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Show TTIE NEWS LAKE SALT CITY .THURSDAY 4 JANUARY mt for Frk $1J6 24321 CUT )cal 'year.Advances- Estimated in the ISIS the used President Siibmjts Annual Report On Needs of Budget V DESERET from 79.204 to V enlisted strength merino enlisted strength Ship Building from 15.404 to 14.444. This crease wee made necessary by tbe Funds Sought addition of new vessels to the the budget , MADE. IN n was provided to increase the naval fls- -i FtNDS!--- - S2N54&rand (Boulder canyon project, that no part of tbe shall be used for to determine the economic or financial feasibility of any new reclamation project. No new ap--; was listed aa a result Public Works Activity propriauon of the availability of funds wider the' recovery act through the pubMakes Expenditures lic works administration. to Estimated advances for Unnecessary the Colorado River Boulder CanTurn projyon project included FORPROJECTSi; fCon tinned Fnem Page One In- Drill, lrovtded wa for This waa (S.99M1 and marine reserves to pro-I,- j4 than the authorised obligations for naval for drill pay for I annual jvide VZ It was estimated, however. FARM, d the marine ! arilU CREDITS . um of unexpended funds fromi . 1. iTennesse Valley Au- PUBLIC continuing appropriations. expenses to care for suoot.ooo oooX thoiity 2,000.000, be would WORKS 12 454,000 the bringing Federal Land hanks ,Y.pndlt"rthe costs Incident to Atlantic 187.200; fro ect. .nto th. thtieet next Total,- - Lnasrgsncy.. 773,2500 lt ValGrand Call 500; Orlaad. (21 and it rePacific th spring (3,150.000.000 withdrawals actual by 3 400; Boise, Idaho, estimated ley. Colo.. to the Pacific In the fall. Total. General and the service from the treasury turn Naval aviation did not far so act through wtiJonal re-- very Emergency, less would. Jtotal 1214.14,104, reappublic-deIn addition to the partial- - pay! propriations as some ef the other public works administration madNorth ptatt 798.766-- " tirements unntcesaary Inclusion ef aa N. M.. 45,000; restoration, provision wa made for, branches. The estimate Carlsbad. the for Excess deduct credits 00; A) ft meted appropritlon for the reels-(r1- o WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (AP) a 44 per rent restoration begliyitng bureau ef areonautiea, after ex Grand. It will be noted that many of Ltion bureau to the new 135 Roosevelt's 1 of President and! message these the Ore.. promotion July Umatilla. 207 Texaa. 004; allowances. Items such as public work) eluding Increased pay HOMHflAM BONDS longevity pay In bota the navy were reduced 950,00 below the fall under appropriations mede'In follows today marine corps, . the 0.94- - and Wh-gtoi,. th 1931 allocation, gudrnfee4 actual ly (ra -- Te-th -expendtureaj.ut, in work funda.reaulted sum 2.744,040 of Congress additional TTapublio An S FedD.. GoVr. 145.040; Belle Fourche. It was estimated, however, that up TO taking place unUafter Juu10,4 States' reduction of I1.42E231 in the P'kim. 1:71.444; Riverton, the recently allotted 7.444,464 of Billions.) dal reclamation fund which wax' WyT Wash, I transmit herewith the budget 1924. Other Shoshone. Wyo River 4S,S4; Canyon dam Expense, likely public work fund for aircraft. et at only 1142.754 aa compared' , . for tbe year endlpg June ID. 114. federal project la 1.7(5.454. as compared- together with reduced appropriavtth th 1424 appropriation of ll.-- j It contains also estimates of re- The above figure do not include ... ( Total amount of the estimated with, (he 1924 estimate of 4.881.tions would permit maintenance of 401 404. Guaranteeing of ceipts and expenditures for tbe additional loans by th Reconstructhe navy's 1.444 plane program. current year ending June 4. 1924, tion Finance The general --fund appropriation! 1915 advances to ths Colorado 441 its If corporation. DEPOSITS BANK in the last budget was 1.441.444. and includes statements of the fi- which for the most part waa applied nanclal operations or status of all loaning authority is extended he Billion) on Boulder dam construction. iontem-plated June 10I92lTuia governmental agencies, including yond -Provision for continuation the Reconstruction Finance cor that any additional loans by this work through an allotment poration. be taken from would thereafter it funds .under . Ihe recovery ad of The estimate herein' given' and' Cm made unnecessary any estimate of Included to the budget have to do the new and additional recovery an annual appropriation for this fund hereinafter referred to. with general and special funds premised ter the New Desk Farmers -purpose from the general fond for the governments moneys They The estimates of receipts (or the DISTRIBUTION efef 12,000,000,000 17 owners 27 home works Cent, per public total, the fiscal yaee 1425, do not relate to trust and contribut- next fiscal year (ending June Itr.j" ,1 Maintenance Costa (to cn bjnkt and emergency relief worker get th redt. Bern ed funds, which are not governMaintenance and operating costs this money will be loaned, much' of It Is a direct Federal subsidy te ment moneys, except where ex- 125). exclusive of foreign-deb- t on almost all reclamation projects payments, of Increased liquor taxes various groups nd Individuals, according ti the National Committee pressly referred to as such. showed a decrease. Several proGeneral Financial Position - -- and of increased revenue flowing for Economy in Government. which received to amendments from the to jects the In annual existing message my -(A) These estimates of receipts expenditure. Today, by executive tion in the 1114 budgetappropriaare not ,974.- Congress I have already suromar- - revenue law. amount to on federal reserve are necespredicated that have I listed in th new budget. lied the problems presenteiThy the 45,479. Index of Industrial order,control toImposed board average of the bureau reReserve down exclusive work of th. debt for op-- ; Therefore, sary of the put depresdeflationary- forces ea of 81 for fiscal proprintlono and noted partibudget. sion. the paralysed condition which tirement, these budget estimates production 9 fiscal tor of the year and 194 tot -' the next fiscal jear show a 1925. Heretofore, emergency expendi- cularly Included: , affected the banking system, buslThe Tnnurproject ta California been subject to audit Bui Slcsk-Ttii- :! ness, agriculture,,- - transportation email surplus of 112.556,779 These Include net expen turesthehave not (B) " to borne be must mind this it that con, comptroller general of the and Arizona received a 194 approthe whole by reconand, indeed, orderly ditures alter deducting tlnuatlon of the nation' social and surplus does not Include any addi- struction finance corporation re- general accounting office- - Today I priation of 944.699. Tho 146 aa ' tional expenditure for extraoram, by executive order, reposing to tlmato for operation and mainteneconomic system. payment in 1915 Of 1490,419.(09, him the authority to conduct such ance was cut to (17.144. I have outlined the step taken dinary recovery purpoe not include This doeaj (C) figure Tho estimate on th Bote. Ida-It la clear that tha necessity for contingent liabilities-suc- h Re- an audit and tn continue to audit since last March for the resumpas still be with construction Elnsncs Corporation each each expenditure. Hereafter, ho, project Is 21.104,. compared tion of normal aetlvitlee and the relief and recovery will 1924-twith tbe Adtbs 11(4 Appropriation et year during restoration of the credit of the debentures issued to banks and therefore. Just aa to the departditional relief funds will be necas- - other mental expenditures, there will be, 21, 00. For Minidoka, Idaho pro- government. institutions - Farther needs of the conn Fiscal la emergency expenditures, n pre- Ject 11.24 was asked compared Calendar Of necessity these many meas-- eary;with 12.900 to 1924. area have caused spending by the try prohibit th. abrupt terminabudget and a post audit of The Bitter Reel. .Mont., project the tion No recovery program. reason of the fact that the By government far to excess of the person can on this date definitely bureau of the budget has had no which received an appropriation of Income of the government 100,400 In the 1935 budget as n the total amount that will control to the past over the var.The results of expenditures' 1 predict ious expend iturea, obligation, and loan for necessary construction and themselves in be needed, nor the itemizing of I ready made show Is an such beat amount It receives no fund under the repairs my allotment made by the emergency boncret form to better prices for The Milk River the task of prepar- new estimate. farm commodities, to renewed busl- - Judgment at this time that n total organizations, neas activity, to increased employ- - appropriation of not to exceed two ing the present budget has been the project la the asms State recalled 1994 a billion exdollars will, with - ment, to reopening of and restored the of 914.290 most difficult one since the budget appropriation (A) Partially estimated Saviags! and aeeguntlngAC went Into effect and. to not listed is thl. hndgt (B) Estimated. confidence to banka, and in well- - penditures still, to be made next Two fuyear eat ef existing appropriations, Oof to -' difficulties Projects in relief. Appruirtatlmg No be sufficient estimate are made for estimates of appro- tore years, will be substantially Tbs It is necessary that we make room for Tbe Current Fiscal Tear I shall therefore ask the Con- priationsbudget for 1935, exclusive of ag- minimized by the control which I either the Sun River. Mont, projExcBisive of debt retirement ef new furniture which is already the ect or for tho North gress admlniatrs ricultural to Platte have appropriation established. approxi adjustment ; project 44.171.609 for this year, budget Nebraska and Wyoming. In a not lion benefit payments and refund to arrive. So yon get the Recovery Evident estimates of expenditures. Includ- mating that amount beginning on Sun River of processing taxes, but Inclusive of Would Change Surplus project the budget It Is evident to me, as I am rare states of the regAil benefit. ing operating expenses the furniture in our regfor balthat of all th reguother la amount ta not Included to it evident to you. that powerful appropriations Unexpended ular government establishments This ance of the appropriation for con- -i ular stock is marked away down for departments end lndepedent es- forces for recovery exist. It by and also all expenditures which the budget estimate If appropri lar cm not ruction for the Including interest on laying a foundation of confidence tlnuatlon of this great clearance sale.' Come in may be broadly classed aa caused ated And expended, therefore. It tablishments debt end debt retirement are tn the present and faith to th fu- fiscal year 1912. 190 999 was by th necessity for reoo vary from will change1 the small estimated the com look around. You will agree that and When 22.64. and parmade J2, 90,292, ture available million that the upturn which we have dollars Into S th depression will amount this surplus of estimate of appro- so far seen will become cumulative. for th fiscal year 1114 for connever seen such BARGAINS have (ending June 4, 1114) to a debt increaa of nearly two bll ed with budget you "year to tho Greenfields lion dollara. It la only fair, of priations transmitted to the budget The cornerstone of thl foundation struction S54.441.44i.47. n of 1934 sbow reduction for tn -I they the good credit of tbe governThis total falls la broad terms course, to say that such a debt On the North Platts project the (4t4.9tt.t477 ment. X tow the following classifications. budget states that not to exceed It la, therefore, not strange nor 144.444 The estimates of receipts from tho power revenues In It academic that this credit ha 1 General;-,- no account of the additional reve- A profound effect be available during the fiscal . .1,199,114,109 Departmental upon the confi- shell 191 be nue obtained from for operation and main-- 1 'Vyear whh Stay a so oooeoeeeso dence eeeeeoe 17.tll.644' to Legislative necessary permit the In liquor taxes and new recovery ..e' (11,157.447 fromincrease to develop Into ma- tananeo or th commercial 7 item. Independent Establishments . . . . to the sum This tho last year's budget waa la proposed changes . s -y income tax law- - Since neither of turity. . .. wo maintain tho eourso I have 1129,40V. Total If beTbe 14SS estimate tor operation them tax measures baa come Leas Public Debt Retirement outlined, we can confidently look 7Z fore Congress an yet no accurate forward - i to cumulative beneficial and. maintenance -- on the Rl Grand estimate can bo made ef their forces represented . 3 ' .'v Total General project hi New Mexico and by Increased j la Increased to (347,44 yield. volume of buitoese. more general lexa I, -- Emergency: If aa However. from the 1914 appropriation ef proposed by - the profit, greater Pablle Work Administration 1.47,110.140 dima employment, of means. committee tlOt.OOO. and the ways Agncuitural Adjustment Admin letrstlon tax on distilled spirits te increased inution of relief expenditures large The Owyhee, Ore . project receiv, Farm Credit Administration 044 receipts and repayfrom (1.19 e gallon to 2 a gallon. goiernmental n 1924 appropriation of (1.. Z 141.74SA04 Emergency Conservation Work ments, and greater human bappl-Sea- s ed77.496 on are of rates tax and wines the for contlnuation of conRecenntruction Finance Corporation 1,949 7(0,244 . reve.10 the estimated : lncreseed, struction Ths 1914 estimate tor Tennessee Valley Authority ll.ono oof5 FranUin D. RooseteU. nue would be Increased by approx.. . . Federal land Banks operation and maintenance le 'eet 63,254 404 at 9,109. Assuming that ... 150.004.009 imately (54,064,404, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3 - To Buy Way Right by conoumptlon Is not affected National Industrial Recovery Administration ... 4.250,000 . X addltonaT galtoflsgs taxes Imposed DESIRE FOR BOY Th estimate for th Vale. by th states. Total Emergency 1.267.414.709 is 12.944; as comCon.vldrreble additfonsl revenue EXPLAINS WHY MAN Ora. project Total General and Emergency. Less Public Debt Many types of living room suites are represented to tkis sal with 1914 appropriation the pared vs be fromalso a secured Covered tn mohair. TapRetirements . . . ... s e n FT w.tttv9.443.40 917 The 19,919. of group' gome two- - and som tkrea-pleABDUCTED ORPHAN unexpended changes In th lneeme-ta- i. velour all eolers. Meetly one of a kind, se come early. balance shall be available for estry, which law. as may amount to Expenditures for fiscal of n ,, OMAHA Neb . 4 (AP) A l DOW X S MONTHLY ending June 10. 1424: llnfraas would be partially offset much aa 156 609 600 for n full fathers desire teJam have a boy to The Klamath project hr Oregon . X against these expenditures, er. , and California received aa take nJ approcollateral the br of own his egalnet son. who 1 place The estimatao for th poet effma which have either been nppropnet-in the 1915 budget of I d tor or for which appropriations ud asset pledged. department are predicate) upon a died to a motor car accident waa priation a compared with tha csw esa given -.today re asked, th estimated receipts Therefore, the total debt. If why postal Bobby Walsh was tak- timate of 49.949. Th budget profor nonlocal man - It highly lor tht fiscal year (ending June crMMj v. th. i.u., vides revenues received from the en front an orphanage, 0. 124) At tl.259.ttt.764. this rate fiscal year 1915. "I wamed a boy and Just want lease of marginal land to th Tuie 0 On thl baaA, Including, J recommend it coutto- ,7 dJrlr (heto jjnued. Lake (UvMon. shall-b- o available bt him1 the police quot- (64 got approximately uanre. ever, certain Additional bxpsnd-jou- a ed George- - W- ,- McDonald. 17- ,- of for refunds to leaeeeo in case to 19,s- ? 6n 3ane turea lor 134 which are not Economy Legislation to 7 be.ef that so far' a we can) The estimates of appropriations Omaha as tmjlng a'ter be and the which It becomes necessary eluded to the budget estimates but to be necessary make estimates with our present submitted In the budget Are predl-an- boy. had been found in a rooming make refunds because of flooding 'which I beiiei Taki-m1925 house The estimate for an aftrr the should extensive search government rated ou the continuation of cer amounting to H44,000.0Siln(eJas Wash., project la aa shown to n subsequent table seek to hold the total debt within tain economy legislative prov is joiv which began with Bobby disap- from the orphanage lagt, con,Pared with tha 1914 appropria- the whiih I ask (o be enacted and Furthermore, excess of expenditures this amount. the herein, a Bobbr-wiT-sre-a tlon of 4:6,46 during the balance of which are appended hereto ""The returned to receipts will be 7,144.944.- - government thi calendar year should plan tO: most important I-- 2IL Operation and maintenance costs is that having to ?, orPhHage, none the worse for on the Riverton. Wye., project ere o aaPPrience Interest charges on the borrow-T- . bring its 1934 expenditures, with reduction of compensation! Z .1 A t:p from Robert Barrett - th.t estimated at 23.309 as compared Inga In excess of budget estimates eluding recovery end relief, within, of federal employes revenue expected In the fiscal His eminently f.lr that, th cost hB ha 1 WFn of nervo,, man- snd,ltb tbe 1934 appropriation will e this figure. The ShoehOne. Wyo. On th basis of these estimates. year 1916. Bobby m the of liv Ing having fallen as compared X hUe vbrouht out Mc- - ProJct etlmate ln th new budget Goat Held Jnvtified. ths public debt. In tbe strict sense with 192. the employees of the r?''-,- u 1SM of the term, at the expiration of pproprU' T , government sustiln some reduction 12.00. thus fiscal ear win therefore po11" that hl t n wa In compensation. Thl is not .,?,d to n to defray estimate Relative amount to approximately J79.S47.- hi that own consistent with our t Of 'sd- SPECIAL 2 klI1d h4 b 06.694 or aa Increase as shown over seven billion dollars. My estl-- 1 locating an Increase police 9 ear, the cent of operating and in wages Pining Room Suites son of which nn eutly ' above of 7,399,0(2.211. . Ulntag the Colorado river front . which you should for the coming fiscal year .industry, thin price. Her ta twico worth opportunity ? 6eB cry-- h However, aa against this to- - (show an excess of expenditure ov4r T For wage there had fallen far1. not miss. Como oarljr for host selections. w ereaa In (he total debt figure. U receipts of two billion dollara We beyond any reduction contemplated i m DOWVm MOXT8LY found'r"hool1 Pln to .have.... thlPd Lld bright te point out that ,t havelKalancaS for rederal 'but and in most definitely . had "Intended to' potato but 48.904 Appropri-- 1 1'sd'eVare e'ten'now k Jh r iron. - outstanding with a book of recovery .nd fromTh.t tim. cn Clow compenLtlon Srid federal T th.Ated in thS 1924 budget and that bU "JUCUOn he -Pr;tL,TertU,nC Wbrnh joyee. under ihe nrixlmum reover4 This or hen pledged. execs, vlItive'nrTrTT7 expenditure, Among toe to order to make clear to the revenue, .mourning 10 over, mnejapte7ldp in hereto promhmng Congrea. -- What our borrow togs, billion dollars during two , iaulomatfc In compensa; pioblem Is for the next 4 monthaJ years has been rendered neeeararoT. .TT?" n navy- - Iani XCP wel to me to ar?n,r remind con.J10" that e th. to bring you permit sound country after the unexampled crisis T'J'tnfl lr0r3't T1 personnel of 7 shall have to borrow approximate-dttio- n services these three are j we engaged In 7 ly 4 billion dollars of new money' which encountered last spring a life service to their country. Some : and. to addition. 4 billion dollars It is a large amount, but the im-- i by reason of toe pay freezes to meet maturities of a . like measurable benefits )uttfy sustained reduction In compenea-- 1 - amount. cost, of more thah ? percent. They: The The Fiscal Year 125 following table ,hows r of . expen- - icnditure and receipts for the fls-- are- - therefore in a different budget estimates -d itureg ' exclusive of debt retire-vcu- .l yeers 134 s n 25s con mental ment of 525.743,894 and ezclusive!tainedltt toe budget, agencies They should. In (he ad- - also of such ram aa may be nece- -; illlonsl expenditures plus which will 1985. be released from the restric-- 1 made out of additional author! tlon on automatic Increases In ary for new and extraordinary re-- ,t n1 appropriations here t compensation covery purposes, for th fiscal jear.lafon Control- June 4. 1935. .meant to rccommePded.. It shows, a' :r ending Up to now there has been no 3.90.799,700. j estimated increase in the public ana toe hook value of assets control over emergency , Again summarizing the ntainj SPECIAL of these expenditure.peld 38 curi,y against loans. heading Bedroom 8nlte-- 4n nun styles too. Boms Walnut or Mahogany: Item.! the Into they fall following or oms One two modern ouch styles. 1934-3- 5 period styles. lmgM 1931 I Z General: . value st this prtco -9 ear period 3.262 74,941 Departmental 1 559 938.754 1.674.466,476 J 235 1 234,40 DOW3U-MOXTBLY Z Legislative .. 19,714.504 R t Independent estab- ur!, j 17 27 llli Uutlines Message Arimna-Califorai- Needs For Next 9I4.7ZS that" ClSj'S'T TJfyrd rorC a. An Increase of 1444.040 less made in the appropriation Oiaitobaounti -- Two Years bt .....,90, Nebraska-Wyomfn- sU-S- m pjec. jrea T $r 2 17 13 f - fond?-Bould- er . - V7 (2 o. , 17 (xw pr - OLEfilflfje j - Ve -- Prepsre fer nsres Yczr Ch:! js -- S. , 101 19:1.7-The- se 1 Crest 1 j dlvt-Mo- n. .- f; e .......... , ' ...... , ....... : L , Snarl A Group of 14 Living' Dean Suites special admln-tetratt- 0( c. pur-cha- right-of-wa- y. 45.-0- thraon -- 1 r"brnt tlt how-i'5- m d a. t!t.00 Pnc in-d- alightiy-lDcreas- :y Dining Dean Suites ''o'1 -- ln" t ' main-mat- es u I : yr coVAtVrUtsh. l Wei i ll at Sacrifice Prices (bty ot -- , I ; Til : dll t DcJrc:n Snitcs in f.lany Different Styles 1 ... IhtoMili Total - .343-44- .......-rr.tLTOUIf.OO- public-de- bt 5 "3,' . r.ttrementK .... ..... G,,,, Agricultural adjutt- - j 6Jo.7fo.:7 625.763 900 ment (14 66 646 Total, generar . . 1,237,61 2,200 Emergency" (B) 6.357 486 769 Emergency: 9A4 066)967 Public works sdmin- Z Additional expendi1.489, 983.100 ' ministration ture from s. Agricultural adjust- appropriament administra 1 1(6 600 00(i tions tion- 3.000, OOO. Total expenditure, 10 56V, nos 97- -- i . Emergency - conser- Increase In debt tC T169.068,:ir'' 45.190.009 Estimated book ttUm -- work . . . of assets Reconstruction ' Corpora (value as security tlon (I) 3 -- i r 4I 1 486.788 206 5.017.688.48T 750,744 600 1.265 544.060 7.680,773,204 13 363,805,467 723 286.564 2 960,798 760 addi-ition- al -- A. ' 3L000.40Q.4Oa 5.960-7997- '1,98.133.221 y-- 3.J 66.604.000 18 329 905,467 . 9.295,201.432 5,461,969,373 We Value Hmtmd FROM th peak ef SZMwqaoefiOe In 11I, the publl Beht Shram to solid line was reduced te IKJOIUXXLOOO In 1930. It la ness an the way up. reached UUOOJODJOO w 193. may je to BWjBOOgOCOJOB In 1934. Frilsrtt rrpmlHurA sliuww to the dotted tine; vary with the Pohiic debt Ordinary expend Hurts hrau 4 during ton tost year but extroerdlnary expenditures, te Beene the New Oral, contributed a 2,097,000,000 deflelt during th first sis month uf th fiscal year utarting Jury, 1933, according t th NgUenal Cenunittf fer Eceneeiy la Government. i i I 'j j 'I Out-o-To- Trade SD Shop by Mail with John West to Fill Your Order |