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Show t w THEDE13EKET 6 Jto TAXES MimvntTHEDMIUM TEAS IMS P.fLl TOM authority reeled la mo by paid m tlon, V the undersigned, D. Moffat, Conaty Treasurer of Salt Lake County, hereby five public lice that the following named per ons are delinquent In the payment f drainage district taxes doe Salt Lake County Drainage Dtatrlet Na I for the year lilt, to the amount net opposite their respective names on the property Indicated, reference being hereby made to the assess swat rolls of Salt Lake Coooty, now In my lawful custody, for tho limited amounts which go to make up tho whole amount of delinquent taxes hereinafter oet forth; ond the aamo U hereby made a part of this - notice. Uclaoe the aald delinquent taxes, -and petal together with the eoets tlea, are paid before L2 oclock noon1 10th, Wednesday. January' llli, A hall, pursoont-to Section 204$ as amended by Chapter 47, Laura of Utah. Itttr- and ehspter 10$. Law of ytihrUK. oell the real property upon which such taxes ere a lten thvres pec tire drainage districts ta which said real property is ait aatar-tath- a aaaaner prwewbf by -- law. for each taxea penalty and except m!a only such property held by the county under cer tificate of tax sale. Wed Said axis will be ueeday, the 10th day of January. 1414. at 12 o'clock noon of saJd day. D. K. MOFFAT. -- (Signed! 0-- 29 41 1. lots $ aU and 11 and so i of aw b also com at am cor lot S sec 4 t I n r 1 w S L Mer o 40 rds a to a bank of Jordan river tb wly along rivei no "cor of btolrtt H Body property 27 mia w 424 ft a 142 ft to beg. except LI ac to 8 L Co except 0 01 ac to Wasatch Gas Co I ft acres F Gllmor. et at beg at pt 440 ft oof w 1cor see 4 tp 1 a rg w 217 19210 Charles 19 11.41 27 deg Ivl ff to w bank Jordan river th o'ly along river to oaa line sec 4 th w to beg. 12.04 4, al. beg at nw cur sec 4 w 8 L Mer. e 1220 s 24 deg 14 mm e itnr M ft 97 99 9. to rda Jordan riv.r alv op river to beg. 91 94 acres ft ft to Jordan along w bank Jordan river a to w 424 t& to hog. 24 12 acred I L Co Dralnago Dtst Nocor2 also beg at So aw 4 of w 4 O 401 424 lrgpk o of I Glenn Bothwell. n 99 rds of w 249 rds sec 19 t Mar lirltlL ft 1270 acres I 7, II Peraa. acrea 19C24Car1 L Schmidt. ar Us acres 1 19Lou!u 194 13 Tech, rds of 129 rds of a 29 rds see 24 t 1 a r 1 wj 8 L Mer. 4 acres. McDonell. John D. w la rd of 114 rods of a 29 rds sec 24 t 1 a r 1 S L Mer. 4 acres I Dr-91- 9 7 llarl w SLMerj 'Dr-44- 4. 199 13 blk. 0 17 7 9 33 34 29 9.H If Denver city Sub and 1 to al-- o blk 9 ver City Sub. 4 24. to blk Den- 19710 Utah Reclamation Co. .. nw. of ne 8 L Itvr. 44 scree 1971! Sarah Glllmor. see 49 Dr-t- ll Dr-99- 4 tlnrlwSL of-n- s4 40 19?a'24 Mer. -- 91 i ut i Dt-1- 49. 7. I- Dr-91- u. ltl .12 Plant sera .91 No. 3 . E lots blk 91 703 21 ts I I I "J MtTPGei I f lof T and 9 Lloyd'! ! I '2b. iMl'n'Johtt 1 41 t.ltaaTomlin M 13 54 ' 4 0 05 A. I I I I. . lot 4 blk Sub) p-- jr Edw ) Dr- -' Glllmor. 1422. beg at cen sec 22 t 1 n r 1 w Si L Mer th a 722 ft-toid channel JorJ -- rivertk nwtyl along' old channel L .17 ..44 Jordan ft -- - nre 172l a 1434 3 ft el 157 9 ft to beg) j 7.93 seres 741'IT Orran KII-- ! Lavan Dr-1- 4 2L corn! grow. at2-t--nw eor of I" n r 1 w s .15 11 rd s L Mer. -- 74 deg 45 min e Idl Tds to river n'ly on! river to n line ad.' to O w IS rds tot Shepherd. 42 rds ef rds of o 24.95 rds of w 49.1 ids1 of aec 27 t 1 n r w 8 L Mer. 7.29 ftCTM ota ( 2Htnry It a""Harmon 41 rt of a 112 rda ef a 2 rda of w 1.1 rds of sse 21 t 1 n r 1 w 3 L Mer. 9.9t( .91 A Ml Charles E. Houck lot 9 blk 12 JordaS Plat 19,9 acres .... 219 Wasatch Holding Co. lot 7 blk 12 Jordan P I acres .... MM James S. a Dslaney, 7.9 rds of a 94 ids of w7 14.9 rd of see 2.22 Mer 2.99 acres 242 Edwla C Harmon. e 24.! ef w 34.44 -rdo of n : 19 rds of- see 27 I t I s r 1 w 8 LMer I 2.94 acre. , 399 lt.Elbert O. Shafer, et a I.M I el. 112 Dr-19- acres. ,,. Northrop ! 2 WililainsburB 4.4! acres L Msr. 2 Marie M. McCrsady s 42 et aL L rda of w 14.2 rda of a of see 27 t Mer. res a and 3 Wllhams-- 2 1 A racres.... lariwlb....... Waite. Dr- -i Chs. ! Lloyd Subt! Sub Katie 2fl2 22 Tomlinaoa, T I TUHS. lota If . and 44 Llojrd I 8ub 0.17 aers , 01I7MerT A C. Coomb ..)I (JL totr f Burrl. blk 9 Kinney's Cop-- 1 I Plant No.l.i per I ! 1.71 acres ... ... ,J 201 14 Bertha E Jov. fjohnl IMA Jots A te E tlx 17 burg Snb 4 43 acreal 302 JXAbratn Mover.iRLCo ot - T D . I blk 2 Williamsburg1' I 1 tj 122 Har- 2, 13-- It and 1! Midland 3- plat. 3 blk IJUsste Armstrong Dr- I 1409 lot 22 b'k f 3 Kinneys Copper I Plant No. A 0.07 acre A IP H. Crabtree,24 pr- lots to 2 Kinney's' (100A Plant No. 1 acre. II 1 acres s 7.2 rds sf w 43.2 rods of a 42 rds of a i rds of and o w M.I rds of a 4) rda sf a I ef Schneider C ft ft a 39.7! mon. hik 1 Wtl-- I T tismsburg Bub 4.14 I Dr-33- 1. acre -- acres Elbert I and 13 Midland ll.S1 14 JSJJt.Eafua-- 3 939.73 223.79 ft to beg. I.M 112 K A K K plA Acre .91 ft a Int lots' 1- -! f 301 10'Jos Dr Kennedy. acres Jul 243 17 sr ! lota 14' blk! Acre; -! .17 7r-- If ft a A. tot com 4)2.72 of n pt 74 1 rt w of 1 ecu see 21 1 1 wSL Mer w (32.72 91.99 acres.! lOlllXotllt hik 2 Kinney's Coi per Plant Ne 2 11. IS acre . 29,Uxzls Armstrong Dr- -i 99A lot 23 blk I Kinney's Copper I Plant No. 2 0 01 acre 2M.20 Julia L, Xemplsnd. Dr- I I blk 1 Kinneys Cop1 1 m Pis n C N0-- 9 204 23 John - Lawson. lots 41 to 44 blk 3 Kinney's Copper Plant No. A 0.41 L- Jacobs 4 41 204, 17, Ole E. and Bens Petti A Dr-43- 1, lots 4 to 11 and a 19 ft of lot 12 blk 3 Kinney's Copper Plant No. 2, 3.70 cr. rriet L B. Challot 27 mers. Dr-93- !, -- Dr-14- ft to beg 2!4 I 4. Il-S- sw r1 r Dr-49- 4, 43 49 137 23. U tah ReclamaMon D,-3w of J j I II. 1 1 Backmsa, all lot 3 blk Jordan plat "A 19 acres, being n aeo SA t 1 a r 1 w 9 L Mer. 194 H. A. Meteor. 1.99 a II rds. of sw see 11 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer. AM acres! IM 9 James Winter. blks 1114 9 3 9.99 f and 9 Kinney's Copper Plant No. i 13.74 ceres ..A... 9 394 lliJoa. Burrl. lote 1 and 2 24 to 23 1.19 3 blk Kinney's Cop- per Plant Ne. I4U sera..... .... 14 Mary F. Fisher. .19 lots 3 blk 2 Kinney's , Copper Dr-43- 4, rds to beg and s of st of sec 21 4! scree ... . 19714 ry end Ada B 3 sw Nebeker. 1 of ne i end nw of se I see 21 t 1 n r I w 8 L Mer. 49 acre -- . . . 197 30 Cbss. F Glllmor et 1 0, se I of sw i see II t 1 a r 9.44 a.L .Mer. L sere P. -- 14 1 -- 14! ? tot 3 blk 19919 Grace 9.19 aeres... . ... rds A ft of 4 I tot 19 Jordan 1 47 ceres A. tint la see IS 1 1 a r 1 w S L Mer.... 913 19 IS U r lirlvILMer John Jones, I Int. all tot II and w lot It blk 14 Jordan plat A 12 13 acres, biting In sec a -- -L r lltlarltvBL ...... 3 Sarah Gtllmop. com IS 70 rds s fr aw eor sec 73. t 1 a r 1 w S L Mer e 1420 rds s 17 deg IS mn e 20 34 rds 4 34 49 rds w 197 rds n rds 14 44 rd. N 44 10 - I .... Mer- 13'Mary K. D. T. Joneo 9.99 !( 114 32 acres 174 33 Utah Reclamation Dr-JS-l. lots 37 t I 19 Jordan plat A. 12 23 oeres. being la aeo 32 t I a r 1 w 8 L Mer IM 9.99 it 91 -- I K. rtrat Dr-33- 1 Int. sU lot II and w i tot 11 blk It319 42 47 (I 49 40 19 19 and 9! II oee 8 L Mer. U ltjewee 3! 33 and lots 9 to 34 blk 34 and blk 3 44 tots 1, Dr-10- at till tt Glllmor. 2 I 9 14 sad a 239 91 ft 9 lots I asd blk of 19 Jordan plat A M 94 acres being In lot D Dr-91- 4 eoi rb s fr cen see ISj aL 9.9 1 blk II Denver City Sub 0 StF feres Utah RectemaUon Co Dr-91- 4, I 8 w 14 rda of a 49 rds 29 t 1 a r 1 w Mer 1 acre. , Tt.TS 11(71 Ctah Reclamation Co. ID 9 Bnnton. T -- j 8 4 Patrfdgs. of w Feran-Dr-947, t HI 99.99 un (Inn Dr-3- Mer. 17Chries F 4 1, A .- IM 32tlarlw8 A tlariwSL ft 8i iCL teres........ Dr- - tl Dr-93- US rds of a 49 rds sec 24 t 1 a r 1 w Mer 2 49 acres Mallory. Dr-94a SI ft rds of29 a ft1 ofu oee t I rnw1 w 8 L Mer. 1144 acres I Bessis Stephens Dr- w ft of aw tta 1939. w ft 8seeL 29 Mer. 29 91 let ae of nw k and ne of r iw i sn I t 1 1 w 8 L Met. 40 acrea ...... 21 Julius TurrlU, oom at cen sec 9 t 1 a y 1 w 8 L Me. 80 rds s I 2 rd e 44 S rds a 812 rds W2211 rds. a 44 rds to beg 44 97 acres. . 24 Salt Lake County I Dr9i4, mar 2442 ft o and 1214.4 ft of nw cor see 9 194 4 si. rds a fr sw cor ate L Mer a 11431 ft n M deg 49 min w Clli.l ft w 9449 ft a it ft to bsg A 9 II 7 rds let I blk Id Jordan plat A' acrea. being in see 79 1 9 419 G. Marietta. nw II rds Dr-9- 1. f Jordan river n'ly 74 ft w 944 ft m or I 44 ft to beg 111 acres Lila L Winegar et com 74 al rda n and (US rd w fr ae cor of lot S sec IS a r 1 w 8 L Mer a 44 1421 4 ft rd L77 chs w 9 47 chs a 24 deg 23 mla e L7S ehs a S deg 66 min a 3 chains a1 24 deg 14 mia w 2.4 cha a 14 deg OS min o 8 cha w to Jordan river, a'ly 1244 T ft a 44 deg e 44 rda to beg. 42.24 acres w 8 L Mer. tlariwSL acres 29 Mer. 26 Wallace 4 R. toll 1 ft, a ll ftto beg XI so a strip of land 99 ft wide com 3494 ft' of nw cor M ace f 1742 ft 44 ft ff 944 ft to w bunk vIL Mer. L W. Smith. w 119 rda of a 49 rda soc I I 99 1412.2 ft a U ft 44 deg 44 rain w 1 mmC. uL44Mallory, rda of nf 10 Mer alirlwSL deg 44 min M 99 lltlarl E. Jaoobo, rt 3, oom 94 M4U Wm. Dr-13- Dr-97- A 1 L Mer 14 acrea. 194 SO.Charies Or ton. Dr-93- 4 19 rds of w ? rds a 4 rds-o- f sec 29 tttlnrlws rl Dr-17- 7, 99 99 Sa 9, Dr-97- A 99.99 com 71 rds s and 49 rds a sf sw or lot 9 neo 13 9 1 a r 1 w 8 1 Msr. a 9 4 rds a 9 rds rda w 9 rda to 9.917 aers. bog Tracy Loan A Treat Co. Ador. a 9 rds of w 49 rda M rds of a 74 w 8 L Mer. 1.11 Dr-19- I Mer. lying e of Jor. rtv aleo all of ae of see 31 t I n r 1 w 8 L Mer Tyof Jor. riv ing also that part el the sw I of aw i of M224-M!Ic- r ll 91 294 93 32 7. 1 Dr-9- Dr-91- 2, olffdoof w 49 rda of a 44 rds sac w 8 24 t 1 a r BctbwelL com at cen see 9 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer. o 4 rds a Hi rds o 12 rds s! 144 4 rds w 40 rds nf 140 rds to beg and se 1 or sw f- -' and: re of nw and w 89 rds of ad sec 144 19.19 Dr-93- 1, si 99 rda of w 24 of a 44 rda oee 24 I w 8 L Mer. rds to river, along river to aly 27 44 acres beg 1421 Sait Lake City Corp. 0, com 90 rds and 2 rds o fr ne cor sec 9 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer w 24 7 rds s 44 S rds w 44 2 rds a 24 4 rds o 449 rds a 47 deg too rds ta river nwly down river to beg. 4101 acres ...... 298 19 S. it Dr-37- 12-34 ef ee atlaSL 49 147.24 1 Bothwell. sIL Dr-90- 4, Thomas com 24.24 rd n 42 e and rd fr eor oee 9 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer. w 142 rds o 29 99 rds Dr-9- a sec 17. t 1 r 1.11 Mar. 99 acres 199 7Utvk Rrcisstsriolt Co Dr-9w 149 rda of 199 rda of a 99 rda I sec 2 8 L Mer. 79 acrea 199.21 Utah Reclsaiatlon Co. 9, a It rda of a 249 rda are 29 I 1 Mar. (29 -- 22' Albert 192 IS Olena R. Glenn 199 Msr. -- Bothwell. all or In gereoll Add.' being In so I sec 17. I 1 a r I w 8 L Mar. 149 !! deg ft ft to beg mia e R. larlwll Msr. M4.30 Alice tlnr t 1 see 11 Dr-97- 3, 4, min e 272 ft to beg 4 44 ao. 19224 Salt Lake City Corp. beg at pt cor 444 ft o of w oee 4 t 1 a r I w n 24 L Mer th 5 deg 24 mla w 742 ft m 140 or I. ft 0 21 deg 10 mia 409 9 w to beg. L97 ft U - ec. . 192 24 Charles F. Gllmor. et com 490 at ft o fr aw cor of aw oee 4 I 1 r 1 w 8 L Mer 424 ft a 17 deg SO mla w 441.9 ft m or 1 a 84 deg w 494 ft w 244.4 ft s 41 deg 14 mia o 909 9 ft to beg 11 Itjcrtx -- 142 F Gllmor; at Dr-40- 4, beg at xl ae eor oee 2 t 1 a r I w 8 L Mer th w 24 1474 acres 129 199 12 Glean 244 ft W 24 deg 24 444 R. Dr-97- 1. Alt acres 2. James Winter. a 49.9 rda of w 21 sda of so 2 oee 11 t 1 a r 1. w 8 L Mer. All acres Co. lfl 30Xlmon Bembergsr com 14 rds s and rds o fr aw cor of s sec 33 Al n r l w L Her. w 14.4 rds a 7AS rds o IA27 rds to river sw-l- y ap river beg. 11 acres IM II Chsrleo F. cad fedw. L. Glllmor. 971.29 TAM tel I sew 22 t 1 a t L 8 Msr. AM acre Itt Caroline A7Longford. a lot 1 and all lot 11 blk It Jor plat A being in oee 22 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer. 19 acres . IM ,H. R Hoyt, care F C w Hoyt. 11197 rds of a 22 rds too 32 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Mer. 3A7S 99 l(Laey R Rerdia. a MAM ft of lot I and all tot 9 blk II Jordan plat A 14 12 acres, being la sec 22 I 1 a r I 199 21 1.41 beg. 17.47 rds of o fiHriimttl larlrili ....... Kramer. t.M sores tlariwSL rds of t rdr or w (2 a 117.47 Dr-9- itlirlwIL th a U1 ft i Mer. up Dr-ltS- t rds s s'ly 17 49 acres IM 29 Jsmes Winter, seMtlarlw tor. 9.21 9 Humw M Dr-lli- A .97 w S of P L seolltlarlwA 4 49 94 Dr-19- 17 and ft 149.9 L Mer lying w of tho o line of & L Elisabeth Breen. -- City sower canal al bsg at cen sac Ao that portion of 14 t 1 n r 1 w 8 blks 9 and 4 Midland L Msr. w 449 ft s II 3 Acre Plat lying to M.T9 dego 1S4S.9 ft 4 392 the se i sd see SA ft a 1324 ft te ' Also com 10.79 rds o 14.49 acrea ... 4 s eor ad see 31 14 Elisabeth Brew. th a 71 rds w 10.73 A beg at oaa sec rds a 14 rds s 1149 3 14 ft a 1370 ft w 1900 Mer. a 194.1! ft w ft to , beg 444,21 171 ft s IS deg o aeree 217. 1 ft a 494 ft to 111.1! 4.37 Ml 17E1 tee both Breen. beg 1.14 that of 173 L Investment Co. tot 4 sec 14part blk 1 I w 8 L Mar lying a ef lot 9 and all bet the D 8 Gov S l lots 9 and 9 blk 9 meander line ef Hot Kinney A Goorlny X.M Springs Leke and Imp City pint w r et w line to except part Cold of D A R G W Rit 8 L City. - 1.9) Co. 19. M acrea 1.99 acre t IS A. C. Gertmen. M3j2CHudon Smith. Dr-- I com m.I ft 1447. blk Kinney 9.94 0 fr I see eor com' A Goarleyn Imp tnoa to ears 22 and I City plat LM acres 51 1 II I 1 r I MSMJtelt Lake City Cor L Mer U a 1!M (ftl I lots s 9 deg a 1237.91 J I i ( and 7 blk w 1433 ft a 194 ft ft 29 I lote 4 t and 9 b: a 44 j mla wj deg ( I 14 Kinnsy A Gour 421.2 ft a 449 ft tof I I ley's Imp. City beg. 4L49 acres, .j - 19.47 1.44 -- I.M loveotmentj 194 Co. beg at w cor aeo 14 t II 8 L Her al 914 ft a 1499 1.19 nieonder lino Hot Springe Harriot & and Grace Benson. tb following meander line swlyi blk 12 Kinnsy a 1 Oourtay 9M ft to E A W con Imp. City. lino of sd see 14 Flat. 1.14 acres ... 9.73 th w 1479.9 ft 3o Dr- 14'Isobslls Rosa 1441-beg 19.99 acres ...j tots 1 and MS M Elisabeth Breen. Dr-- 4 I I blk 14 lot 19 blk 1413-beg at a pt I II Kinney A Goar-1479.9 ft 4 of w I, toy's Imp. City or sec 14 9.44 acre ... t Pint 1 w g L Mr wblehl 9 92 RlehardA llStnyner to tatsr tbo at ptos tote 9 sad of tho V M blk IE tote Oovt Hot Bprtogi 14 Kta Mk and I Lake msaadar Un aoy A Goarteyw with the K A laig City plat 9.94 sea lino ef see 1 ta I deg 17 tala I.M B. A Xelma Charles I 111. 4 ft d Hsrmeo. Dr- - 1941. 99 mta w 929 41 a asm at pt a II deg e 4(4 w and 42.449 ids a 41 de a 1M.I a fr re Mr of aw a . 1 deg 99 ml a r 1 w w 141 R to I.M L Msr. tb a 11 99! bdy94 of maes 141 t rds w M I rds s e or ft rds e t rds I.tt V 8 Gov't 9.419 Idas 14 9 rda der lino of Also com ts bsg. Springe Lake tb tol 47.79 rds w aad IS lowing T sd mesndei m eor of a fr rds I too a deg w 19 ch sse 7 t I n aw a 11 deg w te ch( 14.22 A Mas. th w I L a oe j ts beg t.tt w 9.43 rds a 44 rds acres 44 rda 9.44 rds a s 293, l'portland Cement Co ta bsg I.M acres or Ctab. X Dree. Dr Ml'llMary . beg t a pt oa the 1144. a I lot 9 blk 9 bdy of see 14 t Jordan Itucrau plat A 4 t.ll SIS ft w of cen ef H. Evans M7'l7 Mnrgrt C main trk of D A R s 4 at at O W R R Co th tot 9 blk II Jordan a 1 deg 33 into w . serve. 1.19 A sd to plat trk parallel 197'td Mary E. Dree. Dr- 1441 ft ts cea lino 1 23 w eo a I r of t 1.11 SLMer tb w along sd res lino of sec 1A 1333.54 ft to e I'ne of I L City 919.22 ft 422.3 ft w sewer canal to beg, 2 19 seres tb a II deg 12 Freak K Stork. - .IT mia M see w along od sewer cans beg at pt 7)2.91 ft of w 2414 2 ft a along w or (7 t 1 a r 1 bdy of sd sec 21 w A L Mer. o 213 tl 231 3 ft to nw eor oee IS n a!g ft a 4M 2 ft w 1912 w bdy see 14 ft a 433.1 ft ta her I 99 9 19 acres 144 ft to w eor M7 Tl AlMa L. Ream. of ad see It tb e cen line of sd I tat alg 4)1.79 ft a of a pt sea It 14741 ft to h .92 74.1 rt w Of MB pt tt! ft w of cent of see 27 t 1 n r I of main trk of D1 w K - Mer w 22373 A R G W RR tht n 129.79 ft 4 1 deg IT min el ft13.T9 1111 4 ft ft a 123.7! 9.97 t deg ftw to beg. 4.M 429 al min ft It 1! deg e 44 ft 42' min e 39t.S ft a ?47 MOertrud L Tbomp-o- rds to rivsr It 4 river te IirltSL F Gllmor. of 293,14 Charles ' rds a 49.27 Jl UoyTS, Sub, 9.JS BCV e e o a s ov e 10 Jordan. Inv. Col Dr- lOlAsUofsi of ? com 74 47 rds o sad 111 rds a of s cor sec 11 1 1 a r 1 w 8 L Msr. w rds and 49 rds a fr ns cor of no 4 arc II t t n I 5 L Mer. 121 T rds bank Jordan to 24 river up river w 22 2 rda to drg aa cor lot 2 sd sac IS w 122 rds to w eor of no 2 of no ( sd ace It n ( s 19 rds n 12 rds to beg. 2? (I acres.... 19S I'Jbntma C. Hanson. at I sa i of ai. Dr-92- 2, I ns 1 ace Id t 1 a r L Mer. 49 f acre . Dr-92- 4. 19S ('Albert Thomas. com 29 rda .and 91.7 9rda s fr gw sec li. t cor lot Mer w ill 74 rds n 94 29 S L Her e 24 deg 44 min 0 1141 ft 0 122 ft ft a I 37 O 9 MI-11- r t lots rds of rds of a IM rds of rds of a 9 rds of IM ft see 33 t 1 a r 1 w 8 L Msr. 9.14 acre 39 Glenn R. Botbwsll. 9 rds of w M ids of a 934 ft Dr-14- 1! Co. T. D.). 4 31-4- t I n I, Mer o 19 4 rda deg It) a SS dag a 44 rda to river BWly down w bank river to do eor of lot I w 44 rd. to bog. also all lot 4 sd see IS. also com M4i34A. Dr-19- D-- a see IS. 97 Dr-19- Dr-94- 7, TO " . lou 94b),13 sad 94 Lloyd's 8uK. 9.97, BUy seoss,soa Harvey H. WoyaaA at it w al. trueteee, lots 43 to 49 Lloyds toh I.M aero .... .Arthur Morphy, f A L Co. T. Lote 44 amd 47 9.19 Lloyd's Ml 9.19 M2 3 J. P. Dslaney (3 L. Dr-94- 9, till lot I Ml IS 79919j8tspbaa T. Glllmor. com sw cor nw soc 13 t 1 r 14 (w 8 L397Mer. (1 rden ids 979 deg. w 41 1 rds s -- n 799 rds wto(7 rds rds beg. 99.19 ceres 197 17 Sim on Bamberger Co-- . com on bonk of Jordan riv. 71 rds n and n 99 w 77.4 deg rds fr ao eor of sec 11 t 1 n r 1 w 8 L Mer. o 99 99 min e 1911 deg rds a lit rda w 99 94 4.93 rda n A9 rds tr 111 rds to rlvsr, aly along river ta beg less 8L acres 19l'2lOeo. H. Winter. Dr v8L rds to 49 Co T. 1 soc 71 34-- to Msr 9 ft of a M 31 Lloyd's 8uA 9.97 acre ... 33;Joba J. Mysrs. (B. U t1 n rlw8LMsr.34.lt acre. Margaret C. Hanson. et at Int. com at nw eor r 7 Dr-34- 9, -- lou 4, to bsg. ANoero.... and A. T. Lawson. li rds of a 79.9 rds Mer. e 121 7 w bank up riv. o 24 deg w 22.3 rds to se cor lot 3 ad sec 14 w 122 rds to sw cor of 4 oee M i (M 14 n I rds o 10 rds n 13 rds to beg. Aaont Dr-9- e 41 424 fr -- 94 12.92 19919 John L f 4. Dr'-is- n, 4, ' HEALTH &TjZfiZ&tgr uninc or BRONSYMPTOMS . CHIAL ASTHMA When the three mala causes sc present, th patient la " asp ta develop an attack's! uk.iy .99 limn and ail that may be needed ta canest soma to exciting eat It off such an exciting cause might b ths data, or breathing in of housa or from duet from pnimnl fur .94 faca powder, which might bo Irritating to the sensitive bronchial tubes. Or, the peUent may bring ob an attack by Mdn curtuia foods and to which he to 94 which are capable of producing Irritating materials after being digested. Tho Irritating aubotaaeato in ths blood to tho carried bronchial tube r However, I consider that tho sx ceasa to bring will causes citing j oa ths attache Just as soon aa the there main causes are removed. These exciting causes only servo to set off the attack in thooe patients who have some abnormal condition present in their systems and they 9 are absolutely harmless In affecting the healthy person who can breathe or eat certain substances every day In the year without theslightest hint of asthma ever doveloplng although the same materials might bring on arr attack in the unhealthy individual. - Attacks of bronchial asthma may 9.99 DIAGRAM OP TANGO coma on at more or lew regn- tor times or they may come unexLoft foot Indicated by pectedly. The symptoms are fra-qoently mild at the time tho disMwj foot. ease to starting which to before the Right foot indicated by 1.99 age of 29 to most cases The at- white foot. tacks often grow more severe wlth Each aquare represents tlrae and tend to come closer toappraxlmntelyone The most outstanding gether. square foot to area. symptom to the agony in breathHalf foot represent Tbs ing. patient finds It hard to tb foot poised oa th get enough air Into ths lungs, and .92 toB of th foot. even harder to get It out. Tho -- Ta counts to nch lungs fill up with air and ths din-- " phragm becomes fixed. The cheat muscles will step to and try to do Tb Introduction starts the work of the diaphragm and th dsne with the will attempt to bring about tho fight toot. movements needed for breathing This kind of breathing canses the patient to stoop over. To give yon a plain picture 4 . what happens I am going to com.94 pare the air trapped to the tongs with men trapped to a rains Aa yon know, when the narrow shaft leading to n mine care In and becomes almot filled with rock, tbs men are trapped and may suffer from lack of fresh air. It to about Spanish Influence Dominates, Says Authority, Giv- the same thing whan the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs berorno ing Latest Combinations of Fashionable ar nearly closed with mucus swelling tb air becomes trapped Steps in Rhyt hmic Motion In the tones and the patient to ta agony becauw he to not getting ' as much clean as h needs. (Editor's Note: This Is th sixth Spanish Influence Introducing the When he tries air through and last of a series on the modern, most Important changes to our so- - the'cloggSiubre'thto produces danea to which the new Steps are rial dance today. . 1 th peculiar wheeling sound heard outUnad and made easy for the Three representative types are an attack. reader to acquire.) ths exciting danzon from Cuba, during The patient will aay that he feels based on ths rhumba rhythms th aa though h has a tea story ofexhilarating energetic paaodobl fice building piled on hla chest, type; and hto face turns bins After ha ' jfrom Spain, a quick. onc-nt- p romantic, sophisticated tango succeeds In raising a charactertog ta said to ha on the wana'and'11 Argentina, with its pulsing istic sputum containing little round theatrical producers aad managers whit beads lika taplosa. rsltof beare giving their audiences aoute--l The Tango gins. WlfeBtt film MftttUNft ta characterised 1b by thing different, ao th Jess eraxaj Ths tango soma length at time, such eempll " reat and control, restraint, from the Charleston to th Ltody as cations chronic bronchitic aad cal on tho the ef part appreciation ta aa old story. new to dancer. Ths tango typo to so dif- emphysema occur aad the attacks now presenting Itself to..the ball- ferent from American Sane ex- of asthma may than bs present all the ttare. It is therelrTr room devotees. pression. that even our dancers who nearly fore advisable to overcome th Masle treads play aa important know ths rhythm and stops hest-- asthma before such complication PMt ta inakta, dance htetory. The Ako place. la the treatment of asthma. 1 aerial dancers always have musical theatte MrieButmariira makes na of th tost, as the accompaniment, so It Is natural for perfect, and' If the dancers will advise thethe fast to more quickmusic oftea to inspire sow dsaqg keep to mind th following points magic of ly seen to th treatment of this types. they will soon develop tL coveted disorder than to almost say othsc. Ths Spnnteh Influence tango style. Th walking should ho The should bs used at th Th newest influences dominat- done as If ths dancer were stepping Start fast if YOU wish to see ths wheorn ing the dance world hare come ro-- on thin Ice and testing the surface ng stop within twelve or forty- cently from Germany and Bpain. I before transferring th weight to i eight boars. Those who have studied ths Ger-twhole foot. The first part of hsvs three article man dancers resits that there is no th stepping movement is slow, the .on.jasthma prepared which describe tho tod exhilarating, captivating rhythms test part quickened. The foot to treatment I have found for this or movements la their dances that, hack remains to back aa long aa disease. If you would Ilka to own could be used by either our Joyous. poaisble before taking ths next Ap copy of the articles, I would social dancers, or by our j forward. The foot la always lifted igest that you write to ms in care represented Sophisticated exponents floor with every movement; tt nev-- 1 Of this newspaper, following th of ballroom art. But tha Spanish floor with every movement; It ne- - correspondent a instructions a gtx chool has a very different spirit. er slides as In our waits. Tho'n - th heading or end of Pleare enclose on who have watched are always slightly fixed, i1envelope and gcntlna sod Eacadero are entranced ' Quito different from our extended .? two loose three cent stamps. with th music, rhythm, movement knee positions In the foxtrot. Ths THREE Ask for ON ASTHMA and romance, joy and dignity la th ex-- 1 body la erect, immobile from the preaslpns ( these artist. It at waist up. In soma positions th the articles will bs sent you -by reone satisfies the naive and the knees are together and turned in. a turn matL have the! movement which seems to make sophisticated, aad w QUESTION'S AND ANSWERS our dancers a little (Kectpe for Parsley Ton) how agile they became They forget Quemloa: Joan CL D. inquires: I Amount with this knock-knee- d P.ILJ movement to i"How do yon make parsley teat the Charleston to Jaxx tempo rds ef w 99.9 rds of Answer tea ta mad bf 19 rda of see 27 while ago. Remember that most simmering Parsley one bunch 1 a r 1 w 8 LMsr. of ths tango to somber, ths music for about ton minute toofan parsley 32 acre ... ...... quart . 41 having definite minor , qualities The of water. Strata and drink th 20l.31.Cha. T Cooper A H following selections are authentic liquid aa a beverage between C. Brlceland. and popular tangos: Tango Mlo. meal. Aa a substitute yon map 24.9 rd of w 112.7 rds of Por Mi Camino. Gnardia Vicja. La use th dehydrated parsley snch aa M2 ft of n J4rd can be bought at a Health Food Eterna Nl Longa. Store, using about oils tabiespooa-f- ul How Its Doan 8 L Mer. 2.32 acres .11 of the parsley to one quart et 242 24'Carrie Here are soma Interesting com- water. ij. Souther Ton will also find It eno 4.2 rda to thin season's tango: binations to drink any water left of w 112.7 rds of n Gentleman's part to described, la- - joyable ft- - of sec 37 t spinach baa beea cooked and dp la opposite. Two counts to the will secure from this aplnacb juice Mer. measure. L means left; R. right; a good supply of ths 1.22 acres, , , .It ct, good minerals 242 32 H e e a A Homer count; m measure; ft, foot. which have cooked out of th Introduction. back on R spinach. Step lota 1 and (ct and), step hack on 1 bending 12 Jordan L knee slightly (ct 1). Transfer Tala of Pvannt Butter) 1 acres . . 1.7! 242 24 Carrie weight again forward onto R (ct 2). If. Aoutber. Question: Miss R. asks: "Of I I. Two walking steps forward what raiu to peanut butter! 2 Int I I lots 2 and IS blk 11 L R (1 m). Step forward on I Answer: Peanut butter has A I I Jordan cross R ft forward (lady crosses L high food value, containing aa it I I acres ... 2.34 to front of R) does a large amount of oil and L tt (I m), point 242 (Scarollne Peanut butter forward with out transferring dextrose. com 21.2 bines well with any other kind welrNL step back on L. slightly rds n and 42 rds r food. wholewheat bread. forL fr cen of see 27 knee Including (2 m). Step bending Her ward n R (et and), arch L at the w 41 rds n 22 45 (Baby Holds Breath) ankle of R ft (1 m). Step forward rd, e 44.2 rds to Mrs William on L, step R to R aide and draw Question! P. rivsr. s ly up river writes: f to "My baby holds her breath L R I m). Turn back to L with to beg, 22 acres 3 IS scares she me. until 1 on 2 slow 2 Why on L, R Caroline A. 249j step quick steps Langford, and L (1 mi. Step R ft to R aad the do Itr lots i to 15 - blk 1 nnd ap draw.L ft Up to.R fU9). 8tep R their breath this way ta order bike 3 and 1 Centre ft. to R and draw L ft np to R to Sub. 7.44 scree... attract attention. However. It tt 1.93 (1 m) 242.11 Helen Ik Langford 2. Two Mow walking steps L R possible that there to wsirfKjng Iota 14 to with The child and I would wrong 21 blk 1 Centre (I m) . .1 quick walking steps her to a batty Sub. 4. 44 acre. hold on R and ervh with suggest that Ifyon takefind you specialist. that aha 11 , ,, lltCharles P. Glllmor, Btep forward on L cross holding her breath only because et al. e ) forward on R (X m). step forward it has become a of ae 1 of se J nee 121 habit, on L (ct and) step aids on R and feel no alarm, as she will Mer! begin I to breathe again before there to . 2 acrea 3.(9 drew L up to R (1 m). 249 17 Glenn R. Botbwell. Th End any danger. n 94 rds of) wJ2t4 rda and set ' I iof nwt lessf COUNTY REQUESTS -- Funeral Rile Announced gravity sewer, seci. ,rhmn are hyper-aenslU- . : ng XoreSSTth. . hs -- t tie Ar-kn- - , J 2. tecMtlnrlw . Dr-14- ,ftr larlvkL 1 Dr-14- 3! 1 4, tlnrlwSL -- Dr-l&- ll. . Dr-lS- r 1, l d. , tlnrlwSL 2, t 21 2 a r L Mer. 144 19 John -- C4 A 1 w 81 sere. J HougbtoaJ n 244 rdj 14 of rds and) aw of no i tern) sewer, sec) gravity 31 t 2 n r 1W gl L Mer. 254.42 acres! Salt Lake Coubty.f eonnty! rend lying ! drainage d1L aerea Dr-19- 7, tlariwSL 1, Dr-14-73 DC-14- I Dance, Gaining In Popularity lailsIL Cavsndsr. 9.11 ae -- 94 294 24 Charted A ft 99 C lltlarl Jordan riv f l i o dr ........ deg. 99 nrin w 119 ft m or 1 to dee No. of bog. pta r I . UrlvIL US ft 79 C. Hanson Int com at aw cor lot 4 sec 14 Lake City ond (Granite School Dio Kilgrow. at m or si see 1 1 n r 1 w 8 L Mer. 9 17 rds n 79 deg 19 min w 31.9 rds 99 deg W 1, yds ts sec line 194 rds U beg. ceres Bolt Leke City Corp. 3, "lit RET iWyOUR Tango, Held Smartest Modern 94 Dr-iei- A -- 31 ( Weysat et aL 9 rds of w M rds of 3 rds of sm II t ... Berea Ana Da. A (Jobs A A Tomliaeea T. tola 94 A) I and 29 Lloyds Bab I 9. 19 eor e Ml Mill U. Johnson. Ta (A L Co.toteT. 19b).97 mad 13 Lloyd's Bub. 4.27 aoro .... Ml Minnie C V Hr JANUARY 4 1934 THURSDAY EfL! HHamyi'H. 211 to M Lloyd s 9.91 ao, Ak . Ml com Dr-94- 9, Dr-92- 2, no eor of no of nw lota A 41 49 rdo 9 end 39.4 ft fr m cor oee 39 . Mer. Mer II t 1 d 1 w S. L Mer. s 724 deg o 20 4 rd S 45i deg o 44 rds to river awly down w bank river to ne cor of lot 9 w 40 rds to beg Also airiof ed sec 14. also com 70 rds i sw son. 99.99 com i 8dt trim Drainage Tax w2 Thomas Jeremy, Iw 81 far acres 192 Isoctltlnrlw 1 Orran Levan 199 Ill 21 Jimuna County Treasurer of Salt Lake Coooty, Utah. Dated January 2d 1024. f 4 L Mar. 99 aerss U DtahIBerts ms tloo Co. 1.4 77 44 rds a 47 deg 14 mia o 24 rds ap river s 9 deg 22 min e 12.7 rds s 14 deg 2 min e 14 rds s 1 deg w 24.4 rds s deg w 24 12 rds to o My f lot 16 w 14 rds to beg. 4 30 acres, also s 42 rds ijot yds sec 14 -- 197 Dr-94- 1, mia o L42 cbs 410 ft s 4.22 ehs ta beg. i.24 acres.,. , l$OrraQ La van Kilgrow, Dr-42com at aw eor lot 10 see 14 1 1 1 w 8 L Mer. a a r 144 I4 KIM 9 47 oha a 24 dog 22 mla o L74 chs a 4 deg 40 mla o 2 chs a 24 deg 10 mia w 2.40 chs a 19 dog 0 w Pvniol to Soetloa 2Mt, amonAod bf Chapter 47 of th Uv of Utah. im. mod Chapter t(t the Lava of Utah. 1124, oad to the NEWS SALT LAKE CITY A- I I T 9 I I I f I I LskaCity Corpt city rosdai and stfc lying Inj dlst. Ill dralnag acrea ! Dr-14- ... 44.49 TAX COOPERATION PROVO, Jan. 4. Cooperation of ths taxpayers of Ctah county to facilitating the work of the assessor to naked by Lawrence Atwood, 7.93 county assessor. He asks that the owkners of motor cars have their certificates of ownership or registration in readiness when the as- saor sails. 1. 90 Mr. Atwood also gtated that the season will not attach personal property taxes to real estate unless tha penoas so doing la tb )sml 9.99 For Margaret Johnson - SHOSHONE, Idaho. Jan. 4. (A P) Funeral services will bn held at Richfield. Idaho. Friday for Hiss Margaret Johnson. 42. former Lincoln county tax collector, who died at Twin Falls county general hospital yesterday from splnsi inn- ' waa born at lngftt.8hs Fork. Utah. April 17. 149. BpanUh aad la survived by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Quet L Johnson, and three brother. Mark and Aaron, both of Richfield, and Frank A. Brit Inks City. - " "' - T |