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Show rr J 'I i J t THE DESERET : SALT NEWS LAKE i- THURSDAY. JANUARY 471934 CITY in other esses. There were five suicides of children. There was intention to krll in most instances.' One child eight years old while playing With a gun atmed it at his mother and killud her. One child four years old kilted his father. Several boys - about thirteen rears old killed their fath- erj during family quarrels. The youngest J! suicide was eight years old. AH these tragedies could v have been - avoided if guns and cartridges had been kept oat of peoples liouser, or at least - in such .carefully locked places thal cunous children, could not take possession of them. If fathers . think sons and daughters, Who are that their pt approaching manhood or wonianhood, need to now the use of firearmsThen they shduld tram them carefully under proper conditions, butjeipenenee supports the thought that the unarmed man can go througlTlife with less than if he goes about eon danger to him-e- lf stantlyiwith a Joeded revolver, FRONT PAGE MEN . Published Afternoon Except Sunday Phooo. WaaMI- Salt Laka City! Qtah. Member of Tba Audit Bnraau ot CirculationSUBSCRIPTION RATES. U ...I Om Weak ... " . V OBI Month ... t.M On T.M " Ona law Of paid la advance) .$ cants Sins la Copies Idaho. Utah. to 'Tba above rates apply Nevada. Wyoming. Or run. Washington Colorado. Montana. Now Maxica. CaliforniaII and Arizona; other ststaa bp mail par month. - aAaMa'f Tr ,....aa.a.. : ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Jann, Inc. Noee, Rothanborg 1 Street Ea Now Tot Clty North Michigan Aeenuo Chicago Motor Building Gaasral Detroit Glano Building Atlanta West 10th Street Kanasa City. 51 California Street San Francisco., . -. NATIONAL. ..., - Personal Glimpses of Persons Prominent in the News of the Day by Melvin E. Coleman , House of Heading the Republican minority, fa the national Roosevelt to of the granting lo and oppose ready representatives is any more power than a Republican president possessed," Bertrand Hollis Snell. business man A plump, thick-aNew York, he la bare of Congress, he aaya. '"Now from known aa a atraight talking, lncla-- li have enough to liva comfortably, I certainly earned It." -ive acting politician, one who can-bcarry a fight through to tho last gnell has been In Congress sines or lose, retain thei!4. He knows congressional lora stages and, aln and what politics la about. Ho la a respect of his opponents. man of the good mueb In demand Roellts a lumold fashioned type. son ot a for such roles In his own stats, and AdironIn as a chairman ot tho foreman the ber camp permanent which re- dack region of New Y ork: Ho 1331 Hoover. Hls tavortte 'worked bik way through Amherst .nominated g In 'college by gesture la a full, outward JtinnUniea became... bookkeeper, snoop. of. tha right- - arm. for a mill, saved a goodly share of He wears carefully tailored sack fhis earnings and bought himseif'suits and la Inclined to leave tna an Interest In a cheese factory. bottom button of bts veat unbutFrom there It went on to banking toned. Ha has a round Jolly face ahlch breaks frequently into and power companies. I've" done more hard wojk. air engaging smile and show more menial labor, than moat m An- ct te self-ma- key-aeter -- national-convention The World at a Glance Entered at the poetoffica at Salt Lake City matter according to Act of as second ! Congraa. March X, Hit. Press la axel oat Tly entitled ?' - Tba f the oao for republtcation of all nsws dla-'to Z patchao credited to it or pot otherwise credited la this newspaper, and also tha local aawa All rights for repubUeatloa ' published herein. bar are also rasa nr ad. f spacial dispatch JANUARY A 1934. LAKE CITY. SALT lumber-Jackin- . BT LESLIE E1CHEL Central Press Staff Writer .NEW YORK New York looks for a quiet" 7 Congress." 1 'do .not. It is true that currency inflation will be much will loudly debated and lng? Tho Occident at Holladay ter behaved young people, hose occur. - President Roosevelt "has the situamight hare been avoided. Why are belter mannered and aa a rule more foremen enlisting men from the considerate of others. tion well in hand' (even though the silver THE HEAR PEOPLE AND THE . CONGRESS American Legion? Cut out One Charles Edward Russell na r people will to much talking). old reporter writear From rinio -- At PDESIDim MESSAGE granU will is true that immense-ne- w FAIRPLAY. to time among nr arise tad voiced works ever a stiffening .be made prophets, w ho assure us that manDiscusses Observer of interests. financial opposition all, kind is hopelessly wicked; that tho ; pwIE Presidents message accomplished It is true that bank deposit insurance and groas always wore instead Workers Wage Scale world A we believe, that he hoped for it Able tbe Securities act will be attacked but there of better, and all Is had. As a will be no change (this session); matter of fart, however. It Is through radio to bring not only iU content Editor Desrret News:' But it isn't true that a i for this old work week reporter, look, but hie own unusually winning personality My friend, Mr. Beales, in a re ing about him now, snd for industry can be pul through without a recalling cent letter, stated that no one conditions before the people ae well aa before Congress, fifty years ago, to esrupo atruggle. more sincerely believed In the the conclusion . be- - followed hie technique of keeping hit dothat tha world true 'And it isn't that the Tugwell bill, Principle, "live and let live." than not hot slowly better." he. I can 'hardly harmonize that He then cites conditions great constituency close behind him in theregulating the sale and advertising of foods, In Chicane statement with hio former letter and New drugs and cosmetics will not raise an uproar. march he has set bis leadership. York, then and now. in m which he naked for ll.M per Nor is it true that increase in gift and to snch aa . Mot only mey wn feel that we are taking regard things prostitudisboor for labor dnrlny these inheritance and excess profits taxes can be tion. drunkenness, sweat shops, low times. part la n moat interesting period of American tressing to a battle without the death or llh passed grinding toil. I presume that myfriendrad wages, long honrs i history, but' we ere becoming rather intimatej powerful lobbies. v Mr. Israelson's letter some time etc. X. CHRISTIAN whose Also ANDERSON... not That will politif a with sit is likely he etated that the iaxo, wherein industry president ly acquainted calmly by while labor. tries to have-tb- e (farmer.- - these last few year, has in cal craftsmanship seems superior .to that of. .not received 10 cents per hour for labor clause acts written recovery any man who has preceded him. (his work. I know this to be true I Pointed Paragraphs permanently into the federal laws. from my own experience. When Bis own relative, from whom he- derives And of course regulation of stock and we realize that the taxable propThe miser's creed contains e much of bis inspiration, tho first Roosevelt. commodity exchanges will be resisted by erty of the slate has to pay for- large saving clause. those who operate those exchangee. -- money borrowed for relief purimmediately comes to mind in ouch a eom- -" It look indeed, as if 4 will be a momen'poses the worker's wage ocale be- - The teeth of time gre the one parison. In that connection It must bo m- tous session of Congress comes Important. The test as to whether the dentist supplies. membered that the great Theodore was the a new era actually has arnvedor whether the ured h will have their! erty owner Ja not sailing in owner. A firl Isn't necessarily an angel as chancoa-jsamboat from tha accession no property But ho takes eld shell reclaim iu d with fhe disadvantage of H I have been a property taxpayer jbecauee aba is flighty, know that the real Cut to Be Restored of it Ah ot.Salt Lake tori A Congress is thAzneflcair-peop- ll One thing seems certain this session of and this bank teller always has year r- fat American history; he refused the nominaand bis own bom too. tCopy- - nearly forty-fiv- e will restore the IS pec cent that Congress ts time first that my taxe thing ot Interest on band, the 1M4.) right. tion for n third term over the demand of a been cut from federal salaries. Jiad have aot been paid before the It la not always the head of tha ' Roosevelt Delivers Message in Person in Order wild convention; and later ha formed a new-pa- rty That will be a hint to private employers, expired date. But this year, on family that foot the bills. my ot account of to conditions, an states part tho administration views. according and carried practically To Observe Reaction to taxes ara yet unpaid, and my conNature Takes a Hand 8llence is a virtu that is fra- that did not go to Wilson. Those, it must bo thouot dition la only n sample Man, after all, is only e feeble instrument quentiy overlooked by fools. Talk sands of farmers in Utah. admitted, are high political aceomplishmentA toward accomplishment So long as these conditions preyou meet a womaa Hu crops become too large (tell that Going to tho earlier presidents, perhaps i my friend of Occasionally vail, I hardly think few word but ah keeps them -A -- the man who to Roosevelt wanted Jan. mind the President his of WASHINGTON the he He snd felt would assume that his work first Beales Ahem; starving) destroys instinctively Lrucra So Ibis col earns" more by destroying them than marIs worth ten times wist my work annuat message read and listened fa by the Congress as well as the common people in equal degree was An4 b lawn than See words: Voter are men ana women. who keting them. the country. drew Jackson, but Jackson made his great at bear the sometimes help officeholders to reglad to work for, II. a. per day. But even Aith ell that, production is too . and wife -- t had I time decision that at Tbe and a were to address session fa tire from politics. a joint Nature continues lo multiply foods. appeal to a elate and to motives that large. That seven children to eupport. i definite descent from the aspirations of the person was not a mere desire to revert to the (She cannot understand the foolish ways dollars waa leas than forty-riv- e a woman spends a. Occasionally " - T of men.) r . precedent set by Woodrow Witson. It sprang father per month. So I know that $ per tot of time looking Cor a husband least will at less men Yet, if desire food aftar she month spent him. properly production, on gets from a definite plan the part of Mr., RooseCalvin Coolidfe had a: wonderful poUtW-e- al Nature will see to that eventually. - In Cotide a smaU family ever entil we -- at rain seems-- to to enlist velt An Inchtbe of tbe at into trend the tbe be a a support country times batter gift, canny perception get lombia, for example, heavy rains have cut t tho man who la caught in I hop to aea the day whan all foot . coffee production 15 per cent. very outset of tbe session so thit Congress can of the times. Bat he would have been lost It without an umbrella. workers win bo paid a Jute wage. That's more than all tbe plowing under knotf what jibe American people jtbfak of the - anay in the sea of trouble that followed hit prosway wo reflect the J. & H. BODELU could Is tha Inaid e decora. cut Character a Tha Dcaem of crop. seme is which delivered message admitted. them. himself ha jo perity era, ss Uoa of man; Natures Prank reputation Is - tho While Mr. Roosevelt bss sn advantage that World Sloidy Growing The sagacity of tha nation's executive is whitewash on tho outside. Nor is the hand of man mighty even in ' Mr. Wilson did not have, namely radio broadshown in the speech yesterday. Hi message that which he builds. I Better Says Provo Man A New York youth lost S3 tee,. Joy From Work . Recent floods in the northwest will cut the Ho shared with Congress was encouraging. 0 In Ires than threo seconds-recentlcasting from the House chamber, the purpose of western north railroads tremenTha helrees said, "No. Editor Deseret New: motivating tbe war president was just the .the credit for tha recovery already-wo- n. The. earnings man's in possession; dously. ,ls placed A gifted writer, one of yoor local as that governing Mr. Roosevelt return I, mandatory tone. entirely lacking. Thera Delightful possibilities edlrecent The Milwaukee road ancT the Great Northa in contemporaries, aome- to 'nnwtioo was no detailed explanation. Actually there personal address. It i to give an emphasis to tbe annual message Maks up each day's procession. held forth the Idea ern each are reported to have suffered damEach hour of each day wo liva -- torUl that la Bono of their buai which ordinarily it does not have. the tho flood baa nover vine before was nothing new. -- Certainly no indication or ' age amounting to a million. Deserves aoms prudent action. world been aa wicked aa today. 1 It will be more,- than that for a traffic Reactions Wanted How blest la he who's dally work well defense was given of tho strong shift, which remember hearing similar No matter how great a philosorevenues cuts down -satisfaction. with Is filled tieup As a rule the annual message al the starTof a session U read correspondingly. .the country is undoubtedly making, toward can bring statements In mv youth and the pher a man may b he ran nevrr labor know Who - Increase Production! that on in a perfunctory tone by the clerk of eaeb bouse and the members disheartening effect It had out he Ie caught that whgl w have looked on as socialism in tbe Joy. The Roosevelt administration is taking Ihe many. But it seems surprising ihat!coj lay it aside for reading at their convenience. There is no personal And has deep sensation domination of money and money-lendin-g, wrong course in curtailing produciion. man. a acquainted! fro he's That pleasure with sacred and profane history. emphasis, no opportunity for the president to stress one portion or Hla chosen receiving fag to Harold Hotelling, professor of economemployment by government, control of pro4 many A man make a stren- occupation. ics at Columbia university, p another, and certainly no indication to tbe member of the House effort to recognize hie duty Joyless task la much tbe same duction, elevation of labor, distribution of tbe at various Instead of decreasing production." sayi practiced periods by son the', no with As that or the Senate as to what his colleagues may think of certain h( 1U be In a position to shining days - profits of industry, dethroning of tho public Professor Hotelling, the government might can torn upper classes and of tho abjectly dodg It. But that's work toyed sections. erretched the of lower and poverty ntilities. There was no insincerity. However each cloud .well take measure to increase production, by far greater majority should voice When a man Isn't getting the To show tha silver lining. To on small extent applaust and far the President may find it necessary to go intervening to lower eerlaro important paces this opinion worst of an argument with a womno toll connected with There which have not fallen as imieii as the general A11 will admit there - ts - much aa he la aura - to the left, ho has never published Any radi(roup psychology play an Import- way looked upon a presidential A laborla mad to Say. "Now Ian t a pleasure. ant part (n the formation of opin- address to a Joint session as somelevel during the depre-smand m some eases lawlessness beuo and that mortal that Just Ilka a woman!" we cal objectives. ion. With the president reading thing of n show.' Tickets are hard And this old world on which ts perfect but it must also be actually have risen. ing t live Most notable amors those prices, as bar--. hls message to Congress, the op- to get. The members are pestered Is filled- wrth richest treasure He message carries over happily jiist admitted that the - majority of It is easier fog some men to acGod'a children practice honesty and cumulate a million dollars than it' portunity for lnt rruption with ap- by more calls for tickets than they Tiers to prosperity, ore railroad and utility what is doubtless in President Roosevelts and who mind him his trains kindness Even in my very limited!18 ,or others to accumulate debts plause is something which Is ob- can possibly supply and the u rates. hand -mind. Tbe structure of government must served by the pres and the country tom of making to bait that sum, environment. I see aa increase m'unount-II1at To speeches wanthe proper balance- It is eyggestod thatllle government optm continued more or Jee after Mr. Whokeep knows Instantly just be adjusted more closely to Its primary funci the neh TirtB a merer, kiudiwwi, (Copyright, 1934. by The Ajeociat-b-4 never nerves reluctantly erate the railroad and the utilities, charging-fa- r p resalon In general may be of a Wilson's administration see ed Newspapers.) general helpfulness. I hrranati But consecrates his talents betj lion, that of allowing humanity to get an lower paces for thir s',rviee than now presidential speech. f tbs bothenit mads at tha capt- - To adding richness to the gift possible happiness 'out of living. prevail, and paying overhead cods by means The president hitherto would toL Most membeiw heaved a ei'gb Deserving Realizing of Improvement; of income, inheritance and land taxes. have to wait several dava to find out of relief. that a thousand artificialities have been self- Who oets his goal, then follows on. what the country thinks about the Presient That would bring about a tremendous Roosevelt however With every thought snd movement - isbiy built into the structure, he baa, never- -' increase m message. By having aa address 'feels, that at least once a year Until at last when hes called la and m busin-s- a generally, !he!ess, a keen aense of tho impractical, and publicity in the when the annual message called) And from his gift la parted, just as the abolition of tolls onxva1s and given the widest knows the foolishness of confusion. But he newspapers and on the air, there for by the Constitution is to be It will have Increased many fold bridges has been followed by increases in cn no be doubt the document will 'presented ho should go back to the traffic." , - ft one the feeling, and probably means to be Impressed on the people as no custom Inaugurated j. by George The extent of increase the in prosperity other message from' the White Waohlngton. give ft, that ho has chafed under the smug from such a move wuM he surprisresulting House been. has Valuta Fabtictty Injustice of tho present arrangement. One ing. according to Professor Hotelling. .. Mr. Roosevelt did not have la Few presidents have had tbe Protect Laborers might believe that at some solemn moment Utilities aa the day time many listeners on heea sens ot publicity values that he has vowed to his host nature and to tbe the radio a at night but the bulk Mr. Roosevelt baa Also none has Insurance, Says Worker Speaking of utilities thev eon-nlthis w ill read the address used the radio lo - Being who granted him his gifts, that he of the to the people the worst" national administration appeal from Editor Deseret News; r would j people aa much aa has the present do his pert courageously tocleansfe the. their point of view) since the hegmmns of the In their newspapers. i I da aot intend to take up end- occupant of tho White House: ' Tickets la Demand republic established system so far ae In hie powerlie. ; with Earl Jensen. I will leave gels Franklin Roosevelt la a nutshell Tne House mal under Mr. Senator George Norris of Nchra'ka has a iMTIlM ft IBipftrtftftt Mft. that to more able pens, but I obhi Kooeveita ha regim chance bten bdv . of putting through niaMirc, that good ject to Earl Jensen using tho word : DANGEROUS FIREARMS r V Anr prwjlJat the feet of Woodrow Wilson. It dole,' when It is Insurance. It is may cause private utilities ty her" ome cager d n tilt ad.iUltU!4U me 'to elt out to tho government;: th. tm to win public opin- - a capita riet'a word, and makes goenrhrghcijUuit enjoy reading th leti Paul. I AST WEEK a eerioua acrident occurred in . ?ay7!lU he ion la not after a aerie, of step, suspicious, reached-Dr. C. ter of '. Lund. W. addreea ,bnt while they are In operation. tn - north Salt Laka througirthe dlscbarga of 8M8!on 18 held at Th, opportunity to anllat public Parry, and Warick Lamortaux and a rifle in tha hands of a thirteen-year-o- ld v night. The recent national poliil- - support over the heads of Congrem others. WALK-OVE- R cal convention purposely bald come boforo either howo or any W are asked to insure Ufa Sad hoy. It resulted wounding, a brother, ni&t--! as a nccoaaity. why not!! property start m - though At is ' hoped the Injured lad will insure labor? It mesne much to ua . iifr. RoeNvelt wants to control hi JANUARY 4.114. are just' a cog ia a wheal and cover. The two were hunting in company of Capital has aj- - majority in both bansaa. Ho haa Wo Haber M. Wells and VV. H. Shearman wars when it ia worm it la cast out, their father, but even in this favorable sworn in aa city comm akloncra to succeed against our wish with our depend-- 1 eats suffering. the danger of firearms hi tbe hands of Georgs J. Keyser and W. H. Kora a and Her. r Health should slaohe bound so H. Gracn took tha oath erofflcarSBRy! ehiidrea wm ahown- that tba doctors. Indifferent to euri It teems plain that pistole and guiu should welfare, cannot take In a few min- ntea our little savings, and gut us not be witbfa tbe reach or Use of children. Punarai sarvices were held for Judge 0, into debt for years. Labor insured W. Powere In the Masonic tempi. Dr. Elmar They are highly attractive, suggest power and keeps up wages and lessens fear. A word about tha CWA employ.jt. Goshsn delivered tho eulogy. . Pallbearers adventure, and are sought in pise of toy 1 ment organize Uoa. or is It disorwere Justice D. N. Straup. Judga C. W. Morse, weapons with which children during their ganization? Aa army officer or Aqulla Nabeker, E. O. Howard, Thomas rumedy, ter batter Oaa aaytkiag A Bif Saving; and IT emld very earliest years carry pa exciting duels snd would make ooaao of th Marionaaux and Joseph Lippman. tad yea e four sergeant fa mdy bay heads look like- novices wkoa It a holdup among themselves. time as math ter yaur maaar. It terns coma to So Easy! No Cooking! handling area, it would childzes a ioag tim. sever w0a An interesting summary has been gath''Mother Mary Joaea prepared to iwhim do (on of thorn good to gather at Cough rntdinan usuallore Its testa. from El Paao to Trinidad anJ other points la Fair ered by the Western Prees committee Grounds the at avast sad ly reotaia a large quaa- tiw etaelive. This is pavitlwly the Colorado strike xone, whence she bad tity of plaia aymp e esugb rvmedy that meaey loaded like cattle Into trades ani through (eking seventy-fiv- e have food clippings during' but boor's aa over me iagrediest, rids ben deported the previous day by atate the flats j csuM bviv. Iastaatly, you feel it yesewhigb you can eaatiy make the first eleven month's of this year from e tbe and do a days work up to their troops. Officers announced her reappearance tvetiag tbe elr yewepM. It I home: Take 2 enpe ef Shoes .at knees la aastbra bests mud sad without a tedm and pblagm, germ limited number of newspapers, break, meant her Imprisonment. j telling of to hear th boas say to tho foregranulated sugar aad-4- the- lalsmed swwhrasvs, ssd smkes o- ' Tfirearm tragedies, caused bv children fifteen eup of water, and stir a You'vs sees man. arrer its "if there men are assy, bnstbisg any you few momenta astii disJudge-RobNarkneao. for 40 jeari ter psampt, teal lag resalt. dont like. Jet ate know and I will , years of solved No cooking! Ne trouble at all equal Thij siaiement de- -' member of the Utah bar, died at hi home In Pines b a bizMv cescentrated casc--" f give yon some oao that yow do. I Tbaa-geelares: tNrwt Pine, tba meat tv Balt Rake. Judge Harkneas ably defended tbe ' Would you oalt that driftag? Aim! wmeea of Pine, pour It irto piutlabV agent for GliiMrcti killed adulty in abut lets have lemV improvement la i Church during proKcution under tbe Edtuunds-Tuckbottle, and add jour vrap.cTbi g.tes no-4 ya ntced r fieaa iarJan, the system of paying tho men. of the, cases. Tbe killed playmates act a iuil pint of truly noadertui coui tvlaidcd. ,X . , . Why os am killed aea for blast- -' ' --- tliat-Bothi- -- ng- -- - for-publ- 7 -- ur t - grow-wors- - er it - - non-pro- p- first-inetan- cs - What Readers Think ' -- - -- dm r Im , tn ed ... n, -- - - din-wh- -- 1 , WALK-OVER- S i ANNUAL by' JANUARY SALE er - - I ). i ' r4 -- - NOW IN PROGRESS jL --- Offering Jnt SHOES ! Jn; as for MEN AND WOMEN AT How to Make Better Ccuh 15 Remedy ThanYou CanBuy m aa. b. Quality - ac7r ert ' ' er L' - DISCOUNT Main Spring Arch Stape and Style Pattern Included. - quieh-aetia- to 3 5 and Hose' |