; ronvemion of the . Y6t., light showed. ' men Chamber of Commerce. dTbe Lull expense. LbouUi - sireet areJeavln.toni.Vi tall blond hold-n- p Jtnct wlll meet January lh. to eieri'raLcif.c Ad'ertising club assJTia- Tw !lay.They 12:15 Luncheon meeting" wFaie-Lake. (ward and jprecinct-officeDavid A. Course-- . taught Mtss Maxine Colen.last i west Chamber of Commerce Rg or- ntgnt, - ! Second South street, advisory ration of the dub Fan vUemen.. l,emKTaUr;--at chamber. A deleeatton machine will be held tn ApriL!len;- that It to not wiaa to answer a council, or" ay 1 2flS p m. Luncheon meeting I 'of a I men knock on the door ontil you have directors siter.d mil' advertising UtaAMaoufacturera in convention !be peeked through the. curtains Jno Portlard. RELIEVES KEYSER MARIUS e. of Commerce. When a knock sounded at 1:20 " 13:15 Chamber w'thintructiona to extend a m. Luncheon meeting. Commissioner- Geerge D. Kcyscr ,ormat p.m. Miss Colen went to the door Chamber Pof ... . was today appointed to act during' agriculturwith her sister baby In her arms al committee Commerce at chamber. the absence of Mayor Louis Marcus to find a large revolver pointed in Charges of assault with a deadly blocl. wilb Olsen and Jobaonsen-flnateat whiBriconceaied of sports! , Both Meeting, Billings two winter l PS FIRST weapons 01en with complying pm.' her face ,ere being held Keyser will head the inter and f Weapon andsttempted Jail break. As tbo Jailer .opened the cell block 'cd out hia kn and ordered him to and Johannsen bandits demanding - silence and eommittse- Junior Chamber h obey-jf-"r Commerce, at chamber. Owen Nebeker. statu The pr,will be preferred today against Roy door. Otoen drew a P11?1parole., n.--e departments temporan v as" DRIVER'S LICENSE money, gun and order. nd with his companion was who said he will ask for re- - the maVor Dinner , meeting. Otoen, 23. paroled Utah state pris- ed p m. is under doctor's irevt Fearing the child was to toe Ltah'30State the Jailer back into the cel! turned to his cell WITH CONVICTION Dental. Asheld vocation Colen it the the Miss of at Laboratory paroles next, ment. kidnaped. sistants association. Newbouse ho- on convict and Einar Johannsen. Raleigh resisted but as forced ln"ol Given Praise of state the breast and of her obeyed board to meeting par" tightly thw celt 23 Folic Olsen Johannscn and IV. tel I Chief by said chief Tayne . tha robbers' Payne today praised the' dons. orders implicitly. She Curtla, 35. has tho of the work of the two officers, declaring! Otoen was of followiiigjhe attempt of tho three He prevented the ctosing questionable distinction of be-serving a otto to ?0 AHen pointed oot a bedroom which one ,7:33 to.m. Administration hia foot in.that the presence of mind of De-- 1 bjf Burnett. 30. was Salt Lake automothe.first bound . man ransacked, taking, two dia- sacrament of confirmatioir of chil- men to break out of the state to the in , Pjcn city Jail O'"0 .,hBD siugredjtective Billings- - saved the men! for bufgtary. committed twoprison class. Rev. J. E. Kearney. last night. and the district court on compiamts bile driver id have hia drtrere mond rings worth more ihain fife, dren's tbe over Jailer with the head Church from Our of shot. license s'amped with a cqnvic-He served charging robbery and criminal aa J ears ago. Savior, 170 a (3 bill and 1 pistol from a bureau east Ninth SouthDivine Tha break was frustrat'd by Pistol and locked the. cell' door i As being a result of the attempted' 13 months of the sentence and was uu!t following a preliminarav street ttop Jailer Joseph Raleigh and Detective . drawejPU while the armed bandit 3 p.m. Jailer keys thciail break. Chief Payne announced paroled last September -- - Curt! tire division Meeting, hearing of Before stood mard at the door. Reed iate'jerierday pleaded guilty today City Billings. a je r "ay Automotive assoc'ation. Chamber -- An. inrestlFai-.oa-lU McCarthty: officera time, b"9forth would' ur- luitr ivo Pr'bMt Darel In tom than five minuiesdeietnvDie Retime Gii f In Jh OB.dMty iitliA.ja n . a reckless dr:irf to the mn tha two Jumped off - the porch of Commerce.rei:rne4 pajsiMrs-, mJabo js U waa bsJOUftn and t. arrested fence iosf several Hflh was Ticket of and the xuu. is hr ng conduct ward when Jailer Raleigh look food to t hardlad a sentenced to charge snd'chajsed with Democrats. Newhouse hotel- Billings, oiseh ordered axo and held . for inveeusation ed by Chief Payne. Three suspects, altark OQ Salt Lake woman last pay a fine of $21 or servell taro prisoners la tho aaa m atter it waa found ho waa carrying were queaUonod Ui .a,. QR days in JaiL Ho "paid the fino by tho chief today, l June 25. f 2 Gunmen k CWA Workers to Gather MASSMEETLNC j n ar. r. 1 movd-that-tb-n- ami II -- 3' LEAGUE CALLS eariv Dtccmher before being a member of the commission that- - 4t would be presented after he Jecame a member of the 1 -J- - 200 To Get Jobs --Taking U. S. Depression Census In Utah Starting Monday t ik- ml ry (iu , ..L Diamonds to -- rin r. DetcctiveDefies CityJailBrcak Plot; Both Face Charges; Chief Payne Orders Another Guard acco-ciatio- n. '; a t- rty said-tod- 5 , - 1 d fip , 1 in year-sente-nce if one-ha- lp ' 1 . ' r zrit . Har-rnet- on Uloa f , 'll 1 J |